300字范文 > 信息用户教育 information user education英语短句 例句大全

信息用户教育 information user education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-28 14:14:52


信息用户教育 information user education英语短句 例句大全

信息用户教育,information user education

1)information user education信息用户教育

1.The paper educes it is necessary for the university library to developinformation user education, through analyzing the actual situation and problems of the information users, for example complicated information demand, dull information consciousness and lower information ability, in the university library.通过对目前我国高校信息用户的情况及存在的问题,如信息需求参差不齐,信息意识不敏锐、信息能力较低等方面分析,得出高校图书馆开展信息用户教育的必要性。


1.The Study of Information Users Education for Agricultural under Network Environment;网络环境下农业高校信息用户教育研究

2.The Construction of Self-guided Information Users Education System under Network Environment网络环境下自导式信息用户教育系统的构建

3.The Transform of College Information Customers Educationand the Reconstruction of Their Teacher Ranks in the Age of Network;论网络时代高校信息用户教育变革与教师队伍的重建

4.Study on the Information Needs of Library Users and the Users Education图书馆用户信息需求及用户教育的研究

5.The Significance of Information Consumer Education to the Expansion of Information Markets;试论用户信息教育对信息市场开拓的重要意义

6.The Users Education of Information Quality in the Library of the Learning Society;学习型社会图书馆用户信息素质教育

7.User Digital Resources Utilization and Information Literacy Education under Network Environment网络环境下用户数字资源利用与信息素质教育

8.Investigation and Analysis of Information Needs by Users of the Library of Guizhou Education Institute;贵州教育学院图书馆用户信息需求调查与分析

9.The Education of University Library Users Information Literacy and Its Evaluation Standards;高校图书馆用户信息素质教育及其评价标准

10.The Significance of Subscribers Education to the Internet Info-service in College Libraries;用户教育对高校图书馆信息服务的影响

11.Study on the Information Literacy Education for Library"s Users under the Internet Environment网络环境下图书馆用户信息素质教育研究

12.On Information Quality Training of College Library Users in Information Age;信息时代高职院校图书馆用户信息素质教育初探

13.Reform of Education for the User to Improve Information Quality -Problems in the education for the user in the college library and the measures of reform;改革用户教育 提高信息素质——谈我院图书馆用户教育存在的问题及其改革措施

14.On Networking-informationized Teaching Environment and the Cultivation of Users Information Quality;论网络信息化教学环境与用户信息素质的培养

15.Information Service Qualities in a Perspective of Network Education Colleges Websites;从网络教育学院门户网站看信息服务质量

16.Needs Survey & Functional Design on e-Portal of Educational Research教育科研信息化门户需求调查与功能设计

17.A Study on Application of Information Technology in Teaching of Employee Education;职工教育教学中信息技术的应用研究

18.The Application of Matlab in Teaching of "Education Information Processing";Matlab在《教育信息处理》课堂教学中的应用


user"s information education用户信息教育

3)user education/information literacy用户教育/信息素质

4)education in information utilization信息利用教育

1.This paper has discussed systematiclly the position and effects ofeducation in information utilization, the questions are faced with, and the measures and conditions of going deep into development.本文系统论述了信息利用教育的地位与作用 ,面临的问题以及深入发展的措施和条件。

5)information user信息用户

1.This paper describes the feature, rules and existing problems of theinformation users demand in military hospitals.本文针对军队医院信息用户需求特点、规律及存在的问题,着重探讨了军队医院当前信息服务在新形势下用户需求满足程度的落差,提出了改进医院信息工作的具体对策。

2.This paper has analyzed the types ofinformation user and internal mechanism of information demand,and put forward the idea that the librarian program should be set up on the basis of resources sharing and collaboration.分析了信息用户的类型及信息需求的内在机理,提出我国建立学科馆员共享系统走资源共享之路的观点。

3.The article analyzed the content of the foreign study aboutinformation users since 1997,its contents can be viewed from two angles of:user s perspective and system perspective.对1997年以来国外信息用户研究论文进行内容分析,认为其研究内容可以从两个角度进行划分:用户角度和系统角度。

6)user information用户信息

1.This paper first describes the basic meaning of communication networks security,and then,it presents stratified structure of information security,main content ofuser information security and networks information security,as well as,setting service and mechanism of information security.本文首先介绍了通信网安全的基本含义,进而提出了信息安全的层次结构、用户信息安全和网络信息安全的主要内容以及实现信息安全的服务和机制。

2.This paper has summarized the studies onuser information demand in China during the period from 2000 to in 4 aspects and elaborated them one after another.将2000~国内关于用户信息需求的研究归纳为4个方面,并加以阐述。


