300字范文 > 商标词 trademark英语短句 例句大全

商标词 trademark英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-30 16:20:09


商标词 trademark英语短句 例句大全



1.The translation oftrademarks is a kind of cross-cultural communication activity.商标词的翻译是一种跨文化交际活动。

2.The image and connotation of atrademark is playing an increasingly important role in the fast-developing and fierce competitive market economy.在商标词的翻译实践中,译者其实是在从事一种再创作。

3.Everytrademark word is culturally loaded.任何商标词都具有自身的文化内涵。


1.Lexicological Principles and Features Underpinning Meaning Extension of Trademark Words;商标词语意义扩展的词汇学理据与特点

2.Every trademark word is culturally loaded.任何商标词都具有自身的文化内涵。

3.A Functionalist Approach to the Translation of Trademark Words;功能翻译策略在商标词翻译中的运用

4.On the Application of Equivalence Translation to the Translation of Trademarks;对等翻译理论在商标词翻译中的应用

5.On the Translation of Trademark-- From the Perspective of the Functionalist Approach;从功能翻译理论角度谈商标词的翻译

6.On English-Chinese Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Sociosemiotics从社会符号学角度看英汉商标词翻译

7.Analysis on English Trademark Words from the Angle of Adaptation Theory从顺应论的角度看我国的英语商标词

8.On the Principles of Translation of English and Chinese Trademarks from a Perspective of Cultural Differences从文化差异看英汉商标词翻译的原则

9.The Overflow Effect of Brand Names in Common English Vocabulary;广告英语商标词对标准英语的溢出效应

10.The Influence on Foreign Brand Word from Modern Chinese Pronunciation and Character现代汉语的语音和文字对外来商标词的影响

11.The Translating of Brand Names from the Functionalist Perspective;从功能派翻译理论的角度看商标词的翻译

12.The Transliteration in the Translating of Brand Names and Its Reasons;音译在商标词翻译中的运用及其原因透析

13.A Relevance-theoretic Account of Flexible Transference of Culture Image in Brand Name Translation;从关联理论看商标词翻译中文化意象的灵活移植

14.The Translation of Brands and Localization--And Also on the “Diversity” of Translation;商标词翻译要坚持“本土化”原则——兼谈翻译的“相异性”

15.On the Designing Principles of English Trademark Words from a Perspective of the Economic Value of Language;从语言的经济价值角度谈英文商标词的设计原则

16.Whether The Standard Chinese Dictionary Is Standard──Discussing with the Experts Who Edited The Standard Chinese Dictionary;《标准汉语词典》是否标准——与编《标准汉语词典》的专家、学者们商榷

17.Analysis of Trademarks Based on the Vocabulary Theory of Seven Meanings;基于词汇七种意义理论的商标名分析

18.The famous trademark legal protection-is mentioned from "Google" by dictionary including;驰名商标的法律保护——从“Google”被词典收录谈起


Brand names商标词

1.Like other translation,translation of brand names is a kind of cross-cultural communication,involved in language rules,regional cultures,consumption psychology,orientation of value and other factors.同任何翻译一样,商标词的翻译是一种跨文化交际活动,涉及到语言规律、地域文化、消费心理和价值取向等诸多因素,商标译语中的信息接受者对商标译文信息的反应应该与商标源语接受者对商标原文的反应程度基本相同。

2.Coined English brand names are created according to the principles of linguistics,culture,psychology,marketing and aesthetics,as well as the attributes and functions of products.商标词的构成不是任意的,是有理据的。

3.The brand names generally contain specific meanings of a particular culture.产品商标词大多具特定的民族文化内涵 ,翻译过程中贴切得体地转换商标词内在的文化意义不仅可以贴切准确地反映出产品的质量特征 ,同时又可引发消费者的文化联想 ,对商品的销售产生广告效应 ,起到推波助澜的促销作用和民族文化的宣传作用。

3)brand name商标词

1.Abrand name consists of words,letters and numbers which may be vocalized.商标词是商标中能读出音来的那一部分,它是文化的一种表现形式和传播工具,其构成体现着社会和文化因素的制约和影响。

2.The ultimate purpose ofbrand name translation is to maximize its economic returns, i.”在此基础上,本文指出商标词翻译应遵循识别、显著、文化和美学四原则,可采用音译、意译、音意结合、创造性翻译等策略,同时强调商标词翻译不仅涉及语言、文化知识,还涉及营销学、心理学、社会学及美学等各学科知识,而且需要极强的艺术想象力和创造力。

3.This paper argues that functionally culture image attached to abrand name is the core meaning and should be reasonably transferred into the target language under the guidance of "Skopos theorie" inbrand name translation so that respect is paid to the culture of the target language.从商标词的显著性及宣传与劝诱功能来看,商标词的文化意象是商标词义的重要组成部分,因此商标词的翻译应以"目的论"为指导,尊重和顺应目的语文化,灵活处理商标词的文化意象。

4)trademark word商标词

1.Language contact,as a kind of catalyst,induces great changes in Chinese lexicon,among whichtrademark words are also changing in two domains: The former Chinese Pinyintrademark words are changed into Englishtrademark words;there are coined Englishtrademark words as well as proper nametrademark words and common wordtrademark words.改革开放以来,中西文化交流更加频繁,语言接触作为一种"催化剂"使我国的语言文字发生了多方面的变化,其中商标词也在悄悄发生着改变:从过去的汉语拼音商标词改进为正规的英语商标词;从过去的专有名词、普通名词商标词扩大到臆造词汇商标词。

2.Homophone translation,a new translation method with distinctive Chinese features,has been widely and successfully used to translate foreigntrademark words in recent years.谐音双关法是一种富有中国特色的新的翻译方法 ,近年被广泛用于商标词翻译中 ,并获得了极大的成功。

3.This paper focuses on the coinage oftrademark words on the basis of word motivation.本文从商标词的构词理据着手 ,探讨商标词的翻译技


1.The translation oftrademarks differs from that of texts in two aspects:the translation of trade- marks involves nor grammar nor contexts;the Chinese and Englishtrademarks have their respective functional features and different ways they are named.商标词翻译不同于一般的语篇翻译,一是因为它没有语法、没有上下文语境;二是因为商标词有着各自的取名规律和功能特征。

2.The translation oftrademarks is a kind of cross-cultural communication activity.商标词的翻译是一种跨文化交际活动,涉及到语言规律、地域文化、消费心理和审美取向等诸多因素。

3.This paper, employing the principle of translation equivalence, reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of the translations of thetrademarks of China s 191 famous export commodities and puts forward some effective suggestions as to how to improve the translation of suchtrademarks.本文根据等效翻译原则分析了中国商务部公布的-国家自主培育和发展的191个出口名牌品牌名翻译的现状,指出了其中可取之处以及存在的问题,针对问题提出了一些改进建议,并指出出口商标词英译时应特别注意的几个问题。

6)trademark words商标词

1.The paper introduces the concept of meme and its life cycle,expounds the reason why idioms,common sayings,famous remarks and classic poems become successful memes and propagate intrademark words.通过介绍模因的概念及模因的周期理论,说明成语、俗语、名言、诗词名句、人名和地名等模因在商标词中被成功复制和传播的原因,着重分析了基因型的商标词模因和表现型的商标词模因,为人们打造强势的商标词模因提供一些有益的启示和借鉴。

2.The emergency of Englishtrademark words of Chinese goods owes much to the purpose of surviving the sharp international competition by adapting to the contexts such as the social world,the mental world,the physical world and the communicative intentions.我国英语商标词的出现,是商品参与国际竞争的结果,顺应了社交世界、心理世界、物质世界等语境因素以及交际目的。


如此江山 泛曲阿后湖 曲阿词综曲阿词综中,【诗文】:依依杨柳,青丝缕、掩映绿波南浦。燕掠横斜,鳞游荡漾,恰是湔裙时序。清泠如许。恍镜影空磨,簟痕密聚。欲问伊人,且自溯洄前渚。并倚木阑无语。到来还、远树遥山,凝眸同睹。雁齿参差,*流逦迤,多少鸥群鸳侣。最饶闲趣。且酒斟绿蚁,玉杯时举。*乃一声,移入柳阴深处。西半夜惊罗一首,乃黄 词。 眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋一首,乃张孝祥词。堞恋花越女采莲秋水畔一首,乃欧阳修词。相见欢无言独上西楼一首,【注释】:【出处】:
