300字范文 > 规划调度 planning and scheduling英语短句 例句大全

规划调度 planning and scheduling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-29 02:39:55


规划调度 planning and scheduling英语短句 例句大全

规划调度,planning and scheduling

1)planning and scheduling规划调度

1.For solving the temporal-relatingplanning and scheduling problem, a dynamic algorithm is proposed based on temporal constraints network (TCN).为解决与时间有关的规划调度问题,提出了一种基于时间约束网络的动态算法。

2.And then aplanning and scheduling model based on Theory Of Constraint(TOC) was proposed based on the five principle steps of TOC.针对工件动态到达、批处理、可重入、生产时间离散化、多品种混合生产的半导体生产线问题,在约束理论五步原则的基础上,提出了基于约束理论动态规划调度模型。


1.Service Agent-Modeling and Plan Scheduling System服务Agent的建模与规划调度系统

2.Optimization Theory Research on Post Route and Mail Cart;邮路规划与邮车调度最优化理论研究

3.TRACS II-An Driver Scheduling System Based on Integer Linear Programming;基于整数规划的驾驶员调度系统—TRACSII

4.Research on dispatch training base construction scheme for Jiangxi Power Grid江西电网调度实训基地建设规划研究

5.Research on the Planning of Inland Empty Container Depot Network and Models for the Allocation of Empty Container;内陆集装箱空箱调运网络规划与调度优化研究

6.Research on Path Planning, Scheduling and Simulation of Airplanes飞机起飞调运航路规划、调度与仿真研究

7.A Test Scheduling Method of SOC using Evolutionary Programming一种基于进化规划的系统芯片测试调度方法

8.Analysis of supply chain optimization planning and scheduling in mass customization大规模定制模式下供应链计划调度优化分析

9.Research on Planning and Scheduling Technology of Manufacturing Production Logistics System;制造业生产物流系统规划与调度技术研究

10.Study on the Planning and Designing of Shandong Airlines Business Dispatch System;山东航空公司商务调度系统规划与设计研究

11.A Study of Information System Planning for Production Deployment Management in a Port Corporation;港口集团生产调度管理信息系统规划研究

12.The Operation Scheduling Strategy of Raw Water Pumping Station Based on Dynamic Programming;基于动态规划方法的取水泵站运行调度策略

13.The Design of EMS System in a District Power Dispatching Automatization System;地区电网调度自动化EMS系统设计规划研究

14.Synchronous Fault Tolerant Planning for Redundant Manipulators and Coordinating Redundant Manipulators;冗余度机器人及其协调操作的同步容错规划

15.Fault Tolerance for Redundant Robots and Coordinating Robots;冗余度机器人及其协调操作的容错运动规划

16.The Research about the Integration of Process Planning and Muti-agent Production Scheduling System;工艺规划与多Agent生产调度集成系统的研究

17.A New Strategy for Short-Term Scheduling Optimization of Cascaded Hydro Plants Based on Chance-Constrained Programming;基于机会约束规划的梯级水电站短期优化调度

18.Post-route Planning and Mail-cart Scheduling in Mail Transportation Network;邮政运输网络中的邮路规划和邮车调度


scheduling planning调度规划

1.This paper puts forward ascheduling planning method for nonlinearpipeline system which serves for multi-kind objects.本文提出一种为多类型对象服务的非线性流水系统的调度规划方法。

3)planning and scheduling规划与调度

1.An autonomous spacecraft control system includingplanning and scheduling,command execution,execution surveillance,and fault diagnosis was presented.首先提出了一种包括规划与调度、执行以及执行监控与故障诊断的航天器自主控制系统。

2.Intelligentplanning and scheduling is one of the key technologies on autonomous control for spacecraft and is necessary to be researched.智能规划与调度是实现航天器自主控制的关键技术之一,其研究和应用具有很大的意义。

4)vehicle routing and scheduling problem运输调度规划

5)planning and scheduling of satellite卫星规划调度

1.Thus the problem of making an optimized scheme for theplanning and scheduling of satellites is perfectly solved.该方法基于多目标进化算法和地理信息系统技术,能够在考虑多目标准则、多约束的条件下对成像卫星的成像方案进行优化,并通过可视化技术进行成像方案的决策辅助,很好地解决了卫星规划调度优化方案制定的问题。

6)Intelligent planning and scheduling智能规划与调度


