300字范文 > 批判教育理论 critical educational theory英语短句 例句大全

批判教育理论 critical educational theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 09:17:15


批判教育理论 critical educational theory英语短句 例句大全

批判教育理论,critical educational theory

1)critical educational theory批判教育理论


1.As Cultural Politics:Teacher Education in the Perspective of Critical Educational Theory文化政治:批判教育理论视域中的教师教育

2.Historical Criticism and Inherent Transcendence:On Theoretical Paradigm of Chinese Pedagogy;批判与超越:论中国教育学的理论范式

3.On William Foster s Critical View of Educational Administration;福斯特的教育管理批判理论观点述评

4.The Educational Philosophy in Horkheime s Critical Theory;霍克海默批判理论背后的教育哲学观

5.The Feminism Critical Theory and its Impact on Education女性主义批判理论及其对教育的影响

6.Criticism on the Theoretical Foundation of Moral Education of Relativism对相对主义道德教育理论基础的批判

7.The Critical Theory of Habermas and the Value to the Research of Educational Administration;试论哈贝马斯对教育管理批判理论的影响

8.On the Rational and Critical Inclination in Holmes s Theory of Comparative Education;论霍姆斯比较教育思想中的理性批判意识

9.The Critique and Construction for the Modern Education of J.habermas Postmodern Theory;哈贝马斯后现代理论对现代教育的批判与建设

10.Guessing and Retorting --Educational Criticism in Educational Research;猜想与反驳——论教育研究中的教育批判

11.Criticizing the Relationship of Subjects of Educational Theory and Practice;教育理论主体与教育实践主体交往现状及其批判

12.On the exploration of new governance of education equality in Chinese Context“中国语境”的教育公平核心新治理:一个“统筹教育论”的批判—诠释框架

13.Methodological implications and critique on western humanism theory of educational administration;西方人文主义教育管理理论的方法论启示及批判

14.Ten Arguments of Critique on Linear Teaching in German Educational Field;德国教育界批判线形教学的十条论据

15. AECT Educational Technology Definition: Discussion and Critics;AECT教育技术定义:讨论与批判

16.On the Critical Thinking and Educational Innovation of Philosophy论哲学的批判性思维与哲学教育创新

17.Education Cultivates Critical Spirit: A Study on Critical Pedagogy;教育呼唤批判精神:批判教育学研究

18.Research on the Essence Function of Ideological and Political Education from the Critique of Everyday Life Pespective;从日常生活批判理论视阈看思想政治教育的本质功能


theory of religious criticism宗教批判理论

3)Theory Criticism理论批判

4)Critical theory批判理论

1.Critical Theory in the "Post-secular Society":Habermas on Religion;“后世俗社会”的批判理论——哈贝马斯与宗教

2.The Aesthetic Discourse of Modernity: Critical Theory and Practical Aesthetics;现代性的美学话语:批判理论与实践美学

3.Horkheimer and the Projection of Critical Theory霍克海默与批判理论的早期规划

5)Critique Theory批判理论

1.In order to explain why can transition from Marx s politics economic critique theory to new-Marxist s society culture theory and this transition valuably research about human beings how to go out cultural-history trouble predicament and the crisis circumstance of industry society in 20th century .以此来说明从马克思的政治经济批判理论到新马克思主义者的社会文化批判理论得以转变的理路,及这种转变对于20世纪人类的文化——历史困境的出路和工业社会的危机状况进行了有价值的探索。

6)the Critical Theory批判理论

1.As one of the originators of the Frankfurt School, Horkheimer laid the foundations ofthe Critical Theory.霍克海默作为法兰克福学派的创始人之一,所形成的批判理论奠定了法兰克福学派批判理论的基本方向。


