300字范文 > 研训一体 the integration of research and training英语短句 例句大全

研训一体 the integration of research and training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 11:55:27


研训一体 the integration of research and training英语短句 例句大全

研训一体,the integration of research and training

1)the integration of research and training研训一体

1.In order to accomplish the work successfully, further research and practice have to be conducted in the following three aspects:the integration of research and training in narrow as well as broad senses, the integration in mechanism and structure, and the integration in deep and surface level.研训一体是中小学教师继续教育的最佳途径。


1.On Construction and Perfection of the School-based System of “Integrating Research & Training”;校本“研训一体化”机制的构建与完善

2.Thinking on "Research-training Combination,Communication with Schools";关于“研训一体、校际联动”的几点思考

3.Establishing New Institutional Structure of research-training linked item based on human-oriented principle;构建以人为本的“研训一体”工作新机制

4.Thoughts on "School-based Research Plan of Inter-school Interaction in Terms of Integration of Training and Research";关于“研训一体校际联动的校本研究规划”的思考

5.The Application on The Mode of"Industry-Teaching-Research-Training Integration" in Building the Personnel Training Base for Regional Hotel Industry运用“产学研训一体化”模式 打造区域饭店业人才培养基地

6.Practice and Study of "Unity of Four" Training Mode“四元一体”培训模式的实践与研究

7.Regional Integration Training Centre区域一体化训练中心(一体化训练中心)

8.On the Integration of Fitness Training and Military Training军人体能训练与军事训练一体化探讨

9.An Angle of View for Study the Contemporary Chinese Films;身体:规训的力量——研究当代中国电影的一个视角

10.The New Way of Thinking of the Training of Teacher as "Teach-Foster-Study" Integrated under the Network Environment;“教-培-研”一体化:网络环境下教师培训的新思路

11.Development of the Volleyball Teaching and Coaching Software Integrating Blocking and Defending;排球拦防一体化教学训练软件的开发研究

12.Investigation into Physical and Technical Abilities of the Frontline Police Guangzhou;广州市一线警察体能技能训练抽样调查研究

13.Research on Establishment of 《Standards for Physical Performanceand Technical Training of Front Line Policemen》;建立一线警察体能技能训练标准的研究

14.Research on the Training of Migrant Workers in Changzhutan Integration Process长株潭一体化进程中农民工培训问题研究

15.Thought on Construction of the Model of Integrating Teaching,Training and Researching in Public Security Colleges公安院校构建“教学、训练、科研”一体化模式的思考

16.A Study into the Integral Whole of Body and Skill Training of the Track and Field Athletes;体育院校田径运动员身体、技术一体化训练的研究

17.Experiential Training in the Enterprise Training in Applied Research体验式培训在企业培训中的应用研究

18.Research on Innovation of Training Content System of Equipment Support for the Integrated Joint Operations;一体化联合作战装备保障训练内容体系创新研究


incorporation of researching and training研训一体化

3)industry-teaching-research-training integration产学研训一体化

1.It aims at building a"industry-teaching-research-training integration"personnel training mode,creating regional training bases for the regional hotel industry.根据高职教育人才培养目标的定位以及区域饭店行业对人才需求特征,探索以社会需求为导向、行业企业为依托、校企深度结合"工学交替"、"项目化教学"、"订单式培养"、"课程外包"等育人模式,构建"产学研训一体化"人才培养模式,打造区域饭店行业人才培养基地。

4)the integration of teaching and research教研一体

5)integrative combat training一体化作战训练

6)integration joint training一体化联合训练

1.Theintegration joint training in military academies is a new problem.军队院校一体化联合训练是崭新课题,应更新观念,在充分认识一体化联合训练意义的基础上,努力探索联合训练的形式,逐步完善联合训练的内容和机制,探索一条具有中国特色的军队院校一体化联合训练的道路。


