300字范文 > 训练学视角 the view of sports training英语短句 例句大全

训练学视角 the view of sports training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 06:19:55


训练学视角 the view of sports training英语短句 例句大全

训练学视角,the view of sports training

1)the view of sports training训练学视角


1.An Analysis on Weider s Training Principle of Bodybuilding from the Theory of Sport Training;从运动训练学视角探析韦德健美训练原则

2.Analysis of Chinese Male Basketball Team"s Offensive Turnover in the View of Sports Training训练学视角下对中国男子篮球队进攻失误的研究

3.Analyze the Factor of Sport Training Effect Throwing Athlete Performance Stagnancy from Angle of Monistic Theory;从一元训练理论视角解析投掷运动员成绩停滞的训练学因素

4.A prospect thinking from complicated angle of view on the research of sports training theories--the chang of thinking about sports training theories复杂视角中的运动训练理论——运动训练学研究思维方式的转变

5.Time Management Training: New Perspective of School Mental Health Education;时间管理训练:学校心理健康教育的新视角

6.Research on Character of LIU Xiang’s Training from the Perspective of Specialized Physical Training从专项体能训练视角探析刘翔训练的特征

7.Chats in the High Solfeggio Teaching the Rhythm Training;浅谈高师视唱练耳教学中的节奏训练

8.The Harmony Sense of Hearing Training in Solfeggio Teaching of the Normal Schools;高师视唱练耳教学中的和声听觉训练

9.Strengthen the Training of Hearing Analysis in College Solfeggio Teaching and Improve the Students Music Hearing;高师视唱练耳教学中听觉分析的训练

10.Thoughts about stamina training for trampoline athletes from the perspective of core stability training核心稳定性训练视角下的蹦床运动员体能训练思路

11.Psychological study of English learning -strategy training;从心理学角度谈英语学习策略的训练

12.Integrating Listening, Speaking and Readingwith Writing in Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools;中学作文教学要重视“听”“说”“读”的训练

13.Discrimination and Integration of Strength Training Methods in Specialization;专项化视角下力量训练法的辨析与整合

14.The Focus of Experimental Singing and Ears Practice in Chorus Teaching in Teachers Schools;谈高师合唱教学中视唱练耳训练的侧重点

15.Effect Ways for Multi-voice Training in Solfeggio Teaching;视唱练耳课教学中多声部训练的有效途径

16.Talk About the Training Basical Method of the High Teacher s solfeggio Lesson;浅谈高师音乐教学视唱练耳的基本训练方法

17.The Rearch of "Immersion" Teaching Style in Chinese Teaching;“沉浸式”语文教学视听训练的探索

18.Enhancing the Backward Thought Training in Indefinite Integral Teaching;在不定积分教学中重视逆向思维训练


Gazing training注视训练

3)vision training视觉训练

1.Objective To evaluate the effects ofvision training on reading speed in low vision children who had previously used low vision aids.目的评价视觉训练对已有助视器的低视力儿童阅读速度的影响。

4)visual field training视野训练

5)Visual Training视力训练

6)audio-visual training视听训练


