300字范文 > 主要杂草 Main weeds英语短句 例句大全

主要杂草 Main weeds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-15 17:22:40


主要杂草 Main weeds英语短句 例句大全

主要杂草,Main weeds

1)Main weeds主要杂草


1.Annual broadleaf and grass weeds are major problems.主要杂草是一年生阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草。

2.Study Classification of Seedling of Cruciferae with Weeds in Xinjiang新疆农田十字花科主要杂草幼苗分类特征研究

3.Anhui Economizes Major Weeds Biology Property of Rice Field and his Chemistry and Prevents and Kill Off;安徽省稻田主要杂草生物学特性及其化学防除

parative Study on Characteristics of Water Physiological Ecology of the Main Turf-weed Populations;草坪主要杂草种群水分生理生态学特征的比较研究

5.The Study on the Ecological Characteristics and Growth of the Main Weeds in Lawns;草坪主要杂草生态学特征及其生长发育动态研究

6.The results of path analysis indicate that crab grass is a main weed forsummer grain crops in Hebei Province.通径分析结果表明,马唐是我国北方夏播粮田的主要杂草。

7.Preliminary Studies on Resistance of Weeds Selectivity of Wheats Agains Ttribenuron-Methyl;麦田主要杂草对苯磺隆的抗药性及小麦选择性机理初步研究

8.The Study on Weeds Control Threshold and Competition between Soybean and Weeds;豆田主要杂草与大豆的竞争作用及防除阈值的研究

9.The Effects of Paclobutrazol on the Germination of Several Main Orchard Weeds and the Growth and Development of Crab-grass;多效唑对几种果园主要杂草发芽及马唐生长发育的影响

10.chiefly Old World strong-smelling weedy herbs; comprises plants sometimes included in other genera: e.g. Tanacetum; Tripleurospermum.旧大陆的一个主要杂草属,有强烈的气味;包含有时归入其它属中的植物;例如菊蒿属。

11.Taxonomic Studies on Helminthosporium and Curvularia from China and a Survey of Mitosporic Fungal Pathogens of Main Weeds in North;中国长蠕孢属和弯孢属的分类研究暨北方地区主要杂草丝孢菌病原调查

12.Biological characteristics of several lawn weeds in southern China and experimental observations on their stress tolerance几种南方主要草坪杂草生物学特性及抗逆性

13.The chemical with is used to kill weeds the around crab crop plan ts.这种化学药品主要用来除掉农作物周边的杂草。

14.The Study of Technology of Weed Control in Ginger Field in Shandong;山东省生姜主要产区杂草防除技术研究

15.Weed-Resistant Potential Assessment of Main Cultivated Wheat Varieties in Guanzhong Plain;关中麦区主要小麦栽培品种抗杂草潜力评价

16.Any of various weeds of the genus Ambrosia having small, greenish, unisexual flower heads and producing abundant pollen that is one of the chief causes of hay fever.豚草一种豚草属的杂草,有绿色、雌雄合一的小花冠,能产大量花粉,是引起干草热的主要原因之一

17."For the most part, you just plant seedlings, keep the weeds and grass in check, and wait. "主要的工作是种上树苗,然后注意控制杂草。仅此而已。

18.The main practices which lead to these high average yields are pest and weed control, time of planting and fertilizer use.使水稻单产提高的主要措施是病虫害和杂草防治、适时播种和施肥。


essential bunch grasses主要一年生杂草

3)the worst weeds重要杂草

1.The present paper deals with the developmental zero and effective accumulative temperatures ofthe worst weeds, Paspalum thunbergii Kunth ex Steud、Polygounm lapathifolium Linnaeus、Digitaria sanguinalis (Linnaeus) Scop、Stellaria aleine Grimm、 Cyperus rotundus Linnaeus and Conyza canadensis (L) Cronq.研究了烟田重要杂草稗草、两栖蓼、马唐、雀舌草和莎草的萌发生长与出草的起点温度和有效积温。

4)Main herbages主要牧草

5)Cattle feed chiefly on grass.牛主要以草为食。

6)main impurities in alcohol酒精中的主要杂质


主要1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。
