300字范文 > 渎职侵权犯罪 malfeasance crime英语短句 例句大全

渎职侵权犯罪 malfeasance crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-19 14:30:24


渎职侵权犯罪 malfeasance crime英语短句 例句大全

渎职侵权犯罪,malfeasance crime

1)malfeasance crime渎职侵权犯罪

1.In the judicature practice,there is new chatacteristics and developing trend inmalfeasance crime,which lets the work of investigating and handling cases be resticted by many factors such as the objective and subjective factors and faced all kinds of difficulties,it is seriously influenced the heathy development of the work of anti-malfeasance.在司法实践中,渎职侵权犯罪呈现新的特点,出现新的发展趋势,使查办案件工作受到主客观等多种因素的制约,面临着的种种困境,严重影响反渎职侵权工作的健康发展。


1.How to Standardize Investigating Work Mechanism for Malfeasance Crimes;渎职侵权犯罪侦查工作机制的探索与规范

2.Simple Analysis on the Prevention Effectiveness of Police-affair Supervision as to Dereliction of Police Duty and Tort Crime;浅析警务督察在预防公安民警渎职侵权犯罪中的作用

3.The Joint Crimes of the Pure Crimes of Status and the Impure Crimes of Status in Crimes of Misconduct in Office;渎职罪中身份犯与非身份犯共同犯罪问题探讨

4.The Determination of the Subject of Malfeasance from the Perspective of Public Service;“公务”视角下的渎职犯罪主体之认定

5.The news media have also strengthened supervision of cases involving dereliction of duty, abuse of power and infringement of citizens" legitimate rights and interests by government functionaries.新闻传媒对国家工作人员渎职、滥用职权和侵犯公民合法权益行为的舆论监督大大加强。

6.offence of illegal infringement of citizens非法侵犯公民权利罪

7.To hurt, offend, or encroach on the feelings, actions, or province of.触犯某人,得罪某人伤害、触犯或侵害…的感情、行动或职权

8.Balboa was accused of criminal misconduct in regard to his record keeping.巴尔博亚被指控在保存档案方面犯有渎职罪。

9.Research about Acting Unfairly from Selfish Motives in the Doing Wrong to Serve One s Friends or Relatives Type Malfeasance Crime;徇私舞弊型渎职犯罪中的徇私问题研究

10.The New Study of the Contributing Factor of the Dereliction of Duty--and the Absence of the Holy Sense and its rebuilding;神圣感缺失与渎职犯罪成因——兼论神圣感的重建

11.The Criterion and Genre about the Crime of Malfeasance Related with Forest;涉林渎职犯罪的立案标准与法益的类型化衡量

12.Characteristics of malfeasant financial crimes and relevant criminal investigation;渎职型金融犯罪案件特点与侦查对策研究

13.Analysis of the Prevention of Crimes of Dereliction of Duty in the Forestry Organs of Liaoyang City辽阳市林业系统渎职犯罪预防情况分析

14.On Accomplice Relations of the Crime of Malfeasance--Allegation of the charges of the persons of status and of non-status论渎职犯罪中的共犯关系——有身份者与无身份者的罪名确定

15.The injury to credit rights is the principal crime against credit rights.损害债权罪是主要的侵害债权的犯罪。

16.On the Determination of Joint Crime of Malfeasance;共同渎职犯罪主体身份与职务不同的定罪问题研究

17.Thinking about Connecting Standards of Filing Case with Sentencing Criteria to Malfeasance Case;渎职侵权类案件立案与量刑标准衔接问题思考

18.On the Difficulties and Measures of the Current Prosecuting Work of Misconduct and Tort;论当前渎职侵权案件检察工作的难点及对策


malfeasance case渎职侵权类犯罪

1."The provisions of Supreme People s Procuratorate on the standard tomalfeasance case" was formally announced and implemented on July 26,.为准确打击渎职侵权类犯罪,有必要修改或出台与新的规定相衔接的量刑标准之司法解释。

3)dereliction of duty渎职犯罪

1.On the characteristics ofdereliction of duty and countermeasures;论渎职犯罪的特点及对策

2.Accordingly,the victims ofdereliction of duty and the possibility of particularity of great theoretical significance and practical significance.据此,探讨渎职犯罪的被害人存在的可能性和特殊性具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

4)crime of malfeasance渎职犯罪

1.This paper,based on the classification method of criminal negligence,pr ojecting the characteristics ofcrime of malfeasance,classifies crime of malfeas ance into three categories:malfeasance due to negligence of duties and malfeasan ce due to over-confidence of duties;factual negligence and legal negligence of d uties;pure negligence and non-pure negligence of duties.本文以犯罪过失分类方法为基础,突出渎职犯罪型过失的特点,将渎职犯罪型过失划分为职务上的疏忽大意过失与职务上的过于自信过失,职务事实过失与职务法律过失,职务纯正过失与职务非纯正过失。

2.When their capacity of subjects of jointcrime of malfeasance are unconformity with their duties, can non-state functionaries be the perpetrators, instigators, organizers and accessories of crimes that committed by state functionaries? Can state functionaries instigate non-state functionaries? Such issues have been hotly debated both in legal theoretical and practical circles.共同渎职犯罪主体身份与职务不同 ,非国家机关工作人员能否成为国家机关工作人员犯罪的实行犯、教唆犯、组织犯、帮助犯 ,国家机关工作人员能否成为非国家工作人员的教唆犯 ,一直是理论界和司法实践争论不休的问题。

3.A person of non-status can be the accomplice in narrow sense of thecrime of malfeasance, but not the coprincipal of thecrime of malfeasance.无身份者可以构成渎职犯罪的狭义共犯;无身份者不能构成渎职犯罪的共同正犯。

5)crimes of dereliction of Duty渎职犯罪

1.With extraordinary importance attached to crimes of dereliction of duty, the current Criminal Law has set up separate chapter for it, thus significantly increased the legislative length and content compared to 1979 Year Criminal Law.现行刑法典对于渎职犯罪的关注超乎寻常,设立了“渎职罪”专门性章节,立法篇幅与立法容量较1979年刑法大幅度提高,许多传统型犯罪更是增加了“国家机关工作人员从重处罚”的从严性专门立法设置。


1.This article begins with the problem of the evidence collecting of anpirating case which has been done by the author in practice, studies the necessity and importance of the evidence collecting and some other connected contents.国家机关工作人员的渎职侵权犯罪由人民检察院管辖,显现了国家依法治吏的决心,也是建设社会主义法治国家的重大举措。


