300字范文 > 犯罪观 view of crime英语短句 例句大全

犯罪观 view of crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-22 00:22:47


犯罪观 view of crime英语短句 例句大全

犯罪观,view of crime

1)view of crime犯罪观

1.From the point ofview of crime, the different views we hold towards the root causes of crime deter.从犯罪观来看,持有不同的犯罪根源观就会有不同的对待犯罪的态度,而有不同的对待犯罪的态度,就会有不同的控制犯罪的权力策略。


1.Crime is A Kind of Evaluation;犯罪是一种评价——犯罪观的主体角度解读

2.The Impact of Concept of Criminal Law and Crime on Research of Criminal Psychology;刑法观、犯罪观对犯罪心理学研究的影响——兼论犯罪心理学与刑事科学体系的一致性

3.The inspiration of the different association theory s criminal view for prevention the youngsters crime;差别交往理论的犯罪观对青少年犯罪防治的启示

4.objective elements of crime犯罪客观方面的要件

5.subjective elements of crime犯罪主观方面的要件

6.The scene of a crime is the objective material base of tracking down criminal activities and the criminals.犯罪现场是追溯犯罪活动和犯罪人的客观物质基础。

7.On the objective aspects of the Crime of Causing Traffic Casualties论“交通肇事罪”犯罪构成的客观方面

8.An Research on the Crime Subject and Objective Manifestations of Misappropriating Public Funds;论挪用公款罪的犯罪主体和客观方面

9.Elementary Analysis of the Paticularity of the Sudy of Criminalogy in theSubjective Aspect;浅析犯罪学在犯罪主观方面研究的特殊性

10.Embezzlement accomplice should have three conditions including crime subject, objective and subjective aspects.挪用公款罪的共犯必须同时具备犯罪主体、观方面、观方面三个条件。

11.Analysis of Objective Problems in the Elements of the Crime of Fraud on Commercial Instruments;票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题探析

12.The Comment on the Objective Aspects and Crime Object of Malicious Mischief试论故意毁坏财物罪的客观方面及犯罪对象

13.In the eyes of the law, Tom was not yet guilty.从法律的观点看,汤姆还未构成犯罪。

14.Stealing is a crime through the eyes of the law.从法律观点看来,偷窃是一种犯罪。

15.The Order of Constitutive Elements of Crime from the Perspective of the Criminal Objectivism;客观主义视野下的犯罪构成要件排序

16.On Objective Preliminaries of Intentional Connection for Joint Offense;论共同犯罪“意思联络”的客观预备性

17.The main objective and subjective cause of the crime in terms of underworld nature organization;论黑社会性质组织犯罪的主客观原因

18.Research on the Mens Rea and Actus Reus of solicitation in the Common Law System;英美法系教唆犯罪主、客观要件研究


subject of crime犯罪主观

3)Theory of nature Crime自然犯罪观

4)subjective elements of crime犯罪主观要件

5)objective factors of crime犯罪的客观因素

6)need theory of crime需求论犯罪观


