300字范文 > 高职医学教育 higher vocational medical education英语短句 例句大全

高职医学教育 higher vocational medical education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-09 07:50:49


高职医学教育 higher vocational medical education英语短句 例句大全

高职医学教育,higher vocational medical education

1)higher vocational medical education高职医学教育

1."Problem" designing of PBL model inhigher vocational medical education;高职医学教育PBL模式中的“问题”设计

2.To meet the requirement for training the medical talent with practical ability through the higher vocational education,the teacher of physiology should instruct the student in accordance their special ability,improve the quality of instruction by modifying the teaching method,raise thehigher vocational medical education to a higher level.适应高职医学教育对培养实用型医学人才的需要,生理课教师应因材施教,不断地改革教学方法,提高教学质量,促使高职医学教育上一个新台阶。


1.Research on the Teaching Reform of Biochemistry in Higher Vocational Medical Education高职医学教育中生物化学课的教学改革探讨

2.On Medicine Students Morality Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;医学高职学生德育教育的探索与思考

3.Regulating Running a School and Paying Attention to Improve the Quality of Higher Medical Professional Education.;规范办学着力提高医学高职教育质量

4.The Medical College Should Lay Stress on Developing Energetical the Medical Higher Occupational Education;医学高专应大力发展医学高等职业教育

5.Inquire into the stalling specialty of medical profession technical education;高等医学职业教育专业设置实践探讨

6.Evaluating the result of health education about AIDS医学高职生艾滋病健康教育效果评价

7.Exploration of Occupational Risks Education in Vocational Medical Laboratory of Students高职医学检验学生职业风险教育的探讨

8.Principles in Higher Occupational Education of Medicine;高等医学职业教育教学中应把握的原则

9.Research and Practice of Credit System Management in Medical Education at Higher Vocational Schools;高职高专医学教育学分制管理的研究与实践

10.An urgent need for biosafety education in higher vocational school and junior college亟需开展医学高职高专学生的生物安全教育

11.The Credit System in Medical Teaching in Vocational College;医学高职教育中推行“学分制”的实践与探索

12.Being Based upon the Reality of the Locality and Combining Education with Production--The Road Leading to the Development of Higher Vocational Medical Education;立足地方 产学结合——我院医学高职教育发展之路

13.The Role of Psychological Health Education for Ideological and Political Education in Medical College发挥心理健康教育在医学高职高专思想政治教育中的作用

14.Exploration on the Connotation Development of Teaching and Production to Higher Pharmaceutical Vocational Education;基于产学结合的医药高职教育内涵发展探索

15.Research on Utilizing ISO9000 Management Idea in Higher Vocational Medical Education;ISO9000管理理念在医学高职教育中的应用研究

16.Research on Educational Cost Measurement of Higher Vocational Medical Education in Tianjin;天津市医学高等职业教育成本测量研究

17.A Study on the Principles and Strategies of the Psychological Health Education of Medical Students in Vocational College;高职医学生心理健康教育的原则和策略探微

18.Research in Music Aesthetic Education of Medical College Vocational Nursing Students高职医专护理专业大学生音乐审美教育的研究


Higher vocational medical education医学高职教育

3)medical chemistry in higher vocational schools高职教育医学化学

4)higher medical vocational education医学高等职业教育

1.Exploration and practice on talent-training model ofhigher medical vocational education医学高等职业教育人才培养模式的研究与实践

5)higher vocational education of dental technology高职口腔医学技术教育

1.Practice teaching,an important part inhigher vocational education of dental technology,plays an irreplaceable role in cultivating students\" vocational ability and quality.实践教学是高职口腔医学技术教育的重要组成部分,在培养学生的职业能力和职业素养养成方面有着不可替代的作用。

6)Teaching in higher vocational education高职教育教学


