300字范文 > 台商投资 Taiwanese investment英语短句 例句大全

台商投资 Taiwanese investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-11 23:53:39


台商投资 Taiwanese investment英语短句 例句大全

台商投资,Taiwanese investment

1)Taiwanese investment台商投资

1.Historical Analysis on Taiwanese Investment in the Mainland during 1979-2000;1979—2000年台商投资大陆的历史剖析

2.Study of the Location Selection and Investment Environment of Taiwanese Investment in the Central of Mainland台商投资大陆中部地区及其投资环境分析

3.Although the regional distribution ofTaiwanese investment in mainland China maintains positive relevance with the regional development strategies of Chinese central government, theTaiwanese investment makes a relatively slow response to the western-region development strategy.西部开发战略实施前,台商投资以加工出口型为主,空间与心理因素是台商东部投资的决定性因素;2000年以来,台商投资逐渐转向市场占领型和技术密集型,台资西部缺位的主要因素在于西部相比于东部的经济阶段差、产业集聚差、基础设施差、市场化制度差。


1.Haicang Taiwanese Investment Zone,Xiamen厦门海沧台商投资区

2.Study of the Location Selection and Investment Environment of Taiwanese Investment in the Central of Mainland台商投资大陆中部地区及其投资环境分析

3.Attract Investment into Shenzhen from Taiwan Businessmen:Favorable andAdverse Circumstances深圳吸引台商投资的利弊因素分析

4.Historical Analysis on Taiwanese Investment in the Mainland during 1979-2000;1979—2000年台商投资大陆的历史剖析

5.These measures increase the attractiveness of Tianjin to Taiwanese merchants.这些措施增加了天津对台商投资的吸引力。

6.Statistics also revealed that Taiwanese business investments in the mainland is tending to increase.统计还显示,台商投资祖国大陆正趋向大型化。

7.Taizhou Municipal Administration of Foreign Investment台州市外商投资管理局

8.Because most foreign businessmen investing in Taiwan want to take this opportunity to jointly invest in our country"s mainland with Taiwan investments.因为投资台湾的多数外商想借此方便与台资共同投资祖国大陆。

9.Taiwanese merchants receive very handsome profits from investing in Tianjin台商在天津投资获利颇丰

10.Distinctive Features of Investment of Taiwan Business People in Fujian Agriculture and its Investment Trends;台商福建农业投资的特点及趋势分析

11.Chinese Mainland is still the preferred of Taiwanese investment;大陆仍然是台商对外投资的首选之地

12.A Comparative Study on the Location of Taiwan s Investment in Mainland China;台商在祖国大陆投资的区位比较研究

13.Analysis of the Investments of Taiwanese Businessmen in Southeast Asia after the Financial Crises;金融危机后台商在东南亚投资之分析

14.China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit- Platform, Stage& Rostrum!平台、台、英论坛—中国-东盟商务与投资峰会!

15.The Character of R&D Investment in Mainland China by Taiwanese Firms--An analysis Based on Manufacture Taiwanese Firms in Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province;台商大陆研发投资的现状与特点——以昆山制造业台商为例

16.The Enlightenment and Effect of Taiwan s Investment Craze in the Changjiang Delta on Fujian s Attraction & Utilization of the Investment from Taiwan;台商“长三角”投资热对福建吸引利用台资的影响及启示

17.In narrow sense, Civilian Enterprise, the foreign investment enterprise is not included.狭义的民营企业则不包含港澳台投资企业和外商投资企业。

18.Discussing of the Entry Modes and Ownership Strategies of Taiwanese Enterprises at China;论台商大陆投资的进入模式及所有权策略


investment from Taiwan台商投资

1.The impact of theinvestment from Taiwan on the motherland s economy;台商投资祖国大陆的经济效应分析

3)Taiwanese Investment Zone台商投资区

4)Taiwan direct investment(TDI)台商直接投资(TDI)

5)Taiwan businessmen"s investment in agriculture台商农业投资

6)Taiwanese investment in mainland台商大陆投资

1.Taiwanese investment in mainland China take a special role in the relationship between mainland China and Taiwan, it promotes the degree of trade dependence, drives personnel come-and-go and ship development and other intercourses between mainland China and Taiwan.台商大陆投资在两岸关系发展中扮演着特殊的角色,它在客观上提升了两岸贸易的依存度,推动了两岸人员往来与两岸航运的发展,以及两岸其他方面的交流。


