300字范文 > 无机轻集料 inorganic light aggregate英语短句 例句大全

无机轻集料 inorganic light aggregate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-01 16:23:53


无机轻集料 inorganic light aggregate英语短句 例句大全

无机轻集料,inorganic light aggregate

1)inorganic light aggregate无机轻集料


1.Effects of glazed hollow bead on the inorganic light-weight aggregate insulating mortar玻化微珠对无机轻集料保温砂浆性能的影响

2.Effect of waterproof agent on performance of inorganic lightweight aggregate thermal insulating mortar防水剂对无机轻集料保温砂浆性能的影响

3.Researching the Mix Design of Polymer Modified Thermal Insulation Mortar and Its Testing Method;无机轻集料聚合物保温砂浆配比设计及试验方法研究

4.Micro-mechanism analysis of lightweight aggregate concrete macro phenomenon轻集料混凝土宏观现象的微观机理分析

5.Lightweight aggregates and its test methods Part 1: Lightweight aggregatesGB/T17431.1-1998轻集料及其试验方法第一部分:轻集料

6.The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dye.氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透性,因而可以用有机或无机染料着色。

7.The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes.氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透性,因此可以用有机或无机染料着色。

8.Analysis of the Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Material"s Character Effect on the Concrete Capability轻集料混凝土集料性质对混凝土性能的影响

9.Lightweight aggregates and its test methods Part 2: Test methods for lightweight aggregatesGB/T17431.2-1998轻集料及其试验方法第二部分:轻集料试验方法

10.Investigation for the Separation/Enrichment and Mechanism of Inorganic Environmental Hormones by Solid Phase Extraction on Titanium Whisker钛基晶须材料固相萃取分离/富集无机环境激素及机理研究

11.Lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow blockGB15229-1994轻集料混凝土小型空心砌块

12.Research and Application of Flow-pattern Light Aggregate Micro Foam Concrete;流态轻集料微孔混凝土的研究与应用

13.Research on Performance of High Fliud Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete;大流动性结构轻集料混凝土性能研究

14.Research and Application on High Strength and Performance Fly Ash Lightweight Aggregate;高强优质粉煤灰轻集料的研究及应用

15.Experimental Research on Mechanical Properties of EPS Lightweight ConcreteEPS轻集料混凝土力学性能试验研究

16.Research of concrete thermal insulation block with EPS(regeneration) light-weight aggregateEPS(再生)轻集料混凝土保温砌块的研究

17.Curve of lightweight aggregate concrete compressive strength by rebound method轻集料混凝土回弹法测强曲线的研究

18.Influence of aggregates interference on homogeneity of lightweight concrete集料干涉对轻质混凝土匀质性的影响


inorganic lightweight aggregate thermal insulating mortar无机轻集料保温砂浆

1.Effect of waterproof agent on performance ofinorganic lightweight aggregate thermal insulating mortar防水剂对无机轻集料保温砂浆性能的影响

3)inorganic light materials无机轻质材料

4)lightweight aggregate轻集料

1.Study on sulfate resistance oflightweight aggregate concrete;轻集料混凝土的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能研究

2.Experimental study oflightweight aggregate pumping concrete;轻集料泵送混凝土试验研究

3.The mechanical property and resistance to elevated temperatures of geopolymer based lightweight concrete prepared with alkali activated MK andlightweight aggregate are very well.利用由碱激发偏高岭土得到的地聚合物与轻集料陶砂制备出的地聚合物基轻质混凝土具有很好的力学性能和耐高温性能;试验测试了其28d抗压强度和经950℃高温煅烧后的强度损失率,并利用SEM分析了地聚合物-陶砂界面结构在高温前后的变化情况。

5)light aggregate轻集料

1.Analysis on research oflight aggregate concrete and existing condition of application;轻集料混凝土的研究与应用现状分析

2.In this paper, we test every item index of natural coal spoil andlight aggregate in Gaoyang coal mine.通过对煤矿加工的自燃煤矸石和轻集料各项指标进行了详细的试验 ,同时对自燃煤矸石混凝土的性能也进行了试验 ,为大力开展煤矸石的综合利用 ,提供了可靠的参考数

3.This paper has researched on different kinds oflight aggregates as well as positive effect of content oflight aggregate to restrained expansion rate of shrinkage compensating concrete.本文研究了不同品种的轻集料,以及轻集料掺量对补偿收缩混凝土限制膨胀率的增益作用。

6)light aggregate轻型集料


无机1.任其自然;没有心计。 2.没有机会﹑机遇。 3.化学名词。一般指除碳酸盐和碳的氧化物外不含碳原子的化合物。如无机肥料﹑无机盐等。
