300字范文 > 校史 school history英语短句 例句大全

校史 school history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-22 21:08:12


校史 school history英语短句 例句大全

校史,school history

1)school history校史

1.Discussion on the mutual correction relation of archives andschool history in the compilation of theschool history;论校史编写中的档史互鉴关系

2.Based on the experience in compilingschool history,the paper thinks that analysing implements be handed by our predecessors is the important way to learn history,points out we must write the biography of famous experts based on facts and sum up seriously collegiate cultural tradition.根据编纂校史的经验 ,认为科学地分析前人遗存的器物 ,是了解历史的重要途径 ;同时主张实事求是地写好名师传记和认真总结学校的文化传

3.Materials aboutschool history are a school’s unique cultural and information resources and play an important role in creating and developing school culture and information resources.校史资料是一所学校独有的文化资源与信息资源,在校园文化建设与信息资源建设中具有重要的意义。


1.A Case Study of the Oral History of University of Science and Technology of China口述历史与高校校史研究——以中国科学技术大学口述校史研究为例

2.A Textual Research Done in the Historical Facts of Zunyi Normal College;遵义师范学院校史中若干史实的考证

3.School History Compilation and Studies: A New Realm of Contemporary Historical Studies;校史编研:当代史研究的一个新领域

4.On the compiling of a university history and the construction of its new campus culture;谈校史工作与高校新校区校园文化建设

5.a situation unprecedented in the history of the school该校自有校史以来未曾出现过的情况.

6.History museum of the university is vitality displaying window in colleges and universities;试论高校校史馆是展现学校活力的窗口

7.The Development History of Tianjin Normal University--The Basis for School History Research栉风沐雨话师范 蓝青相继说校史——兼议校史研究的依据

8.The Significance and Problems of Compiling the Development History of Non-governmental higher Vocational Colleges;民办高职院校校史编写的意义及应注意的问题

9.Considerations about Some Problems Relevant to University History Showroom and Archives Compilation;高校校史陈列馆与档案编研有关问题的思考

10.a critical time in the school"s history.学校历史的关键时期。

11.Absolutely. Wing Commander Temple-Smithson.当然,中校 天堡-史密斯。


13.Did you take history at school?你在学校上过历史课吗?

14.On Excerpts of Han Shu in Three Annotations of Shi Ji点校本《史记》三家注称引《汉书》考校

15.On the Development of School-based Local-history-oriented Curriculum at Secondary School Level;以地方史为主的高中历史校本课程开发

16.The Necessities to study The Chinese History on the No-History Departments in Colleges;高校非历史专业开设中国通史的必要性

17.A Discussion on the Compilation of the Suitable Teaching Material of Chinese History of Historiography and Teaching Methods;中国史学史校本教材的编写和教学法浅谈

18.From"History with Painting"to"Painting with History"--Study of Teachig Thoughts and Methods on Aut History;从“以史带画”到“以画带史”——高校美术史教学思路与方法探讨


university history校史

1.Due to the unique position ofuniversity history in the educational, cultural and social histories, studies onuniversity history have special significance not possessed by general historical studies.但在中国特殊的国情下,一方面是大学离散聚合频繁,存亡继绝难测,从而加大了校史研究的复杂性;另一方面又因缺乏历史学者的参与,而使得大学校史的撰写存在诸多缺憾,校史的研究难成一门“显学”。

2.With the development of university archives work, the trend of development inuniversity history archives work becomes more and more specialized, daily and standard.随着高校建设的不断发展,不少学校在档案馆的基础上相继成立了校史办、校史研究室,档案管理与校史工作逐渐呈现出一种既紧密联系又相互促进的发展趋势。

3)history museum of university高校校史馆

4)compilation of college history校史编写

5)school history education校史教育

6)compilation of school history校史编研

1.To develop file resources and devote to study of school history——From thecompilation of school history of Longxi Normal School of Fujian;开发档案信息资源 致力学校历史研究——从福建龙溪师范学校校史编研谈起


《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》 《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》 药学著作。简称《绍兴本草》。系绍兴29年(1159年)南宋政府修订刊行《经史证类备急本草》时所用的书名。其内容全与《证类本草》同。只是作了部分改订,即“考证名方五百(或作三百)余首,证舛错八千余字。”现此书仅存各种旧钞的残卷。有1933年日本春阳堂的影印本(残存图卷一-五卷)。
