300字范文 > NDVI时序数据 NDVI time-series英语短句 例句大全

NDVI时序数据 NDVI time-series英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-29 04:23:10


NDVI时序数据 NDVI time-series英语短句 例句大全

NDVI时序数据,NDVI time-series

1)NDVI time-seriesNDVI时序数据

1.In this study,we usedNDVI time-series datasets to investigate the variations in the starting dates of first growing season(SGS)in China\"s cropland over the past 20 years.利用NDVI时序数据,采用非对称性高斯函数拟合方法重建平滑曲线,分别提取了我国20世纪80年代初、90年代初和21世纪初等3个时期为我国耕地第一生长季起始期,计算3个时期平均生长起始期,并分析了我国耕地第一生长季起始期的区域空间分异规律;然后,从区域和省份两个尺度分析了20世纪80年代初至90年代初和20世纪90年代初至21世纪初两个阶段我国耕地生长季起始期动态变化趋势和空间格局。


1.MODIS-NDVI time series method--A case study on the 7~(th) autumn ecologic water conveyance in the lower reaches of Tarim river;MODIS-NDVI时序数据分析方法研究——以塔里木河下游第七次秋季输水为例

parison of two fitting methods of NDVI time series datasets两种NDVI时间序列数据拟合方法比较

3.Arable Land Information Extraction Using MODIS Multi-temporal Data;基于MODIS NDVI时间序列数据的耕地信息提取研究

4.Reconstruction of Temporal NDVI Dataset:Evaluation and Case Study时序NDVI数据集重建方法评价与实例研究

5.Time Series Analysis of Multi-Temporal AVHRR-NDVI Data Applied to a Land Cover Classification;多时相AVHRR-NDVI数据的时间序列分析及其在土地覆盖分类中的应用

6.Estimation of autumn harvest crop planting area based on NDVI sequential characteristics利用NDVI指数时序特征监测秋收作物种植面积

7.Land-cover classification of the Qaidam Basin based on MODIS NDVI time series data;基于MODIS NDVI时序数列的柴达木盆地土地覆盖分类研究

8.The Studies on Dynamic of Vegetation Based on NDVI Time Series;基于NDVI时间序列的植被动态变化研究

9.Application of R/S Method in Analyzing NDVI Time Series;应用R/S方法分析NDVI时间序列

10.secondly, according to the speciality of all kinds of vegetation,it makes use of multitemporary NDVI to ascertain the range of the bulrush marsh.根据植物生长特性,利用植物生长期多时序NDVI值进一步确定洞庭芦苇湿地范围。

11.Study on the Method of Region Land-cover Classification Using Time Series NDVI Date;基于时序NDVI的区域土地覆被分类方法探讨

12.Research on Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on NDVI and EVI Time Series基于融合NDVI和EVI时间序列的遥感影像分类研究

13.Study on characteristics of land cover change using MODIS NDVI time series基于MODIS NDVI时间序列的植被覆盖变化特征研究

14.Monitoring Spatial Patterns of Cropland Phenology in North China Based on NOAA NDVI Data基于NDVI数据的华北地区耕地物候空间格局

15.pooling of cross-section and time-series data截面数据与时间序列数据的合并

16.As it runs, the program accesses data files.当工资程序执行时,程序存取数据文件。

17.Research on Data Dependency of Totally Ordered Temporal Scheme in Temporal Database;时态数据库全序时态模式中数据依赖问题研究

18.Analysis to vegetation coverage change in Shendong mining area with SPOT NDVI data基于SPOT卫星NDVI数据的神东矿区植被覆盖动态变化分析


multi-temporal NDVI时序NDVI

3)NDVI time seriesNDVI时间序列

4)time series of NDVI时间序列NDVI

1.Crop growth dynamic can be monitored by thetime series of NDVI data.联系复种指数与时间序列NDVI曲线的纽带是农作物年内的循环规律。


6)SPOT/VGT Multi-Temporal NDVI DataSPOT/VGT NDVI数据


