300字范文 > 城乡迁移个人风险成本 personal risk costs while they migrate from rural to urban area英语短句 例句大全

城乡迁移个人风险成本 personal risk costs while they migrate from rural to urban area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-04 14:03:41


城乡迁移个人风险成本 personal risk costs while they migrate from rural to urban area英语短句 例句大全

城乡迁移个人风险成本,personal risk costs while they migrate from rural to urban area

1)personal risk costs while they migrate from rural to urban area城乡迁移个人风险成本


1.Personal Risk Cost on the Farmer-Workers in Rural to Urban Migration--Based on the Questionnaires of 1012 Famer-Workers;农民工城乡迁移个人风险成本的构成——基于1012位城乡迁移农民工的问卷调查

2.Constitution and Influence of Rural Workers, Personal Risk Cost While Migrate from Rural to Urban Area and Controlling Countermeasures;农民工城乡迁移个人风险成本的构成、影响及控制

3.The Constitution of the Rural Workers Personal Opportunity Cost While They Migrate from Rural to Urban Area and Qualitative Analysis;农民工城乡迁移个人机会成本的构成及定量分析

4.On the Employment Cost of an Individual Rural Laborer in China s Cities;我国农村劳动力城乡迁移中个人就业成本的构成

5.The Research of China s Population Migration Theory and Model from Rural to Urban Areas;我国人口城乡迁移的理论与模式研究

6.Study on the Large-scale Effect of the Migration and Cluster of Urban and Rural Population;城乡人口迁移与集聚的规模效应研究

7.Systematic Analysis on the Labor Shifting From Rural Area Cities in the Northern Slope Area of Tianshan Mountain天山北坡区域城乡人口迁移系统分析

8.On Population Rural-urban Migration and Rural Land Institutional Change in Rural Land Property;论人口城乡迁移与农村土地产权制度变迁

9.Migration and Flow of Urban and Rural Populations in Guangdong in the Period from 1957 to 1965 and Their Characteristics;1957~1965年广东省城乡人口迁移流动状况与特征

10.Estimation and Analysis on Chinese Rural-Urban Migration Size;中国“乡—城”人口迁移规模的测算与分析(1979-)

11.Analysis on Migration Social Cost of the Urban Household;城市被拆迁家庭户迁移的社会成本问题研究

12.Mechanism and Pattern of the Investment in the Capital Market about BPIAFs Covering both Urban and Rural Residents;统筹城乡的基本养老保险个人账户基金市场化运营机制与模式

13.The Empirical Study on the Scale of the Net Transference from Country to City and the Gap of Income between City and Country;城乡净迁移规模与城乡收入差距的实证分析

14.Strategic Selection in the Human Resource Management between City and Country风险社会视域中的城乡人力资源管理战略选择

15.A Positive Research on the Determinants of Rural-Urban Migration in China:1992~;中国城乡人口迁移数量决定因素的实证研究:1992~

16.The Todaro s Labor Migration Model and Strategy of Synthesis Employment in Rural and Urban Area in China;托达罗人口迁移模型与中国城乡综合就业发展战略

17.Research on Effects of Population Rural-urban Migration On Security System for the Aged in Rural Areas;论人口乡城迁移对我国农村养老保障体系的影响

18.A Two-Stage Strategy of the Rural-UrbanMigration for China;关于中国现阶段乡——城迁移的战略构想


personal risk cost个人风险成本

1.This paper expounds the rural workerspersonal risk cost.基于实证性的调查,阐述了农民工城乡迁移的个人风险成本包括不稳定性因素、不安全性因素和低保障性因素三个主要方面,分析了过高的农民工城乡迁移个人风险成本对农民工本人及其家庭、输入地城市经济、城乡差距、社会稳定以及城市化进程等六个方面的负面影响,并提出了控制农民工城乡迁移个人风险成本的主要对策。

2.The structure ofpersonal risk cost on the farmer-workers in rural to urban migration is analyzed.文章分析了农民工城乡迁移的个人风险成本构成,同时基于笔者主持的1012名城乡迁移农民工的问卷调查,对农民工城乡迁移的个人风险成本进行了定量分析。

3)migration of urban and rural population城乡人口迁移

4)population rural urban migration人口城乡迁移

5)rural-urban migration乡城迁移

1.Effects of the social security onrural-urban migration of China:the analysis from the investigation about 444 farmers of ten villages;社会保障对乡城迁移的影响——以10村444户农户调查为例

2.The paper establishes a model ofrural-urban migration on the basis of the maximization of the net income of labor allocation,and ushers in variables as system,living costs and non-agricultural industries in rural areas.本文建立了基于农户劳动配置净收益最大化的乡城迁移模型,把制度、生活成本和农村非农产业等变量引入模型,把非永久乡城迁移纳入分析框架,并从模型入手对乡城迁移的各种影响因素进行了理论分析,用专项调查的数据对部分因素的影响进行了实证检验。

3.From the supply of providing for the aged system,rural-urban migration helps to enhance old population s economic guarantee, but it has disadvantages in the living care and spirit comfort.我国传统的家庭养老模式在持续发生的大规模乡城迁移背景下面临着前所未有的挑战。

6)urban-rural population migration城乡人口迁移流动


