300字范文 > 热带药用植物 tropical medicinal plants英语短句 例句大全

热带药用植物 tropical medicinal plants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-25 07:40:49


热带药用植物 tropical medicinal plants英语短句 例句大全

热带药用植物,tropical medicinal plants

1)tropical medicinal plants热带药用植物

1.The maintropical medicinal plants in China are Amomum villosum,Alpinia oxyphylla,Areca catechu,Morinda officinalis.热带药用植物是一类重要的森林资源。

2)tro pical plant pesticides热带植物农药

3)tropical plant热带植物

1.Xinglong Tropical Garden is a tropical botanical garden in a new style used for collection, conservation and demonstration oftropical plants.从多级道路体系、多层次的开敞空间、有聚有散的水体景观等层面,分析以收集、保护、展示热带植物为主题的新型植物园——兴隆热带花园景的观设计,以期对热带地区的设计实践提供参考。

2.: This paper by investigating to the liuhou park s state of strange natural resources oftropical plants, we find that these natural resources have distinct value in developing for less investing, and put forward a proposal of constructing landscape of strangetropical plants in the liuhou park.本文通过对柳侯公园热带植物资源情况的调查,发现这些资源具有投资少,特色明显的开发价值,提出在柳侯公园营造热带植物景观的建议。

3.The antifeeding effect of the alcohol extracts of 50tropical plants collected from the campus of South China University of Tropical Agriculture and Ba Wang mountain located in Changjiang county, Hainan province was tested with 4th larvae of Spodoptera litura in the laboratory.此结果为进一步从这些热带植物中提取、分离和纯化高活性的拒食作用活性成分奠定了基础。


1.Neotropical flora and fauna.新热带植物群和动物群

2.Land densely overgrown with tropical vegetation.热带植丛长满了密集的热带植物的地带

3.of or relating to tropical plants of the family Apocynaceae.夹竹桃科热带植物的。

4.Exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse.温室里引进的热带植物

5.These, too, showed more tropical than temperate mutations.同样地,热带植物发生的突变比温带植物多。

6.Studies on the Insecticided Activity Secondary Chemicals of Tropical Plant;热带植物次生物质杀虫生物活性研究

7.A Comparison of the Phenological Characteristics of Introduced Plant Species in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较

8.any of various tropical and subtropical plants having trifoliate leaves and rough sticky pod sections or loments.热带或亚热带植物,叶片具三小叶,节荚粗糙、粘性。

9.Application of Diversity of Eco-types of Tropical and South-subtropical Plants热带与南亚热带植物生态类型多样性的应用

10.Study on Environmental Control for the Tropical Conservatory in Beijing Botanical Garden;北京植物园热带植物展览温室环境调控的研究

11.Investigation and Analysis of Vascular Plants in the Xia-Ping Tropical Botanical Garden of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University台大实验林下坪热带植物园植物调查与分析

12.Seventy-one different varieties of tropical plants were introduced into China last year.去年中国引进了71种不同的热带植物。

13.The vegetation partakes of tropical character.这植物带有热带的性质。

14.tropical woody tendril-climbing vines.热带木本卷须攀缘植物。

15.a disease of tropical woody plants(cocoa or tea or citrus).热带木本植物的一种疾

16.the luxuriant vegetation of tropical rain forests热带雨林中繁茂的植物.

anization for Flora Neotropica新热带区植物志组织

18.large genus of tropical succulent plants widely cultivated.被广泛种植的一个热带肉质植物大属。


tro pical plant pesticides热带植物农药

3)tropical plant热带植物

1.Xinglong Tropical Garden is a tropical botanical garden in a new style used for collection, conservation and demonstration oftropical plants.从多级道路体系、多层次的开敞空间、有聚有散的水体景观等层面,分析以收集、保护、展示热带植物为主题的新型植物园——兴隆热带花园景的观设计,以期对热带地区的设计实践提供参考。

2.: This paper by investigating to the liuhou park s state of strange natural resources oftropical plants, we find that these natural resources have distinct value in developing for less investing, and put forward a proposal of constructing landscape of strangetropical plants in the liuhou park.本文通过对柳侯公园热带植物资源情况的调查,发现这些资源具有投资少,特色明显的开发价值,提出在柳侯公园营造热带植物景观的建议。

3.The antifeeding effect of the alcohol extracts of 50tropical plants collected from the campus of South China University of Tropical Agriculture and Ba Wang mountain located in Changjiang county, Hainan province was tested with 4th larvae of Spodoptera litura in the laboratory.此结果为进一步从这些热带植物中提取、分离和纯化高活性的拒食作用活性成分奠定了基础。

4)Medicinal herbs药用植物

1.Mengkuan Village is rich in the resources of wild medicinal herbs.通过对处于高黎贡山自然保护区保山段的芒宽乡进行定点调查和民间访谈 ,对芒宽乡的民间常用野生植物种类进行调查、整理 ,根据调查结果 ,对芒宽乡的野生药用植物资源情况进行初步分析 ,并提出了合理开发和利用的建议。

2.There are more than 500 medicinal herbs in Gaogui Mountain.高贵山有药用植物 5 0 0余种 ,但由于缺乏严格的保护措施 ,致使部分药材资源因盲目采挖而濒临灭绝 ,而大量的药用植物资源却并未得到很好的利用 。

3.Bacteriostasis experiment and MIC determination of six microorganisms observed in such six decoct medicinal solutions of herbs like Sophora flavescens,Cnidium monnieri,Coptis chinensis,Artemisia apiacea,Pulsatilla chinensis and Allium sativum were carried out by using test tubes filled with decoct medicinal herbs.采用试管药基方法,进行了苦参、蛇床子、黄连、青蒿、白头翁、大蒜等6 种药用植物水提液对大肠杆菌、产黄青霉等6 种微生物的抑菌试验和最低抑菌浓度的测定,发现这6 种药用植物水提液对G+ 和G- 细菌以及真菌均有抑制能力。

5)medicinal plants药用植物

1.Research progress on geographic distribution new records ofmedicinal plants in Guizhou;贵州药用植物地理分布新记录研究进展

2.The Report of the Medicinal Plants used to Trent the Wound Injury of the Lahu Minority Doctor;拉祜族民间医治疗外伤药用植物的调查

3.Remote sensing monitoring methods formedicinal plants resource in different types of ecological environment;不同生态环境类型药用植物资源的遥感监测方法

6)Medical plant药用植物

1.Exploitation of medical plant resources in Changbai mountains;长白山区的药用植物资源及其开发利用

2.The study of medical plant-Aconitum soongaricum Stapf;药用植物准噶尔乌头的研究

3.In this paper,principle,content,significance of medical plant ecosystem design are studied system- atically.本文较系统地探讨了对药用植物生态系统进行设计的原理、方法和重要意义。


