300字范文 > 法宝 magic weapon英语短句 例句大全

法宝 magic weapon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-04 03:03:41


法宝 magic weapon英语短句 例句大全

法宝,magic weapon

1)magic weapon法宝

1.The correct attitude towards Marxism is to keep pace with the times which is amagic weapon to develop Marxism.与时俱进是马克思主义的理论品质 ,对待马克思主义的正确态度就是与时俱进 ,这是新时期发展马克思主义的法宝。

2.Emancipating the mind is not only a greatmagic weapon of the party,but also a profound learning,even a fine art.解放思想不仅是党的一大法宝,还是一门高深的学问,更是一种精致的艺术。

3.Mind emancipation is a greatmagic weapon to develop of socialism with Chinese characteristics;Persisting in mind emancipation is the important contents of the party\"s ideological line.解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的一大法宝;坚持解放思想不仅是党的思想路线的本质要求,而且还是我们适应新形势、应对新情况、完成新使命、开拓新局面的思想武器;新的历史起点上发展社会主义必须继续解放思想。


1.Hosts of "magic weapons" have in fact been defeated.那样多的“法宝”都破了。

2.Quick as a wink, the lamemouse snatched up the precious talisman.说时迟那时快,跛足的老鼠一把抓住宝贵的法宝。

3.A Brief Talk on How to Safeguard the LabourersLegitimate Rights and Interests in a Better Way;《劳动法》是劳动者捍卫合法权益的法宝

4.The Magic Weapon of Market-economy and the Cornerstone of Political Civilization;民法:市场经济的法宝、政治文明的基石

5.So I stopped here, in front of the stone, and took out the treasures I brought with me today.因此我再这就停了。拿出今日带出的法宝,也让宝贝们出来透透气。

6.John Smale understands that his employees are the secret ingredients in P & G successful products.约翰·斯梅尔明白,员工才是宝洁公司产品成功的法宝。

7.Terrorism has become the sword of the weak, the desperate recourse of the powerless.恐怖主义成了弱者的宝剑、无能为力者穷凶极恶的法宝。

8.Thomas Hudson knew about both these remedies.这两大法宝,托马斯·赫德森都熟悉。

9.For this quality he is prepared to do anything.为了这法宝,他什么都愿意干。

10.Quality putting us ahead of the competetion.质量是我们在竞争中取胜的法宝。

11.Climbing a tree is a cat"s resource when chased by a dog.当被狗追逐时,爬上树是猫的法宝。

12.Burroughs data access method宝来公司数据存取方法

13.Bye-lo, bye-lo, go to sleep.宝宝,宝宝,睡吧。

14.Your baby isn"t strong enough to suck, so we have to use intubation.你的宝宝还无法吞咽东西,所以我们使用导流管。

15.This notion has sparked a baby boom across the country.因此,“金猪年”的说法引起了全国范围内的“宝宝潮”。

16.Just take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.就是要皈依三宝,因为佛、法、僧三宝是一体的,有佛才有法,有法才有僧。

17.Legal Literature in Ancient Times-Treasury of Chinese Civilization古代法律文献——中华法制文明的宝库

18.Firms opened by jewelers such as Carl Fabergé and Louis Comfort Tiffany achieved great success by making fine jewelry for the wealthy.法贝热和蒂法尼等珠宝匠所开设的珠宝公司也大发利市,因为他们专为有钱人设计精美的珠宝。



1.Theory Innovation:Talisman to Success;理论创新是中国共产党的制胜法宝

2.Liberating thought is the soul of Marxism,and is a talisman of developing Chinese characteristics socialism.解放思想,是马克思主义活的灵魂,是发展中国特色社会主义的一大法宝。


1.Pinyin——thetrump for foreign students learning Chinese;外国学生学习汉语的法宝——拼音

2.The liberation of ideas is atrump of the leadership under the new circums.运用解放思想这一法宝分析领导工作形势,启发我们把握新形势下领导工作大趋势:人本化趋势;自主化趋势;环境化趋势;满足化趋势。


5)key to creating制胜法宝

1.Innovation: thekey to creating popular science books;科普图书的制胜法宝——创新

6)the magic weapon of Peking University北大法宝

1.The thesis introduces the phylogeny ofthe magic weapon of Peking University, gives much em.“北大法宝”作为法律专业数据库行业的领跑者,无论在法律信息的数字化领域还是法律应用领域,都积极发挥着重要的作用。


