300字范文 > 冰壶运动员 curling player英语短句 例句大全

冰壶运动员 curling player英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 12:26:08


冰壶运动员 curling player英语短句 例句大全

冰壶运动员,curling player

1)curling player冰壶运动员

1.In order to further research into the training method ofcurling players\" psychological skill and find out some effective means for improving their psychological skill,the article discusses the requisite psychological skill ofcurling players,introduces the corresponding traning methods from the general one to special one.为了进一步探究冰壶运动员的心理技能训练方法,找出提高冰壶运动员心理技能训练的有效途径,讨论了冰壶运动员所需的心理技能,从一般心理技能训练与专项心理技能训练的角度对冰壶运动员的心理技能训练方法进行了介绍。


1.A Preliminary Study of Competitive Cognitive Trait Anxiety for Professional Curling Athletes in China;中国专业冰壶运动员认知特质焦虑的初步研究

2.My Thoughts on the Current Development of Chinese Curling through the 11th National Winter Games;从全国第11届冬运会冰壶比赛看我国冰壶运动发展现状

3.Curling is another sport that is not as well known.冰壶是另一项不为很多人所知的运动。

paring the Training of Reserved Athletes in the Curling Sport between China and Korea;中国与韩国冰壶运动后备人才培养的比较与分析

5.Investigation Report on Current Situation of Curling in 10~(th) Winter Games of People s Republic of China;中华人民共和国第10届冬季运动会冰壶比赛调研报告

6.The puck is flat and slides on the ice.The hockey player move it around with his hockey stick.冰球是扁圆的,在冰上能滑动。冰球队员用球杆掌握冰球的运动方向。

7."There are three kinds of ice skating events: speed skating, figure skating and roller skating. Chinese athletes have made rapid progress in all these."滑冰运动分三种:速度滑冰,花样滑冰和旱冰。在所有滑冰运动中,中国运动员都有很大进步。

8.They have the best figure skaters and the best ice hockey teams in the world.他们有世界上最棒的花样滑冰运动员和冰球队。

9.We have the best figure skaters and the best ice hockey teams in the world.我们有世界上最棒的花样滑冰运动员和冰球队。

10.block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey.在冰球运动中阻碍或阻止对方球员。

11.On-Slope Training Method for Short Track Speed Skaters;短跑道速度滑冰运动员坡路训练方法

12.Short Track Speed Skaters Psychological Preparation before Competition;短道速度滑冰运动员赛前的心理准备

13.Discussing the Topping Ice-Snow Athletes Language Expression Ability;冰雪运动高水平运动员的语言修养及其表达

14.Kinematical Analysis on Turning Course Ice-pedaling Skill of Elite Speed Skaters;优秀速滑运动员弯道蹬冰技术的运动学分析

15.Analysis of Types of Sports injuries in Elite Chinese Ice-hockey Players;对我国优秀冰球运动员运动创伤特点的分析

16.A kind of ice hockey that is played on ice with the players using brooms and a soccer ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck and wearing shoes or boots instead of ice skates.冰上扫帚球冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋

17.broomball:a kind of ice hockey that is played on ice with the players using brooms and a soccer ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck and wearing shoes or boots instead of ice skates.冰上扫帚球:冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋。

18.Research of Forecheck Technique Training with Body for Chinese female Ice Hockey Players;女子冰球运动员运用身体阻截技术训练探析



1.The umpires cooperation is an important work for judging thecurling games.冰壶运动裁判员之间的协作能力是冰壶裁判工作的一个重要环节。

2.Based on the current situation and developing trend of ourcurling,the author finds out existing problems and put forwards relative suggestion.采用文献资料调研、数理统计、调查等方法 ,对参加第 10届冬运会各参赛队情况进行调研分析 ,根据我国冰壶运动的现状及发展趋势进行研究 ,找出目前存在的问题 ,并提出相关建议。



5)ice hockey player冰球运动员

1.An important method for improving the physical fitness and skill is the development of training theice hockey players flexibility.柔韧素质对提高肌肉力量、动作的协调性和加大动作幅度,预防损伤与减少伤害事故,促进体能恢复具有积极的作用,发展冰球运动员柔韧素质的训练是提高其体能、技能的重要方法之一。

2.The article has an analysis on the causation ofice hockey players sports anxiety in training or games and discusses the influence of sports anxiety on players behavior in games.分析冰球运动员在训练和比赛中运动焦虑产生的原因,及运动焦虑对运动员比赛行为的影响。

3.With the documentary inquiry,questionnaire and interviewing method,it has analyzed the factors influencing theice hockey players match progress hold ability.通过文献资料查询法、问卷和访问调查方法,对影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏的因素进行分析和研究,结果表明:教练员与运动员对体能、技术和战术因素影响冰球运动员控制比赛节奏的认同率较高,对其他因素的认同率较低。

6)male-ice-hockey players男子冰球运动员

1.The inspection of serum cortisone ofmale-ice-hockey players facing different rivals in matches;男子冰球运动员与不同对手比赛时血清皮质醇的监测


冰壶1.盛冰的玉壶。常用以比喻品德清白廉洁。语本《文选.鲍照<白头吟>》:"直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。"李周翰注:"玉壶冰,取其絜凈也。" 2.借指月亮或月光。
