300字范文 > 汽车轻量化 ultralight automobile英语短句 例句大全

汽车轻量化 ultralight automobile英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-29 01:56:22


汽车轻量化 ultralight automobile英语短句 例句大全

汽车轻量化,ultralight automobile

1)ultralight automobile汽车轻量化


1.Application of Hydraulic Pressure Forming Technology in Lightweight of Automobile液压成形技术在汽车轻量化中的应用

2.Optimization Design Method of Vehicle Lightweight Based on Approximate Model基于近似模型的汽车轻量化优化设计方法

3.Research on Application of High Strength Steel in Automotive Lightweight高强度钢板在汽车轻量化中的应用研究

4.Tube Hydroforming Technology and its Application to Vehicle Lightweighting内高压成形工艺及其在汽车轻量化中的应用

5.Realization of the Light-Weight Design of SGA3723 Mine Truck"s BodySGA3723矿用汽车货箱轻量化设计的实现

6.Design and Research on the Lightweight of Automotive Body Based on Multi-material Construction;基于多材料结构的汽车车身轻量化设计与研究

7.Methods for Lightweight Automotive Body Design Using Multi-material Construction;多材料结构汽车车身轻量化设计方法研究

8.A Lightweight Design on Dirve Shaft Based on the Low-load Strengthening Characteristics基于低载强化特性的汽车传动轴轻量化设计

9.Analysis of the Bus Frame Lightweight of YBL6120H Coach;YBL6120H客车车身轻量化分析

10.Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Light Truck s Frame;轻型载货汽车车架有限元分析与优化

11.Lightweight Design of EV Brake System Based on Regenerative Braking;基于再生制动的电动汽车制动系统的轻量化设计

12.Simulation of Static Character of Magnesium Alloy Lightweight Automobile Seat Frame;镁铝合金轻量化汽车座椅骨架静态特性的模拟分析

13.Ride Comfort Analysis and Optimization for Light Truck;轻型载货汽车行驶平顺性分析及优化

14.The Lightening Design of the Carbody Steel Structure for Sri Lanka Motor Cars斯里兰卡动车车体钢结构轻量化设计

15.Design and Lightweitht Study of YD02 Race Vehicle Frame StructureYD02赛车车架结构设计及其轻量化研究

16.Structure Mechanics Characteristic and Lightweight Design of Car Body轿车车身结构力学特征及轻量化设计

17.This new car has more power and economy, less weight and noise.这种新型的汽车马力大,用油省,重量轻,噪音

18.Study on Energy Management Strategy for Mild Hybrid Electrical Vehicle with CVT;CVT轻度混合动力汽车能量管理策略研究


automobile lightweight汽车轻量化

1.It was analyzed that the status of foreignautomobile lightweight,illustrates the development and application of high-strength steel,magnesium,aluminum,titanium,plastics and compound materials in Chineseautomobile lightweight.分析了国际汽车轻量化发展现状,阐述了高强度钢、镁、铝、钛、塑料及复合材料等轻量化材料在我国汽车轻量化中的发展和应用,介绍了内高压成型技术、管件液压成型技术和中空型结构等先进轻量化结构和工艺,提出我国生产汽车的小型化对策,展望了未来我国汽车制造的轻量化发展之路。

2.The application of CAE inautomobile lightweight design is also described in the following three fields including optimal design on auto bodywork, optimal design on engines parts, optimal design on frame structure.阐述了CAE技术的基本概念和应用范围,说明了采用CAE软件进行结构计算的一般过程,并从车身结构优化设计、发动机零部件优化设计、车架结构优化设计三个方面讲述了CAE技术在汽车轻量化设计中的应用。

3)light weight of car body汽车轻量化

4)Vehicle mass reduction汽车车身轻量化

5)auto chassis light-weighting汽车底盘轻量化

6)On the lightweighting of automobile论汽车轻量化


超轻量化飞轮我们也叫竞技版,适合N/A车子跟马力比较不大的车子,减重超过原厂的1/2,转速拉升跟加速的 性能比轻量化更好,很适合各式车子进行加速赛及甩尾,但比较不适合马力大及涡轮车进行场地赛及需要高速的 拉力赛,因为重量太轻了导致无法保持惯性所以会影响4,5档的加速,所以不适用一般马力在350P以下的车子使用单片式的离合器及飞轮即可,也较便宜,还不需要用到两片或多片式的,除非马力真的很大用单片式的踩起来太硬,遇到塞车真的是虐待左脚,否则用单片式的即可。
