300字范文 > 生活阶段 life stages英语短句 例句大全

生活阶段 life stages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 13:24:05


生活阶段 life stages英语短句 例句大全

生活阶段,life stages

1)life stages生活阶段


1.He slipped easily into the new order of things without a question.他就自然而然,不知不觉地进入了新的生活阶段。

2.We"re real live people going through a difficult period.我们是活生生的、在经历困难阶段的人。

3.You need an element of surprise or adventure periodically in your life.你的生活中需要阶段性的惊喜与冒险。

4.With regard to the living quality, on the whole it has transformed from a stage with the focus on seeking adequate supply to one with emphasis on further improving the quality.在生活质量方面,整体上已由量的满足阶段转向质的提高阶段。

5.move from one activity,stage,etc to another从一活动、阶段等进入另一活动、阶段等

parative Analysis of Negative Life Events in Different Stages of Study among Students in Tongxiang;桐乡市不同学习阶段学生负性生活事件比较

7.A young salmon during its first two years of life, when it lives in fresh water.幼鲑处于前两岁阶段,尚生活在淡水中的幼年鲑

8.Life Cycle and Protein Analises of Different Stages of Haemaphysalis Qinghaiensis;青海血蜱生活史及不同发育阶段蛋白分析

9.The Research on the Students Mental Activities at the Beginning of Chemistry Class;化学课堂导入阶段学生心理活动的研究

10.A Discussion on Current Middle School Students Motivation to Participate Sports Activities;现阶段中学生体育锻炼活动动机的探讨

11.On the Psychological Change in Different Phases of Shooting Course Teaching;学生在射击课教学中不同阶段的心理活动

12.Phasic Chang of Chinese Youth s Cultural Life since the Beginning of Reform and Opening-up;改革开放以来青年精神生活的阶段性变化

parison of Digestive Enzyma Activity in Different Age of Siluru lanzhouensis不同生长阶段兰州鲇消化酶活性的比较研究

14.The Feasibility Analysis About Life Sports and Situation of Chinese People s Living Quality;现阶段我国居民生活质量状况与“体育生活化”可行性分析研究

15.Fifthly, the present War of Resistance Against Japan marks a new stage -- the greatest, most dynamic and most vigorous stage -- in the Chinese revolution.第五,现在的抗日战争,是中国革命的一个新阶段,而且是最伟大、最活跃、最生动的一个新阶段。

16.The present War of Resistance Against Japan is yet another stage, and is the greatest, most vigorous and most dynamic stage of all.今天的抗日战争是其发展的又一个新的阶段,也是最伟大、最生动、最活跃的一个阶段。

17.autoecious:Having all stages of a life cycle occurring on the same host.异苞同株的:全部生活史的各个阶段都在同一寄主之上发生的。

18.Having all stages of a life cycle occurring on the same host.异苞同株的全部生活史的各个阶段都在同一寄主之上发生的


life history stage生活史阶段

3)Early life stages早期生活史阶段

4)pelagic phase浮游(生活)阶段

5)growing stage生长阶段

1.Diurnal variation of CH4 emission fluxes from Carex lasiocarp marsh in fourgrowing stages(flowering stage,fruiting stage,post grain-filling stage and blight stage) in Sanjiang Plain were measured by closed opaque chamber and gas chromatography system.利用静态暗箱/气相色谱法对三江平原毛果苔草沼泽4个生长阶段(开花期、果熟期、果后营养期和枯萎期)进行CH4排放通量的日变化观测实验。

2.This text introduced the nutrition principle and required nutrition during the human body"s differentlygrowing stage.归纳了人体在不同生长阶段的营养原则及相应的阶段食品加工时的营养要求。

3.A simulated drought experiment was conducted in pots to test the physiological response of Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis seedlings to water stress and rewatering in differentgrowing stage.本文通过盆栽试验研究不同生长阶段干旱及旱后复水对刺槐( Robinia pseudoacacia)和侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)叶片脯氨酸、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白等有机渗透调节物质和细胞膜相对透性(RCPM)的影响,揭示在不同形式干旱过程中植物的生理特性以及对干旱胁迫的适应性变化。

6)growth phase生长阶段

1.The nutritional value of Nannochloropsis oculata in differentgrowth phases;不同生长阶段微绿球藻的营养价值

2.Growth analysis and division ofgrowth phase of Acer mono and Acer triflorum色木槭、拧劲槭生长分析及生长阶段划分初探

3.The Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus under differentgrowth phases and different temperatures and pH values were inactivated by pulsed magnetic field.利用脉冲磁场对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌在不同生长阶段、不同介质温度及pH值的情况下进行杀菌试验,结果表明:这两种菌在对数生长期比稳定生长期和延迟生长期对磁场更敏感,两种细菌在对数生长期的后期杀菌效果均出现反弹变差的现象,反弹趋势延长至稳定生长期,并趋于平缓;介质温度越高,脉冲磁场杀菌效果越好,但该温度远低于热致死温度;介质pH值越偏中性,杀菌效果越差,pH值小于5时,杀菌效果较好。


婚后生活阶段婚后生活阶段living phases after marriage婚后生活阶段(l iving phasos aftor mar-riage)分为五个时期:(l)激情期。这是新婚燕尔的甜蜜亲昵阶段。夫妻间表现出强烈的依恋感和广泛的性亲近,感情浓烈,充满激情。(2)矛盾期。这是从原来家庭中分化出来开始独立生活,在生活节奏、经济开支、感情调适、人际交往上出现较多矛盾的时期。(3)转移期。这是从生育子女到子女儿童期这段时间,夫妻特别是妻子的感情的重点由配偶身上转移兴趣上的相容或互补。相容,又叫“平直相嵌”或“相似吸引”。互补,又叫“犬牙相嵌”或“对立吸引”。婚配的相撞指双方在兴趣、能力、气质、性格上的不相容和互斥。据国外研究,幸福的婚姻是以兴趣和个性相似性为基础(’’相似吸引”),还是以双方能互相补偿而不是彼此相似为基础(’’对立吸引”),两种观点均得到研究上的支持,尚难做出肯定性的结论。一般来说,两个极端的气质类型,像强而不均型的胆汁质和弱型的抑郁质的男女不易相容,同类型如胆汁质与胆汁质、抑郁质与抑郁质的男女也不一定匹配。在性格上,狂热的宗教型性格的人与委琐的经济型性格的人,严谨的理论型与浪漫的审美型若不达成互谅也难以共处。当然,只要能巧妙互补,也可形成“相淤,。要使“相撞”变成“相嵌”,最重要的手段是调适。所谓调适就是将“相撞”平移为“相嵌”的过程。(周菊花撰葛冬条审)
