300字范文 > 大型公建 huge public building英语短句 例句大全

大型公建 huge public building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-23 00:19:48


大型公建 huge public building英语短句 例句大全

大型公建,huge public building

1)huge public building大型公建

1.Research into the distribution and planning ofhuge public buildings and high-rise buildings in Taiyuan;太原市大型公建及高层建筑分布规划研究


1.The Study on Traffic Impact Analysis New Construction of Large-Sized Public Building;新建大型公建项目交通影响分析研究

2.Study on Traffic Impact Analysis of Large-scale Public Building Project in Urban Center;城市中心区大型公建项目交通影响分析研究

3.The Research of Design Risk Management in Large-scale Public Building Projects;大型公用建筑项目设计风险管理研究

4.Design of energy efficiency supervision system for large-scale public buildings;大型公共建筑节能监管制度设计研究

5.The Research on the Public Opening Space of the Large-scale Merchandise Architecture大型零售商业建筑公共开放空间研究

6.Consults on the energy conservation monitoring of HVAC system for large-scale public buildings大型公共建筑空调系统能耗监测探讨

7.Job objective:Seeking a position as an architectural designer for office building in a small-to-middle sized architectural firm求职目标:谋求小型或中型建筑公司办公大楼建筑设计师职位

8.Develop energy consumption quota for different public buildings--Carry out valid supervision on government office buildings and large-scale public buildings为各类公建建筑设置用能定额——实施国家机关办公建筑和大型公共建筑的有效监管

9.Energy Saving Strategy for Large Office Buildings and Public Buildings既有机关办公大楼与大型公共建筑节能改造的应对策略

10.His firm has just completed building a large chemical fertilizer factory.他的公司刚刚在中国建成了一个大型化肥工厂。

11.The Study on Comprehensive Energy Consumption of Cold and Heat Sources in Large Office Building in Xi an;西安大型办公建筑冷热源方案的综合能耗研究

12.Research on the Performance-based Evacuation Model of Large Buildings;大型公共建筑人员疏散性能化评估软件的开发

13.Research and Design on the Remote Monitoring System of Large Public Building Comsumption;大型公共建筑能耗远程监测系统的研究与设计

14.Study on the Issue of Building Large Coal Transit Base of S Group;S公司建设大型煤炭中转基地问题研究

15.Studies on the Internal Quality Management System of the Big Seed Companies in China;我国大型种业公司内部质量管理体系建设研究

16.Design and Realization for Central Air Conditional Supervisory System in Large Public Buildings;大型公共建筑中央空调监测系统设计与实现

17.Research on Project Controlling Decision Support System about Large-Scale Highway Construction Project;大型公路建设项目总控决策支持系统研究

18.Cost Control of Total Life Cycle for Large Public Buildings;关注大型公共建筑全寿命周期成本控制的问题


large-scale public building大型公共建筑

1.Examination system oflarge-scale public building energy efficiency based on process control and objective management;基于过程控制和目标管理的大型公共建筑节能考核体系研究

2.Design of energy efficiency supervision system forlarge-scale public buildings;大型公共建筑节能监管制度设计研究

3.Technological line of the energy efficiency supervision system forlarge-scale public buildings;大型公共建筑节能监管体系技术实现路线研究

3)large public buildings大型公共建筑

1.Vehicle access location method of the urbanlarge public buildings;城市大型公共建筑机动车出入口布局方法

2.Research on Layout and Traffic Organization of Vehicle Access of Large Public Buildings;大型公共建筑机动车出入口布局及交通组织研究

3.In order to manage the measured data effectively,the operational energy consumption database management system forlarge public buildings was preliminarily developed and was applied for several buildings.能耗测试是既有建筑节能改造过程的必要途径,为了对测试数据进行科学有效地管理,作者初步开发了大型公共建筑运行能耗数据库管理系统,并将其应用于若干实际建筑中。

4)super public building特大型公共建筑

1.The building is asuper public building.该会展中心属于特大型公共建筑,介绍了诱导风系统、大温差换热技术、变风量系统等的运用。

5)large scale public building大型公共建筑

1.Analyses the energy saving potential oflarge scale public buildings.介绍了北京市大型公共建筑的数量、建筑面积、总体用能情况 ,根据能耗现场实测数据讨论了宾馆、商场、写字楼三类建筑的用能特点 ,分析了大型公共建筑的节能潜力 ,认为综合利用各类建筑节能技术 ,大型公共建筑可以节能 30 %~ 5 0 %。

2.Under the background of performance based code for fire protection design of building, and on the basis of the state of the art of fire safety engineering as well as prescr iptive based code for fire protection design of building, this paper outlines the framework of performance based assessment method forlarge scale public building fire safety.文章以现阶段消防安全工程学的实际发展水平和现行指令性建筑防火设计规范为基本出发点 ,以性能化建筑防火设计规范为背景 ,依据面向对象主流程开发技术 ,初步建立了大型公共建筑防火性能化评估方法的总体框架 ,并对评估方法总体框架的基本内容进行了系统阐述。

3.The results from this example can be used in recommissioning oflarge scale public buildings like libraries, museums and memoriam centers and provide a good reference of recommissioning for some other buildings like electronic industrial buildings which have temperature and humidity control demand.对该图书馆建筑的温湿度优化控制和节能技术的研究结果可供图书馆、博物馆、纪念馆等大型公共建筑的节能优化和有温湿度控制要求的其他建筑(如电子类工业建筑)的节能改造参考。

6)Large public building大型公共建筑

1.Energy consumption and cost of a large public building were simulated and calculated for LEED certification using EnergyPlus.本文首先介绍全建筑能耗模拟软件EnergyPlus的性能和特点,重点说明它在模拟大型公共建筑时所具有的优势。

2.The high energy consumption problem of large public building in the operating period is significant more and more.近年来随着大型公共建筑运行阶段高耗能的问题得到越来越多的重视,如何提高既有大型公共建筑的运行水平,大力推广节能改造已成为建设部门面临的重要工作。

bining the project of the large public building in Jiangsu province,an operation flow of energy consumption monitoring system and submetering technology was summarized.结合江苏某大型公共建筑实际工程案例,概述了能耗监测系统及分项计量技术的实施步骤及流程,并就建筑运行分析的能耗诊断结果,给出了建议性的完善措施及解决方案。


