300字范文 > 照明供电系统 lighting grid system英语短句 例句大全

照明供电系统 lighting grid system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-17 18:07:21


照明供电系统 lighting grid system英语短句 例句大全

照明供电系统,lighting grid system

1)lighting grid system照明供电系统

2)electric lighting system电照明系统


1.Distribution Lighting System Based on LonWorks Technology基于LonWorks技术的配电照明系统

2.auxiliary power and lighting system辅机电力和照明系统

3.lamp system constant voltage generator照明系统定压发电机

4.Grounding of Distribution System Protection for Outdoor Area Lighting in the Hydropower Station水电站户外照明配电系统的保护接地

5.Adaptable LED Lighting System Supplied by Storage Battery基于蓄电池供电的自适应LED照明系统

6.Research on Stand-alone LED Lighting System Supplied by Photovoltaic Panel;独立光伏发电LED照明系统的研究

7.Power Converter System Design and Research of Ultra-brightness White LED白光照明LED驱动电路系统设计与研究

8.Power generation characteristic and optimized choosing of solar illumination system太阳能照明系统发电特性和优化选择

9.Human-Powered Home LED Lighting System Using Super Capacitor for Electricity Recharing人工驱动的超级电容充电型LED家用照明系统

10.Study of Fluorescent Illumination System Based on Centralized Power Supply;基于集中供电方式的日光灯照明系统的研究

11.The Design of Bridge Illumination and Power Supply System Based on Ethernet;基于以太网的桥梁照明供电监控系统的设计

12.Design of lighting control system based on power line carrier communication technology基于电力线载波通信技术的照明控制系统设计

13.The New Lighting Control System Based on Power Line Communication基于电力线通信技术的新型照明控制系统

14.Power saving lighting control system based on power line carrier communication technique基于电力载波通信技术的照明节能控制系统

15.A Design Concept of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation-LED Lighting System of the Development Building研发楼太阳能光伏发电—LED照明系统构想

16.Design of stand-alone solar lighting system based on super capacitor energy-storage离网型超级电容储能的太阳能照明系统的设计

17.The Control Strategy Research on LED Lighting System of Distributed Wind Generate Electricity分布式风力发电LED照明系统控制策略研究

18.high repetition laser illuminating system高重复率激光照明系统


electric lighting system电照明系统

3)electric lighting system电气照明系统

1.This paper states the importance of energy conservation in architecture electrical design and points out the measures from three aspects: improving equipment automation level and using intelligent control technique,adopting high-effect and low energy consumption equipment in distribution andelectric lighting system,widening design thought and adopting new technique and production.阐述了建筑电气设计中节能的重要性,并对以下三方面建筑电气的节能措施进行了粗浅的说明:从提高设备自动化水平,利用智能控制技术对设备运行进行监控来节能;从供配电系统、电气照明系统采用高效、低能耗的设备,提高能源的利用效率,进一步降低能耗进行节能;开拓设计思路,注重专业配合,从采用新技术、新产品进行节能。

4)main electric lighting system主电气照明系统

5)electron illuminating system电子照明系统

6)distribution system for lighting照明配电系统

1.The 4 kinds of grounding modes of relay protection in thedistribution system for lighting were discussed in this paper.阐述了照明配电系统4种保护接地方式,分析了各种保护接地方式的可靠性及适用性,在设计水电站户外照明时,应分析其场所特性,结合水电站进场道路、进厂交通隧道、生活区、户外开关站以及出线平台等户外照明场所的特点,提出水电站户外照明配电系统的保护接地方式。


