300字范文 > 青光激光器 cyan laser英语短句 例句大全

青光激光器 cyan laser英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-02 14:30:04


青光激光器 cyan laser英语短句 例句大全

青光激光器,cyan laser

1)cyan laser青光激光器

1.A all solid-state continuous-wavecyan laser at 501nm is reported,946nm wavelength is obtained from 4F3/2-4I9/2 transition in Nd∶YAG and 1064nm wavelength is obtained from 4F3/2-4I11/2 transition in Nd∶YVO4.报道了全固态连续波501nm青光激光器,青激光是分别由Nd∶YAG和Nd∶YVO4晶体的946nm和1064nm谱线非线性和频产生,两条谱线在各自晶体对应能级跃迁分别为4F3/2-4I9/2和4F3/2-4I11/2。

2.An all solid-state continuous-wavecyan laser at 500.报道了一台全固态连续波500,8 nm青光激光器。


1.All-Solid-State Continuous-Wave Doubly Resonant All-Intracavity Sum-Frequency Mixing Cyan Laser at 500.8 nm全固态复合式内腔和频500.8nm连续波青光激光器

2.dual laser【光】双波长激光器

3.Controlled laser beam welding used in restoration of thin-wall ancient bronzes;可控激光束焊接薄壁青铜器工艺实验

4.laser-to-fiber positioner激光器至光纤定位器

5.PNPN negative resistance laserPNPN负阻激光器

6.DFB(Distributed Feedback)分布反馈(激光器)

7.fiber optic AM laser transmitter光纤调幅激光发射器

8.laser beam type thermal detector激光光束型感温推测器

9.continuous wave fiber coupled laser连续波光纤耦合激光器

10.fiber optic laser hemostat光导纤维激光止血器

11.flash lamp pumped dye laser闪光灯抽运染料激光器

12.continuous wave optically pumped laser连续波光泵浦激光器

13.light pumping semiconductor laser光抽运半导体激光器

14.a beam of light generated by a laser.由激光器发出的一束光。

15.mode-locked grating external cavity laser锁模光栅外腔激光器

16.optically pumped submillimeter laser光泵浦亚毫米激光器

17.2μm Tm~(3+)-Doped Fiber Laser;2μm掺Tm~(3+)光纤激光器

18.LD-Pumped Nd: YVO_4 Deep Blue LaserLD泵浦Nd:YVO_4深蓝光激光器


cyanine dye infrared laser光青染料红色激光器


4)cyanine dye infrared laser花青染料红外激光器

5)bridged cyanine dye laser桥接花青染料激光器

6)fiber laser光纤激光器

1.Optical narrowband filter and its application tofiber lasers;光窄带滤波器及其在光纤激光器中的应用

2.Experimental investigation on co-doped double-clad high-powerfiber laser in L-band;Er~(3+)/Yb~(3+)共掺双包层光纤的高功率L-band光纤激光器的实验研究

3.Theoretical Analysis of the Output Characteristics of Yb~(3+)-doped double-cladfiber laser;掺Yb~(3+)双包层光纤激光器的输出特性分析


青光1.绿荧荧的光色。 2.借指发着绿荧荧光色的灯。即青灯。 3.指绿色。 4.指光滑的青竹皮。 5.犹春光﹑光阴。
