300字范文 > 新历史主义 New historicism英语短句 例句大全

新历史主义 New historicism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-10 16:02:30


新历史主义 New historicism英语短句 例句大全

新历史主义,New historicism

1)New historicism新历史主义

1."Historicity of Texts and Textuality of History":The Perspective of New Historicism in the study of Shakespeare;文本的历史性和历史的文本性——莎学研究的新历史主义视角

2.On New Historicism characters from the perspective of Red Poppy s narration style;从《尘埃落定》的叙事风格看其新历史主义色彩

3.Studies of King Lear—From the Viewpoint of the Power Discourse of New Historicism;新历史主义权力话语下的《李尔王》研究


1.The Anecdotalism of New Historicism: the To uch of the Real and Counterhistorie;论新历史主义的逸闻主义──触摸真实与“反历史”

2.Cultural Materialism and New Historicism in Theatre Criticism;文化唯物主义与新历史主义戏剧理论

3.A Brief Analysis on Historical Narration of Nature-evil Theory of SU Tong s Neo-historic Novel;浅析苏童新历史主义小说“性恶论”的历史叙事

4.Surmounting to Traditional Historical Novel of Neo-historicism Novel;论新历史主义小说对传统历史小说的反拨

5.A New Historicist Reading of China Men历史与文本的交融:新历史主义视角下的《中国佬》

6.A New Historical Approach to the Themes of E.L.Doctorow"s the March多克托罗《进军》主题的新历史主义研究

7.Third Standpint of new historicism poetry--Brief analysis of spiritual pursuit in contemporary historicism novels;新历史主义诗学的第三种立场——论当代新历史主义小说的精神求索

8.New - historicism the New-timed Films and TV;新历史主义语境下的中国新时期影视

9.A Commentary on Neo-Historicism And Neo-Period Films and TV;“新历史主义与新时期影视”研究述评

10."Historicity of Texts and Textuality of History":The Perspective of New Historicism in the study of Shakespeare;文本的历史性和历史的文本性——莎学研究的新历史主义视角

11.From“Go-back-to-history”to non-history --A criticism of New Historicism;从“回到历史”到历史的虚无——对新历史主义文学批评的批评

12.Historical textuality and textual history--Analysis of American Pastoral from new historicism历史的文本性与文本的历史性——从新历史主义角度分析《美国牧歌》

13.Some Problems in the New Historicism Research in Our Country;刍议我国新历史主义研究的几个问题

14.A new historical reading of The Gift of Stones;对《石头的礼物》的新历史主义解读

15.Studies of King Lear-From the Viewpoint of the Power Discourse of New Historicism;新历史主义权力话语下的《李尔王》研究

16.A New Historicist Reading of Uncle Tom s Cabin;《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的新历史主义解读

17.New Democracy s Theoretical Innovation And Its Historic Meaning;新民主主义的理论创新及其历史意义

18.New Democratism Culture had historical progress.新民主主义文化具有历史的进步作用。



1.Historical Text View ofNeo-historicism;新历史主义的历史文本观

2.Neo-historicism and the Change of Finn and Television in the New Age;新历史主义与新时期影视的流变


1.After 1990s,many scholars have been worried about affection of thenew-historicism of western countries and the films and TV in the new times and put forward many good ways.20世纪90年代之后,许多学者对西方新历史主义对中国新时期影视的影响表现出了一定的担扰,提出了解决的办法。

2.The first part researchs on the name Annales School , introducing the New-historicism and Annales School s development briefly.文章以新历史主义的视阈将年鉴学派划分为结构主义年鉴学派与后结构主义年鉴学派,在此基础上对二者的历史观与操作层面进行了较为系统的比较,并尝试以年鉴学派的技艺进行文学批评。

4)new historism新历史主义

1.On the New Historism and New Historical Novel;关于新历史主义与新历史小说

2.The creative thoughts of logicism, historism,andnew historism are explained in the thesis firstly ,and then it wants to give supply the rules and ways of achieving it from the dimensions of scientific philosophy and scientific sociology .本文首先对逻辑主义、历史主义和新历史主义创新思想进行阐释,吸收了各种创新思想中的合理内核,然后提出多向度的创新观。

5)neo-historical criticism新历史主义批评

1.This paper probes into the cause of final madness of the heroine "I" of the novel from three aspects ofneo-historical criticism,that is,the influence of the writer s life experience on the writing of the novel,the background of writing,especially the middle class women s status quo in the 19th century,and the their dual oppression coming from the society and male,which is reflected in the novel.从新历史主义批评角度的三个方面:《黄墙纸》作者吉尔曼的生活经历对小说创作的影响,小说写作时的社会背景,尤其是19世纪中产阶级妇女的处境以及《黄墙纸》和其它创作于19世纪的作品所反映出来的中产阶级妇女的社会地位及其所受到的来自社会和男性的双重压迫,探究了《黄墙纸》中女主人公"我"最终发疯的原因。

6)new historical principle literature新历史主义文学


