300字范文 > 控制洪水 flood control英语短句 例句大全

控制洪水 flood control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 22:45:30


控制洪水 flood control英语短句 例句大全

控制洪水,flood control

1)flood control控制洪水

1.The transforming "fromflood control to flood management" and "from agricultural drought relief to comprehensive and active drought relief" is a significant landmark, which is the inevitable trend of the water management strategies adjustment in the new developing period of China."由控制洪水向洪水管理转变"与"由以农业抗旱为主向城乡生活、生产和生态全面主动抗旱转变"是我国新时期治水方略调整的重要标志与必然趋向。


1.It"s impossible to get the flood under.要控制洪水是不可能的。

2.The plan had been devised to keep floods in leash.制定这项计划为的是要控制洪水。

3.Floods do come, as they have come unchecked for ages.多少年来,因为不能控制洪水,常常发生水灾。

4.Study on Process or Volume Control in Reservoir Operation and Forecasted Flood Operation Rule for Biliuhe Reservoir;水库洪水调度峰量控制类型与碧流河水库防洪预报调度规则研究

5.The floodgate was closed to control the flow of water.为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了。

6.The floodgate is closed to control the flow of water为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了

7.A gate used to control the flow of a body of water.防洪闸门控制水体流量的门

8.They tried to get flood water under control.他们努力使泛滥的洪水得到控制。

9.The control section of spillway is the key section to curb the water flow.溢洪道控制段是控制水流下泄的关键部位。

10.Application of a flood control operation numerical model for Linhuaigang Project on Huai River淮河临淮岗洪水控制工程洪水调度数学模型应用

11.Risk analysis of researvoir operation with considering flood forecast error考虑洪水预报误差的水库防洪控制调度的风险分析

12.The dam held the floodwaters.Thieves held the stolen painting for ransom.水库控制着洪水。小偷用偷来的画索取赎金

13.Hydraulic Calculation on Spillway of Canal Type Control Section of Hubei Guanyinyan Reservoir湖北观音岩水库渠式控制段溢洪道水力计算

14.Automatic Measuring&Control System for Hydraulic Model of Linhuaigang Flood Control Project on Huaihe River临淮岗洪水控制工程水工模型自动检测与控制系统

15.Mrs Jones didn"t give way during the floot, but she was very frightened.洪水来时琼斯太太虽然害怕,但没有失去控制。

16.On Quality Control of Metal Structure in the Improvement of Wangjiachang Reservoir s Spillway;王家厂水库溢洪道改造中金属结构质量控制

17.Runoff Coefficient Analysis for Urban Stormwater and Flood Control and Utilization城市雨洪控制利用的雨水径流系数分析

18.Application of prestress pretensioning method to the Linhuaigang flood-control project先张法预应力在临淮岗洪水控制工程中的应用


flood control洪水控制

1.Construction and management of Huaihe river closure for Linhuaigangflood control project;临淮岗洪水控制工程淮河截流的建设管理

2.There are choices of basic construction diversion way, optimized standard of construction diversion and upstream cascade reservoirsflood control during stage construction for downstream reserv.本论文对施工导流设计中的三个问题,即施工导流基本方式的选择、施工导流标准的选择及下游水利工程施工期上游梯级水库的洪水控制的优化设计进行研究。

3)flood control防洪;洪水控制

4)water level of flood control防洪控制水位

5)flood diversion controlling level分洪控制水位

6)flood mitigation operation洪水控制调度


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
