300字范文 > 历史启示 historical enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

历史启示 historical enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 14:49:09


历史启示 historical enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

历史启示,historical enlightenment

1)historical enlightenment历史启示

1.The author summarizes some thinkablehistorical enlightenment through analyzing the historical background, main content and historical significance of three great mind emancipations.该文通过分析三次思想大解放的历史背景、主要内容、历史意义 ,总结了若干发人深省的历史启

2.Ahistorical enlightenment is given: It is a necessity to handle the relation between denying to develop in the way of Capitalism and utilizing the Capitalist production mode properly, to understand th.本文分四个阶段对这一认识历程进行了剖析 ,从中引出以下历史启示 :必须正确处理拒绝资本主义发展道路同利用资本主义生产方式的关系 ;必须正确认识经典社会主义同现实社会主义的关系 ;必须研究新情况 ,解决新问题。


1.On Similarities and Historical EnLIghtenmentof the Two Resolutions in the History of CCP;中共党史上两个《历史决议》的共同点及历史启示

2.Conducting In-depth Studies on Historical Experience and Historical Revelation of the Reform;深入研究和把握改革的历史经验与历史启示

3.We learn from history that a chaotic country will not do.中国的历史启示了我们,国家不能乱。

4.Narrative,Text,Memory and History;叙事·文本·记忆·历史——论格非小说中的历史哲学、历史诗学及其启示

5.History and culture inspire his works.他的作品得益于历史和文化的启示。

6.Historical Evolvement of Carl D.Perkins Vocational Education Act in America and Its Revelations《卡尔·柏金斯法案》的历史演变及启示

7.Views of Modren Western Development s History Evolvrment and Revelation;当代西方发展观的历史演变及其启示

8.On the Historical Experience and Significance of the New Fourth Army s Fight Against Japan;论新四军抗战的历史经验和启示意义

9.Student View s Historical Process and Teaching Enlighten;学生观的历史演进及其对教学的启示

10.The View of "Yong" in The Analects:Its Historical Construction and Modern Revelation;《论语》中的勇:历史建构与现代启示

11.Implications From the Structural Evolution of American Higher Education;美国高等教育结构的历史演进及启示

12.The Historical Reference and Revelation for Constructing Harmonious Society in Qinghai Province;青海和谐社会建设的历史借鉴与启示

13.Development and Inspiration of General Curriculum in the American University;美国大学通识课程的历史发展及启示

14.Historical Development of the Party Building Work in Non-governmental Institutions of Higher Learning and Its Inspiration;民办高校党建工作的历史沿革及启示

15.Research into the Election of the Japanese Congress: History, Theory and Enlightenment;日本国会选举研究:历史、理论与启示

16.On the Changes of Japanese Non-traditional Insurance Industry and their Revelations for China;日本非传统保险发展历史变迁及启示

17.Historical Evidence on Anti-Domestic Violence in the Base Areas;根据地反家庭暴力的历史考察及启示

18.A Brief Approaching to Western Interpretation on Catharisis;略论西方历史上对catharsis的解读及其启示


Historical revelation历史启示

1.This article summarizes the historical experience of Anti-Japanese War and discusses its decisive conditions and profound historical revelatio本文总结了抗日战争胜利的历史经验,并论述抗战胜利的决定性条件及深刻的历史启示。

3)historic enlightenment历史启示

4)Historic inspiration历史启示

5)historical inspiration历史启示

1.C,we can learn the followinghistorical inspiration:continuously reinforce the economic support,political accountability,spiritual agglomeration,social influence and international discernment of the progressiveness construction of the Party.新中国成立以来,党探索自身先进性建设的历史启示是:不断增强党的先进性建设的经济支撑力,不断增强党的先进性建设的政治公信力,不断增强党的先进性建设的精神凝聚力,不断增强党的先进性建设的社会影响力,不断增强党的先进性建设的国际洞察力。

6)historical experience and enlightenment历史经验与启示


