300字范文 > 角色适应 Role adaptation英语短句 例句大全

角色适应 Role adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-30 07:55:42


角色适应 Role adaptation英语短句 例句大全

角色适应,Role adaptation

1)Role adaptation角色适应

1.Analysis and way of role adaptation issue in nursing undergraduates’Internship;护理本科生实习期间角色适应问题的分析与对策

2.Exploration of role adaptation in nursing undergraduates internship;护理本科生实习期间角色适应问题的探讨

3.The Positive Study on the Structure of Role Adaptation for Positions in Bank A;A银行员工岗位角色适应实证研究


1.Consideration of Training College Students Career Role During the Course of Role Adaptation;谈大学生角色适应中的“职业角色”培养

2.A Research on the Freshmen s Role Adjustment and Mental Health;大学新生的角色适应与心理健康研究

3.Some Ideas about Adaptation to Different Roles by Teachers in the Process of Their Professional Development;刍议教师专业成长过程中的角色适应

4.Psychological Diathesis and Career Adaptations of Librarian Working in University;高校图书馆员的心理素质与角色适应

5.The effective measure of motivating employee is to increase their abilities of role playing;(2)提高员工角色扮演能力和角色适应性,有效激励员工;

6.Influence of psychological intervention on role adaption of mother in primipara心理干预对初产妇母亲角色适应的影响

7.Research on the Adapt Ability of Middle School Teachers Role in the New Age;新时期中学教师角色适应能力的调查研究

8.A Study on the Role Adaptation of Landless Peasants in Chongqing during Urbanization;城市化进程中重庆失地农民角色适应调查研究

9.Studies on Role Adaptability of Primary School Teachers in Zhejiang Province to New Curriculum;新课程背景下浙江省小学教师角色适应性研究

10.Investigation on maternal role adaptation for primipara in puerperium初产妇产褥期母亲角色适应状况调查研究

11.She soon settled into her new role as Businesswoman.她很快就适应她职业妇女的角色了。

12.“The questions we ask are about the suitability of the role.我们问的问题都是关于角色的适应性。

13.How orientation is teacher s role within modern distance education;如何适应现代远程教育中的教师角色

14.The role s conversion--Discuss simply adapting education for new students of the university;角色的转换——大学新生适应性教育

15.Viewing freshmen"s adaptation in army academies from the role conversion从角色转换的角度看军校大学新生适应问题

16.An Investigation into the Adaptability of Senior High School English Teachers Roles under New Curriculum Criterion;新课程标准下高中英语教师角色的适应性调查

17.The Study of the Relationship between Androgyny and Social Adaptability of High School Students;高中生性别角色双性化与社会适应性的关系

18.Adapting to and Leading the New Course Reform:A Role Cognition of the Function of Teacher Education;适应和引领新课改:教师教育功能的角色认知


role adjustment角色适应

1.According to the results of 518 freshmen by exploratory factor analysis and those of 676 freshmen by confirmatory factor analysis,the Freshmen s Role Adjustment Questionnaire is consisted of generalrole adjustment,status adjustment,relationshiprole adjustment,economicrole adjustment,and liferole adjustment.结合对大学新生的深度访谈及心理专家的意见,编制出基于心理健康的《大学新生角色适应问卷》。

3)role self-adaptation角色自适应

1.As a modern secretary,she should take positive measures to develop her own advantages and achieverole self-adaptation.现代女秘书必须扬长避短,积极应对,实现角色自适应。

4)The Adaptive Role适应性角色

5)Roles adaptation角色适应性

6)role adjustment questionnaire角色适应问卷


领导者角色适应领导者角色适应adaptation to leader"s role领导者角色适应(adaptation to leader,srole)领导者对自己的角色及其变化的适应。主要包括如下内容:(l)对自己的社会角色及相应的角色规范、角色期望的认识与理解。(2)对实现领导角色的社会功能所必需的本质和能力的培养和提高。(3)对自己角色变化的适应。(4)依据交往对象和环境的变化,对自己角色行为方式的调整等。良好的角色适应性,是领导尽快进入角色,表现出适宜的角色行为,有效地实现领导角色的社会功能的前提条件。良好的角色适应是以正确的角色知觉为前提,是在角色活动实践过程中实现的,是在这一过程中进行角色学习和角色塑造的结果。(范粉章撰王树茂审)
