300字范文 > “吵闹的邻居” 终于在雅思口语里派上用场

“吵闹的邻居” 终于在雅思口语里派上用场

时间:2019-08-03 12:17:17


“吵闹的邻居” 终于在雅思口语里派上用场

雅思口语最新机经中有一道题,是让大家说a time someone or something made noise,该话题一出,各路烤鸭们的话匣子就合不上了。

谁这辈子还没遇到过几位混蛋邻居或是奇葩室友呢对不!所以各位在答案里需要思考的,就是这noise的来源是啥啦。比如家里养了一只吼叫到天明的泰迪,或者夫妻俩没日没夜的干仗,或者没事儿干在家拆墙,或者动不动就叫狐朋狗友到家里狂作,又或者人家就是喜欢在家里跳绳自嗨…… 无论是哪种人,我们只需要把他们做的“丧尽天良”的事情讲明白就好了。比如下面的两位,一位是作死,一位是死作:

My neighbors are a couple who’re really annoying. They just got married when they moved next door. To be honest, they looked like really nice people at first sight, but as time went by, they just started to get on my nerves.

For starters, they keep a noisy dog that wouldn’t stop barking, from early in the morning to midnight, especially when I am studying, I feel like killing the dog sometimes because of the unbearable sound. Plus, for some reason, they always argue with each other over meaningless trifles like whose turn it is to do the dishes or stuff like that. Our walls are not soundproof at all, so I can hear them clearly. And the worst part is, they are both party animals. Every weekend, they would invite their friends over, sometimes watching movies, and sometimes singing karaoke. And when they get drunk, they would yell really loudly. Just the thought of it makes me dizzy right now.

I remember one night, I was preparing for my final exam. But my neighbor invited a bunch of people to have a huge party with loud music and all. And I could hear them play the X-box. All of that made it impossible for me to focus on my study. I just couldn’t put up with them, so I stormed out, and knocked on their door, but for a long time no one answered it. I shouted, please keep it down, I was trying to study, but they didn’t seem to care at all and went on doing whatever they were doing. I was furious!

I couldn’t stand it anymore, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I just called the police to handle this mess.

Well, recently, my downstairs neighbor is renovating his house, and the hammering, the drilling and everything is really killing me.

We’ve been neighbors for about 5 years, and he’s never the kind of person who cares about other’s feelings. To be honest, he’s the most self-centered person I’ve ever met. Usually, when people are decorating their house, they would choose the period when others are not trying to have a rest, you know, so the construction should be during the daytime. And I think people would avoid the weekends because that’s when basically everybody would sleep in or stay at home relaxing. But my neighbor, he would do it whenever he wants, early in the morning or late at night.

The other day I suddenly was woken up by an outrageously loud noise. I took a look at my phone; it was 3 o’clock in the morning! I was like, what the…(hell)! I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I stormed out in my pajamas. I knocked on his door, and it took him several minutes to get it. When he opened the door, before I could say anything, he just gave me this irritated look, as if I was the one who annoyed and disturbed him! I tried to sound as politely as I could, “Could you keep it down, please? Everybody is sleeping at this hour.” Well, you couldn’t believe what his response was, and it really made me hit the roof. He said, “This is my house, and I can do whatever I want when I feel like it. It’s none of your business.” And he just slammed the door in my face. Honestly I was shocked, I guess there’s nothing I could do except calling the police, so that’s what I did.



