300字范文 > 工程设计实例 engineering examples英语短句 例句大全

工程设计实例 engineering examples英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 19:09:43


工程设计实例 engineering examples英语短句 例句大全

工程设计实例,engineering examples

1)engineering examples工程设计实例

1.I will introduce the design of the type of oil depot,from my point of wiew of building profesional,combined withengineering examples to illustrate the design of the total oil depot construction,vertical design, integrated design and the need to be considered.介绍油库设计类型,并结合工程设计实例,说明油库建筑总平面设计,竖向设计相关的综合设计的关系和需要考虑的内容。


1.An Example of Treatment Project Design in High Cut Slope of Geotechnical Mixed Type岩土混合型高切坡治理工程设计实例

2.Design of the reform engineering of wastewater treatment of a paper making plant某造纸厂废水处理改造工程设计实例

3.This paper gives an example of engi-neering design for the satellite communication link inthe TES( Telephony Earth Station) system.本文提供了电话地球站系统卫星通信链路的工程设计实例。

4.One Design Example of Application Program about LMB162ALMB162A的应用程序设计实例

5.Project design of communication optical fiber cable lines of local network and living example analysis本地网通信光缆线路的工程设计及实例分析

6.Design and Engineering Case of Hydraulic Power Station Work Shop on Light Bulb Stubular Turbines;灯泡贯流式水电站厂房设计及工程实例

7.Quantitative Analysis on Some Issues in Design of Short-limb Shear Wall and Design Suggest短肢剪力墙设计中的几个问题分析与工程实例

8.Importance of waterproof design quality by analysis of engineering examples从工程实例分析防水设计质量的重要性

9.Designing Syllabuses and Execution based on Working Process:a Case Study of the Course,Business Etiquette基于工作过程的课程方案设计及实施——以本校课程“商务礼仪”为例

10.Process Ground Line System"s High Frequency Grounding Objects Design and Project Example in Radio and TV Center广电中心工艺地线系统高频接地体设计及工程实例

11.The Exploration on Integrated Teaching Approach of "CED" in Water Pollution Control Engineering;水污染控制工程“案例—实验—设计”一体化实践教学创新模式的探索

12.Legend of piping engineering for petrochemical enterprises石油化工企业配管工程设计图例

13.The design methods and measures of safety protection of weakly loose blasting are introduced with field cases.通过工程实例,介绍了微弱松动爆破的设计方法及安全防护措施。

14.The reasonability of the theory is verified by field tests.工程实例表明:本文给出的理论和设计方法是合理的。

15.The application examples of KBE in cam and tailstock design were given.并给出了知识工程在凸轮精确建模和机床尾架设计应用实例。

16.Real Estate Development Project Design Optimization and Project Management Case Study Analysis and Practice;房地产开发项目设计优化与工程管理的案例分析与实务研究

17.Design Expressiong of Architechture Elevation:Take Extended Project of Lab building in Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine建筑立面的设计表达——以广州中医药大学实验楼扩建工程为例

18.Exploration of Aesthetic Meanings from Four Architectural Practices意以象尽 象以言著——以四项工程实例诠释建筑设计的美学内涵


design example设计实例

1.The principle of design of multi-layers woven artificial vascular fabric was discussed in light of a new weft insertion mechanism,and cited somedesign examples of multi-layers artificial vascular.介绍多层机织人造血管相比于传统单层人造血管所具有的优点,分析了多层人造血管织物的结构特点,结合改造的引纬机构原理对多层机织人造血管的设计原理进行了探讨,并列举了一部分多层人造血管的设计实例。

3)design case设计实例

1.In order to use enterprise resources, share and reuse existentdesign cases fully.为了更充分地利用企业的设计资源并共享与重用已有的设计实例,研究表明该模型通过其装配体、零部件等实体的相互作用关系及设计结构描述,为更深入的产品设计资源重用和开发提供了理论依据;并利用锻冶炉风机的设计实例,验证了该模型应用的可行性和实用性。

2.Then the way on how to obtain functional constraint families is given by the determination of similarity of functional constraints betweendesign cases.在产品功能原理解形成以后 ,通过对设计实例的功能约束评价 ,实现从产品功能原理解到具体产品结构的映射 首先 ,基于赋予重要性程度高的功能模块中的子功能以较高的子功能约束评价的设计假设 ,提出一种度量产品隐含功能约束的方法 ;然后 ,通过给出产品功能约束之间的相似性判定方法获得了产品的功能约束家族 ,为产品族中的成员向具体的产品结构形式的映射提供了依据 ;最后 ,以电子宠物头部运动的设计为例 ,描述了文中方法的实现过程 ,并验证了该方法的可行

4)design examples设计实例

1.The feasibility and practicability of the method are validated bydesign examples based on the presented models.基于提出的分析模型,设计实例验证了该方法的可行性与实用性。


6)engineering example工程实例

1.This article introduced the new research results of iron chip internal electrolysis process a-broad, described correlativeengineering examples and effect for industrial wastewater treatment in China based on the introduction to action mechanism of the process , and pointed out the problems , counter-measures and development trends of the process.在对铁屑内电解法的基本反应机理描述的基础上,着重阐述了我国运用铁屑内电解法处理各种工业污水的工程实例及处理效果,介绍了国外应用铁屑内电解法新的研究成果,并指出该方法在运用中存在的问题及解决途径,展望其未来发展趋势。

2.This article analyzes different "anchoring lengths of steel anchor bolts"chosen from "Design Handbook",according to the calculation principles of "The Design Specifications"in effect throughengineering example,presents concrete suggestions,and can be used for reference in design.本文通过工程实例,按现行设计规范的计算原则,对设计手册中"关于钢锚栓锚固长度"不同取值的问题作了分析,提出了具体建议,可供设计参考。

3.The design method of ground-source heat pump system is introduced with anengineering example.结合工程实例,介绍了土壤源热泵系统的设计方法。


