300字范文 > 企业角色 Roles英语短句 例句大全

企业角色 Roles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-28 23:44:34


企业角色 Roles英语短句 例句大全



1.Value Configuration,Roles and Strategic Trade-offs in Business Ecosystem;商业生态系统价值结构、企业角色与战略选择


1.Value Configuration, Roles and Strategic Trade-offs in Business Ecosystem;商业生态系统价值结构、企业角色与战略选择

2.Disappearance and Return of the Entrepreneur:on the Role of the Entrepreneur;企业家的消失与回归:论企业家角色

3.Study on Corpotate Culture with Chinese Charateristics in Wiew of Japanese Corpotate Culture;日本企业文化视角下的中国特色企业文化研究

4.Mechanism of the Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Supply of Entrepreneurial Human Capital;企业家角色定位与企业家人力资本供给

5.An Analysis on the Roles of IT in the Firms and Its Impacts on the Firm Productivity;IT在企业中的角色及对企业生产率的影响分析

6.Government Role in Developing the Small and Medium-Sized Private Enterprises;中小民营企业发展过程中的政府角色

7.The Role of the Government in the Course of the State-owned Enterprise Transform;国有企业转制过程中的政府角色定位

8.On the Role of the Courts in the Corporate Reorganization Procedures;论法院在企业破产重整程序中的角色

9.Analysis of Intellectual roles In the Technology Innovation Decision-making of the Enterprise;企业技术创新决策中的智力角色分析

10.Role of Firm and Government in the Indigenous Innovation System;企业与政府在自主创新体系中的角色

11.Role Conflict: A New Analysis of the Failing Cause of Enterprises in Westernization Movement;角色冲突:洋务企业失败原因的新阐释

12.On the Enterprise Leader s Position after China s Entry of WTO;加入WTO后的企业领导者角色定位

13.Oriention of Governments role in the Developmentof Reforms of Small and Medium sized Enterprises;中小企业改革发展中的政府角色定位

14.Government s Role in Restructuring State owned Enterprises Assets;国有企业资产重组中政府的角色定位

15.On The Positioning of Governmental Rolein reform of Chinese State-owned Enterpr ises;论政府在国有企业改革中的角色定位

16.The Study on Social Role of Knowledge Intensive Ventures;创业经济背景下知识型创业企业社会角色研究

17.Relevant Analysis of the Role of Chinese Family Business Buiders and the Culure of Chinese Family Businesses;家族创业者角色与企业文化的相关性分析

18.Environment and Role Cognition of Managers in Private Enterprises;民营企业职业经理人的生存环境和角色认知


entrepreneurr ole企业家角色

3)Enterprise viewpoint企业视角

4)the perspective of enterprise企业角度

5)nonferrous enterprises有色企业

1.A study on strategy for development of electronic commerce ofnonferrous enterprises ofter China"s WTO entry;加入WTO有色企业开展电子商务的策略研究

2.The operationalzation of an integrative managerial strategy for Tongling Nonfer-rous Metals Group Company taken as an example ofnonferrous enterprises is discussed.本文以铜陵有色金属(集团)公司为例,探讨一体化经营战略在有色企业中的运用。

6)green enterprise绿色企业

1.With respect to environmental protection problems of 21st century, this paper discusses the significance ofgreen enterprises and green products for enterprises development, and the interrelation among them.论文围绕 2 1世纪的环境保护问题 ,阐述了绿色企业、绿色产品对企业发展的意义和重要性 ,论述了绿色企业、绿色产品与机电一体化技术的相互关系 ,指明了现代企业应该在加快企业机电一体化进程的同时 ,加强企业ISO14 0 0 0认证 ,大力推广绿色生产 ,走绿色企业之路 ,从而最终实现企业的可持续发展。

2.By analyzing the characteristics ofgreen enterprises and indicate the difference betweengreen enterprises and general enterprises, some advice on how to becomegreen enterprises are given in this paper.通过对绿色企业的特点分析,指出绿色企业战略与一般企业战略的主要区别,提出了建筑企业向绿色企业转变的具体措施和建议,对建筑企业绿色战略进行了初步探讨,为建筑企业在新形势下取得经济效益和环保效益双丰收指出了一条发展道路。

3.Firstly, the importance ofgreen enterprise in modern society is discussed.首先讨论了绿色企业的定义并阐述了绿色企业在现代社会中的意义和作用, 结合我国的实际情况提出了4条建设绿色企业的建议, 最后展望了绿色企业在我国的前景。


