300字范文 > 中考书面表达范文参考_九年级英语教案


时间:2024-05-10 11:57:03




1. 同学们普遍认为作业的确过多,没有时间做自己想做的事情。

the students think that we really have too much homework and even don’t have time to do what we are interested in.

2. 也有同学认为作业是必要的,它可以帮助学生学得更好。

other students think it’s necessary to have some homework, because it can help us to learn better.

3. 就作业问题,谈谈自己的看法和建议。

i think it’s ok to have some homework, but we also need time to learn more from nature.

so i hope the teachers will choose proper homework for us, but not too much.


1. 本周末我们将进行春游,春游是为了休息和放松,也是同学之间相互交流的好机会。

we will go for a spring outing this weekend just to get some rest and relaxed. the spring outing is also a good chance for us to talk to each other.

2. 春游不是去花钱,大家应自备饮水和食物。

we go out for the spring outing not to spend much money, so we should get food and water ready for ourselves.

3. 路途和游玩中大家应相互关照和帮助。

we should take care of each other and help each other on the way out or at the playing places.


now we have so much work to do in our studies, so we must have enough rest and sleep every day.


we must also have enough and the right kind of food to keep us healthy.


don’t forget to wash your hands before meals.


we need to study in proper ways. as we know, staying up late is bad for health.


1. 近来,越来越多的同学拥有手机。

recently, more and more students have mobile phones.

2. 一部分同学认为手机可以用来联系家长、同学,还可以听音乐、照相。

some students think that it is convenient to use them to keep in touch with parents and classmates.

also, they can be used to listen to music or take photos.

3. 又有一部分同学认为每天跟家长、同学在一起,没有必要用手机联系,手机对我们的学习有影响。

but others thinks that we don’t need to talk with parents and classmates withmobile phones, because we meet them every day.

and mobile phones may influence our study.

4. 就学生买手机问题,谈谈自己的看法和建议。

i think its ok for us students to have mobile phones, but we should use them in the proper way.


1. 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对健康问题越来越重视。

now our life is becoming better and better.

and people care more about their health.

2. 专家对青少年的调查发现有95%的学生喜欢吃垃圾食品,他们认为这些食品很好吃,而且方便携带。

they think the food tastes good and it is easy to take.
