300字范文 > 八年级英语Can you come to my birthday party教案_八

八年级英语Can you come to my birthday party教案_八

时间:2021-02-16 20:27:28


八年级英语Can you come to my birthday party教案_八

八年级英语can you come to my birthday party教案

unit 5 can you come to my birthday party ?

section b

一、教师寄语:.do nothing by halves. (凡事不可半途而废。)


knowledge aims: new words and phrases : tomorrow, weekday ,invitation ,training, chemistry,american , match, whole, free, the day after tomorrow ,come over, have… training

ability aims: 1)学会询问及回答日期


emotion aim: 通过本节课的学习,学会婉言拒绝别人的邀请,礼貌待人


熟练掌握: 1. a: what’s today?

b: it’s monday the 14 th.

2. thanks a lot for the invitation. i’m sorry i can’t ……


(一) 预习导学

take out a calender and ask students the date, then fill the blanks below.

a: 英汉互译:



b: 默写出星期的名称。(从周日开始)

(二)自主学习:finish 2a,2b.

(三)合作探究:1. practice the conversations about vince and andy. like this:

a: hi, vince , can you play tennis with me? b: when?

a: today. b: sorry, i can’t. i…

2. read 3a only once. then answer the questions:

判断正 (t)误(f)。

1) sonia is visiting henry although she is busy this week.

2) sonia is going to her cousin’s birthday party on monday evening.

3) sonia has a toothache.

4) sonia is in the school tennis team and she has tennis training on wednesday.

5) sonia has a chemistry test on thursday.

3. fill in the blanks in the e-mail message. use “i’m+ing” or “i have to + verb.”(finish 3b)

(四)拓展创新:write an email message to a friend. say why you can’t visit next week.


what have you learned in this class? please write them down:




1.thank you very much for your i_______.

2.i’m sorry,i can’t.i have a r¬¬¬¬¬¬_______busy day.

3.tom is an a_______ boy.

4.he is coming back s_______.

5. i am f_____ today. i can help my parents clean the house.


1. thank you______me to your party.

a. asking b. ask c. for asking d. to asking

2. may 12th is xiao ming’s birthday.he____ us to his birthday party.

八年级英语Can you come to my birthday party教案_八年级英语教案
