300字范文 > Unit 21 Body Language-_高一英语教案

Unit 21 Body Language-_高一英语教案

时间:2019-11-13 20:33:10


Unit 21 Body Language-_高一英语教案

unit 21 body language

teaching aims and demands

words and phrases

four skills: unfair customer avoid ahead manage fold vary crazy part handshake gently anger useless occur focus

ahead of give sb. a hand get through tear down hold up make a face in order

three skills: suitcase firm bow fist tap specific bend

spoken english:

making offers and requests

can /shall i help you with that? could you help me with…?

would you like me to…? do you need some help with that?

could you please … ?

no thank you. thanks for all your help.

would you like some help?

no, thanks. i can manage it myself?

could you give me a hand with this?

that’s very nice of you.

is there anything else i can do for you?


v-ing作主语、宾语和表语 (2)

1. 用英语表达“做某事如何的”——v-ing形式作主语:

talking while eating is not polite.

2. 有些及物动词后面需跟v-ing形式作宾语:

you can’t stop him doing what he wants.

3. 绝大多数介词后面需跟v-ing形式作宾语:

she left without saying goodbye.

4. 用英语表达 “什么事是某事” --- v-ing形式作表语:

seeing is believing.

use of language:

help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. learn the text body language. get the students to feel the culture lying with the body language.

important points:

feel the culture difference among different body language.

difficult points: the use of v-ing.

teaching aids: computer, tape-recorder

way of teaching: the communicative teaching approach.


step 1 warming up

tell the students to look t at the pictures and match each picture with the correct emotion and sentence.

the answers are:

picuure 1 confused i don’t know what to do.

2 angry i can’t believe she said that! that’s so unfair!

3 sad i have lost my wallet!

4 happy i got an a in my exam!

5 tired it’s been a long way. i can’t keep my eyes open.

then ask the students to give more examples of facial expressions. then ask the students:

are all the facial expression easy to understand?

can the same facial expression mean differently in different situations?
