300字范文 > 首针及时接种项目 project for timely vaccination of the first dose of h

首针及时接种项目 project for timely vaccination of the first dose of h

时间:2018-12-28 00:15:36


首针及时接种项目 project for timely vaccination of the first dose of h

首针及时接种项目,project for timely vaccination of the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine

1)project for timely vaccination of the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine首针及时接种项目

2)Timely birth dose首针及时接种


1.Analysis on timely birth dose coverage rate of hepatitis B vaccine and influential factors among children born between 2002 and in Chengdu成都市2002-出生儿童乙肝疫苗首针及时接种率及影响因素

2.Logistic Regression Analysis on Coverage of Influences on Timely Birth Dose Hepatitis B Vaccine新生儿乙型肝炎疫苗首针及时接种的Logistic回归分析

3.Study on the Executive Strategy of the Pilot Project of Improving the First Dose Coverage Rate Timely for Hepatitis B Vaccine in Poor Areas贫困地区提高新生儿乙型肝炎疫苗首针及时接种率项目实施策略研究

4.The Study on the Influencing Factors of New Infants Hepatitis B Vaccine Timely Birth Dose in Yunnan Province云南省影响新生儿首针乙型肝炎疫苗及时接种因素研究

5.Study on the Influencing Factors of Hepatitis B Vaccine Timely Birth Dose for Infants Born at Hospitals医院出生新生儿未及时接种首剂乙型肝炎疫苗影响因素研究

6.When were people first vaccinated against measles?人们首次接种防麻疹疫苗是什么时候?

7.Sometimes pups become ill after their first vaccination.有时犬只会在首次接种疫苗后发病。

8.Analysis of the First Dose Hepatitis B Vaccine to the Newborns From to in Zoucheng City~邹城市新生儿乙肝疫苗首针接种情况调查分析

9.Effect observation of eliminating residual air gas of three kinds of sealed tuber during detained needle connecting with heparin cap留置针接肝素帽时三种封管排气法的效果观察

10.A stitc h in time saves nine.及时一针抵得事后九针。

11.An Adaptive Scheme and Its Software Implementation for Multiple Authentication Modes in WLAN针对多种认证方式的WLAN智能接入方案设计及软件实现

12.Monitoring Nucleic Acids Ligation and Detecting Virus RNA Based on Molecular Beacons;分子信标荧光探针用于核酸连接过程的实时监测及病毒RNA的检测

13.Data communication--37 pin and 9 pin DTE/DCE interface connectors and pin assignmentsGB/T9950-1988数据通信37插针及9插针DTE/DCE接口连接器和插针分配

14.For inoculation of an agar deep tube, a straight needle is inserted to the bottom of the tube in a straight line and rapidly withdrawn along the line of insertion.在接种试管深层培养基时,一支直的接菌针直线地穿刺到试管的底部,同时快速地沿著接种线抽出。

15.A competition in which these sleds race against a clock.逆时针比赛这种雪橇逆时针方向的比赛

16.Tsndom sccess: A form of access where storing and retrieving data can be performed directly and instantly.即时存取:直接及即时完成存取数据的一种形式。

17.A stitch in time saves nine. --Reade及时缝上一针可免将来缝九针。——雷德

18.If one takes action or does a piece of work immediately, it may save a lot of extra work later.一针及时,可省九针(及时行动,免得问题成堆)。


Timely birth dose首针及时接种

3)Timely vaccination rate of first dose of newborns首针及时接种率



6)First dose vaccination rate首针接种率


美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针药物名称:甲孕雌醇避孕针英文名:Mego-E别名:美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针适应症:甲地孕酮微晶水混悬液作肌肉或皮下注射后,能局部储存并缓慢释放,产生长效抗排卵作用。其与天然雌激素17β-雌二醇配伍组成美尔伊避孕针,能使单独应用时发生的闭经等不良反应减少,续用率较高,每月注射1次,可避孕1个月。微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针是一种生物降解型释放系统,避孕效果好。 用量用法: 1.美尔伊避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第10~12日各肌注1支,以后每月在月经周期的第10~12日肌注1支。 2.微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第12日各肌注1支,第2个月起每30日注射1支。 注意事项: 1.开始时,可有月经周期缩短,经期延长或不规则出血,少数有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、乳胀等不良反应。 2.美尔伊避孕针临用时,应将药液充分摇匀,注射时,针头应刺入臂部肌肉深部。 规格: 美尔伊避孕针剂:每支含甲地孕酮25mg和雌二醇3.5mg。 微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针剂:每支含甲 孕酮25mg,环戊丙酸雌二醇5mg.类别:避孕药

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