300字范文 > 先进制造平台 Advanced Manufacture Platform英语短句 例句大全

先进制造平台 Advanced Manufacture Platform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-19 03:57:33


先进制造平台 Advanced Manufacture Platform英语短句 例句大全

先进制造平台,Advanced Manufacture Platform

1)Advanced Manufacture Platform先进制造平台

1.Research and Development of theAdvanced Manufacture Platform CAM System;先进制造平台CAM系统的研究与开发


1.Research and Development of the Advanced Manufacture Platform CAM System;先进制造平台CAM系统的研究与开发

puter-aided prosthetic socket manufacturing system based on an advanced manufacture technology基于先进制造平台的假肢接受腔计算机辅助制造系统(英文)

3.The Research and Development of Machining of Foot Orthotics Based on Advanced Manufacturing Platform;基于先进制造平台的足底矫形器加工的研究与开发

4.World-class quality; top-notch safety and security features全新平台筑世界品质 先进科技造顶级安全

5.Research and Design of Real-Time Data Platform for Advanced Control Software;先进控制软件实时数据平台的研究与设计

6.Application of OPC in Integrated Platform for Advanced Control Software;先进控制软件集成平台中OPC技术的应用研究

7.Design of Advanced Control Software Platform (ACSP) Based on iFix;基于iFix的先进控制软件平台的总体设计

8.Enlightenment from Comparison of Mannfacturing Level of Advanced Manufacturing Industry Between Shanghai and Foreign Countries;上海先进制造业水平的国际对比及其启示

9.Let Tags Made In China Aim Global Advanced Level让中国制造的电子标签瞄准世界先进水平

10.Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Quality of Product and Level of Performance: The Empirical Study on Chongqing Manufacturing Enterprises;先进制造技术、产品质量与绩效水平:关于重庆制造企业的实证研究

11.The Construction of Platform of Technology Import and Absorption based on Equipment Manufacture Organization Model;基于装备制造业组织模式的技术引进、消化与吸收平台的构建

12.Accelerating Informationization of manufacturing industry and advanced manufacturing technology;制造业信息化与先进制造技术的发展

13.Advanced Manufacturing Technology and China"sModern Machinery Manufacturing先进制造技术与我国现代机械制造业

14.Research on Advanced Manufacturing Technology基于先进制造技术的机械制造业研究

15.Advanced operation system is benefit to operation in assembly line.先进的操作平台,特别适合流水作业。

16.Providing Talents for Constructing Advanced Manufaturing Industry Base;为打造先进制造业基地提供人才支撑

17.Improving traditional manufactural enterprises by advanced technology;用先进适用技术改造提升传统制造业

18.Study on Production Process Reengineering Based on AMT in Manufacturing Industry;基于先进制造技术的制造业生产流程再造研究


advanced control platform先进控制平台

1.This paper implements the algorithm in theadvanced control platform self-developed.提出基于状态空间模型的阶梯式多变量动态矩阵控制分散优化算法,使计算量大大减少,并在自行研制的先进控制平台上,实现了这种算法。

2.Anadvanced control platform .使用VB语言开发了辅助先进控制方法验证、试验调试的先进控制平台,这就促进了先进控制方法能够有效、可靠、快速的应用到实际控制系统中。

3)Advanced manufacture先进制造

1.The problem which is faced with in the present manufacture is introduced in this paper,and we analyze it and explains the leading edge of the world advanced manufacture and to how to develop the manufacture in China.介绍了现在制造业中面临的问题,通过对问题的分析,提出了发展先进制造前沿技术的见解和在我国发展先进制造技术的途径,同时展望了先进制造技术的发展前景。

2.This article mainly discussed the reform and innovation of practice teaching of contents,method and mode for advanced manufacture technology engineering.就先进制造技术工程实践教学内容、教学方法、教学组织模式的改革与创新进行了简要阐述。

3.This paper analysis the development of the social manufacture s development and researches the types ofadvanced manufacture theories and practice: Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Concurrent Engineering, Lean Pro-duction and Agile Manufacturing, and so on.分析了人类社会制造业发展模式的阶段与特点,并在此基础上详细研究了先进制造理论与实践的几种形式:即,计算机集成制造、并行工程、精益生产、敏捷制造、企业资源规划、全球制造等。

4)advanced manufacturing先进制造

1.Distributed network measuring system --new orientedadvanced manufacturing measurement system;分布式网络化测量系统——面向先进制造的新一代测量系统

2.Key technology ofadvanced manufacturing agile manufacturing, concurrent engineering and supply chain;先进制造的关键技术:敏捷制造、并行工程和供应链

3.Based on the concept of dynamically changing the scale, simulations during the design & development of larger-scale component manufacturing products, of production line and process, of manufacturing enterprise modeling and performance, and ofadvanced manufacturing p.为采用大型组合构件法制造出最佳的大型产品,提出了开放网格计算环境中的先进制造及其仿真。

5)manufacturing platform制造平台

1.This essay aims to illustrate the following points:first,information management holds the key to an enterprise s successful operation;second,the kernal function of amanufacturing platform is to develop new products within a network system;third,a dealing platform not o.本文通过对信息管理是企业经营的生命线、制造平台的核心任务是在网络环境下成功地开发新产品、交易平台不仅仅具有交易的功能,而且具有明显的信息沟通功能和顾客服务功能等问题的阐述,提出了移动通讯公司信息平台、制造平台、交易平台、物流平台和服务平台的设计与管理。

6)Advanced manufacturing先进制造业

1.The comprehensive national power is presented by the overall level of advanced manufacturing.先进制造业的整体水平体现了一个国家的综合国力。

2.The lack of high-skilled professionals in China is becoming a serious problem in the development of advanced manufacturing.浙江积极打造全国先进制造业的基地也同样面临着这个严峻问题。

3.Training highly skilled people for advanced manufacturing is one of the important missions of vocational education.为先进制造业培养高技能人才,是高职教育的重要使命之一。


国际先进模具制造开发技术速度快据介绍,国际先进工业国家在链条与模具生产中均采用了可靠性设计以及CAD/CAM技术,开发新品速度快、精度高,质量较有保证。大多数新产品具有高耐磨、高疲劳、高精度的特点,结构形式上有微型链以及多种输送链、缆链、倍速链等,在材料上则使用了耐磨、耐热、塑料、含油粉末冶金等材料,进一步提高了链条的性能。 另外,在加工方面,一般规格链条链板多采用高速多颗冲裁工艺,滚子制造采用五工位冷挤压机加工,套筒采用高速精密且具有自动检测功能的卷管机加工;喷丸、挤孔、表面硬化处理等新工艺应用很普遍;零件热处理一般采用热处理自动生产线,热处理质量由在线检测设备检测与控制;热处理工艺有趋于向温度、炉压、炉气组分以及淬火介质等多参数综合控制,零件质量稳定可靠,技术性能较高;在装配工艺上则普遍采用组装、铆头、检测、预拉,拆节多功能自动装配线。
