300字范文 > 高强度运动 high intensity exercise英语短句 例句大全

高强度运动 high intensity exercise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-06 08:08:56


高强度运动 high intensity exercise英语短句 例句大全

高强度运动,high intensity exercise

1)high intensity exercise高强度运动

1.Effects of soy oligopeptides supplemention on small intestinal mucosa barrier afterhigh intensity exercise in rats补充大豆低聚肽对高强度运动后大鼠肠道粘膜屏障的影响

2.In this paper, moderate exercise,high intensity exercise and Chinese traditional exercise are compared on prolong life.通过对适量运动 ,高强度运动及传统体育运动对延缓衰老进程影响的比较研究 ,为老年人选择合适的健身项目及运动强度提出生理、生化方面的理论依

3.The purpose of this study is to explore the heart impulse load effect of thehigh intensity exercise.设计实时的肌肉组织血氧量和瞬时心率无损同步检测方案与设备,为研究高强度运动心脏的冲击影响、探讨高强度运动中代谢规律提供测试手段。


1.Influnce on physiologlcal response passiye warming-up of body before it exericise at low lemperalure for xigh strenglh exercise;低温下被动的运动前身体加温对高强度运动中生理反应的影响

2.Severe Exercise and Effect on the Expression of Serum IL-8;高强度运动对血清IL-8表达水平的影响

3.Study on Heart Impulse Load and Signal Inquisition in High Intensity Exercise Process;高强度运动对心脏的冲击影响及信号提取研究

4.Motion Control of the Probe of HIFU Treatment Machine;HIFU(高强度聚焦超声)探头的运动控制


6.Physiological Mechanism of Elite Endurance Athletes In High-Intensity Interval Training;高水平耐力运动员高强度间歇训练的生理机制

7.Effects of inhaling hyperoxic oxygen on metabolism of lactate after intensive exercise;吸高氧对赛艇运动员大强度运动后血乳酸、酸碱度的影响

8.Intensity and Energy Supply of the Dragon Dancer in Universities;高校舞龙运动负荷强度及供能特征研究

9.The Research on the Extra-curricular Movement Training Load Intensity and the Training Instauration of Chinese Universities;高校业余运动训练负荷强度与恢复研究

10.Research on Monitoring Altitude Training Intensity for the Plain Bicycle Athletes;自行车运动员高原训练强度监控的研究

11.A Study of the Method of Wushu Sportsmen s Recovery of their Physical Ability from Fatigue after High-intense Training;武术运动员高强度训练后体能恢复方法的研究

12.How to control the exercise volume and intensity in the dash training of high vocational academies and schools高职院校短跑训练中如何把握运动量和运动强度

13.A Research on the Mechanism for the Exhausted Exercise-Induced Excretion Rate of Urinary Protein in Rats;大强度运动引起大鼠运动性尿蛋白升高机制的研究

14.an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.).涉及升高到一个更高点的运动(例如在海拔、温度或强度上等)。

15.A Study on the Determination of the Exercise Intensity of the Diabetes Quantitative Exercise Prescriptions;糖尿病量化运动处方运动强度的测定

16.A review of research on the optimization of intermittent high intensity training programs for high performance endurance cyclists;高水平自行车耐力运动员高强度间歇训练方案优化研究述评

17.Low Intensity of Voluntary Running but not Forced Running Improved Endothelium-dependent Vasodilation and Reduced Endothelial Inflammation in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats低强度自愿运动与强迫运动对自发性高血压大鼠血管内皮功能及炎症损伤的影响

18.Effects of Type and Intensity of Warm-up on Subjective Exercise Experience with Female University Students;准备活动类型和强度对高校女生主观运动体验影响的研究


sport intensity运动强度

1.Different sport forms andsport intensity affect the immune function differently.不同的运动形式和运动强度对免疫机能的影响也不同,适宜的运动强度和运动量能提高机体的免疫能力和抗感染能力,但大强度、剧烈的运动或训练则能使机体的免疫机能和抗感染能力下降,进而使运动能力下降。

2.The relationship betweensport intensity and state anxiety is analyzed in terms of such common physiological indexes as heart rate,systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.通过问卷调查、实验分析等方法,探讨了不同运动强度对不同性别、不同锻炼情况的普通大学生状态焦虑的影响,寻找适合大学生降低状态焦虑的有效手段。

3.The study investigated the effects of differentsport intensity on improving the physique of middle-aged female.结果表明有氧运动强度越大 ,增强体质的效果越明显。

3)exercise intensity运动强度

1.Objective To explore the effects ofexercise intensity,duration and postprandial exercise initial time on postprandial glucose and insulin homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.结果:运动可显著降低2型糖尿病患者餐后峰值血糖和血糖曲线下面积(GlucoseAreaUndertheserumconcentrationCurve,GAUC),但对胰岛素曲线下面积(InsulinAreaUndertheserumconcentrationCurve,IAUC)影响不显著(P>0·05),其中运动强度为3·3代谢当量(MetabolicEquivalentsMETs)、持续时间40min、血糖峰值前30min运动的峰值血糖显著低于静息值(P<0·05);糖尿病史>5年组和BMI>26组运动实验峰值血糖和GAUC显著降低(P<0·05)。

2.Result:①Medialexercise intensity could effectively lower SBP and DBP of the grade-1 hyp.方法:将40例中老年1级高血压患者随机分成1个对照组和3个实验组,3个实验组分别以大、中、小运动强度施行每周3次,每次30min以跑步为主的运动处方16周。

3.The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the outcome of an organized, semi-closed grogram for weight reduction in community, and to provide the helpful suggestions for the reasonable goal, rate, duration, energy intake,exercise intensity and amount for weight-reduction program.通过分析一次有组织、半封闭形式的社区减肥活动 ,观察减肥效果 ,探讨适宜的减肥目标、速度和持续时间 ,适宜的能量摄入量 ,适宜的运动强度和运动量 ,提出建设性意见。


1.Study on Variety Characteristics of University Students Motion Perception Ability in Different Intensity;不同运动强度下大学生运动知觉能力变化特点的研究

2.This study investigated the exerciseintensity control during aerobics classes.研究健身房有氧健身课运动强度的控制。

3.This study explores the characteristics of energy supply system and the distribution of time motions under various loads andintensity, in order to provide the scientific references for the rational arrangement of the proportion of the training content, scientific selection of the training methods and approaches, and the proper arrangement of the exercise.揭示了篮球后卫队员赛中运动强度变化与供能特征,以及不同负荷下的运动时间分布。

5)Training intensity运动强度

1.The greater the training intensity is, the more the plasma endothelin concentration is.结果表明 ,不同强度、不同方式运动对血浆 ET的影响不同 ,运动强度越大 ,血浆 ET浓度增加越多 ,同时伴收缩压及血乳酸升高 ,并呈正相关 ,跑台力竭运动后血浆 ET浓度增加明显 ,而跑台恒负荷运动和自行车力竭运动不引起显著的血浆 ET的应答变化。

6)sports intensity运动强度

1.Path analysis shows that physical exercise andsports intensity can help the high school students be more self-esteemed.运动强度对提高中学生的自尊具有非常重要的作用。

2.Blood acid lactate analyzer was used to test the density of blood acid lactate,which demonstrated that with the intensity ofsports intensity,the amount of oxyhemoglobin decreased while reducing hemoglobin increased.结果表明,运动过程中骨骼肌组织内血氧含量随着运动强度的增加呈现出规律性的变化;随着运动强度的增加,氧合血红蛋白含量逐渐下降,还原血红蛋白含量逐渐上升,血容量呈下降性的变化,血乳酸浓度呈现出升高的变化。

3.Therefore,level of blood T under sports can be used to monitorsports intensity.因此 ,运动中血T水平可对运动强度进行监测评定。


