300字范文 > 制度管理 system management英语短句 例句大全

制度管理 system management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-20 19:00:48


制度管理 system management英语短句 例句大全

制度管理,system management

1)system management制度管理

1.On the relationship between culture management andsystem management;论文化管理与制度管理的关系

2.Starting from the description of the status quo of the businesssystem management and economic management,this paper give an analysis of the effect ofsystem management on econsinic management in order to raise the level of understanding and help the establishment of modern business system to promote economic growing.从黄金行业企业制度与经济管理现状 ,分析了制度管理对经济管理的作用 ,旨在提高认识 ,帮助黄金企业建立现代企业制度 ,促进经济发

bined with standardized operating rules and training programs, and through constructing the new relation between technology andsystem management, we have also improved the investment efficiency and the managerial effectiveness of multimedia classrooms.在多媒体教室规范化操作培训等制度的制定和执行基础上,通过构建技术管理与制度管理相结合的管理新关系,改善了多媒体教室的投资效益,提高了设备的管理效率。


1.Process Management,Rules Management and Humanistic Management浅谈过程管理、制度管理与人本管理

2.The Relationship between Institutional Restriction and Emotional Treatment in Work on Student Affairs in Colleges and Universities;论高校学生管理中的制度管理与情感管理

3.Integration of system and cultural management in universities论大学管理中制度管理与文化管理的融合

4.the old regime versus the new新管理制度对旧管理制度.

5.the reform of census register system as well as other systems;改革户籍管理制度和其它管理制度;

6.management operating system (MOS)管理工作系统;经营管理制度;经营管理制度

7.State System of Accounting and Control国家核算和管理制度(核管制度)

8.Working Group on Management Audit Systems管理审计制度工作组

9.pipeline project management system编审中项目管理制度

10.Workshop on Environment Management System环境管理制度讲习班

11.--Setting up a comprehensive marine management system.--建立海洋综合管理制度。

12.there must be a perfect system of administration具有完善的管理制度。

13.management system for the paid use of land土地有偿使用管理制度

14.Drafting of litigation/crisis management policies起草诉讼/危机管理制度

15.safety management system inspection regime安全管理制度视察策略

16.Deepening the Reform of the Management System and Realize the Systematization of the Teaching Management System;深化管理制度改革 实现教学管理制度系统化

17.The Study on Institutional System and Institutional Construction of Marine Management;海洋管理的制度体系与制度建设研究

18.On the Management System in College System Cultural Construction;高校制度文化建设中的管理制度研究


institutional management制度管理

3)Systematic management制度管理

1.During the managing process, only combining the systematic management with the humanistic management can form the " leaf mosaic phenomenon" in school teaching management.在管理过程中,只有制度管理与人文管理相结合,才能形成学校教育教学管理的“叶镶嵌现象”。

4)management system管理制度

1.“Two-Card”management system in electrical production;浅谈电力安全生产中的“两票”管理制度

2.A survey of the patients’ admissive degree to themanagement system of ward in the department of orthopaedics and its countermeasures;骨科病人对病房管理制度认可程度的调查分析及对策

3.Humane hypothesis,organizational capability andmanagement system;人性假设、组织能力与管理制度

5)managerial system管理制度

1.The traditional thought model of the coal enterprises has bigger inf luence on themanagerial system of the enterprises.煤炭企业的传统思维方式对企业管理制度的影响较大,要运用现代管理思维来改造传统企业管理制度,更新企业管理制度的思维,改变煤炭企业现行管理制度的内容。

2.3 Peoples’ Hospital of Bangbu City, namely, taking the patients as the center, the sense of responsibility for medical service quality is intensified,managerial system of medical service quality is implemented, investigating system for responsibility for medical service quality is improved, a new look for hospital activities is created in a new stage.介绍蚌埠市第三人民医院紧紧围绕以病人为中心,强化医疗质量责任意识,落实医疗质量管理制度,健全医疗质量责任追究制,开创新时期医院工作新局面的经验。

3.This paper probes into the management mode of welded rails in big station of railway from three aspects such as the responsibility of the managerial staff,managerial system and management standard.从管理人员的职责、管理制度和管理标准3方面探讨了了铁路大站段无缝线路的管理模式。

6)management institution管理制度

1.Research on Credit Management Institution in the Construction Industry;建筑业诚信管理制度的研究

2.When establishing or implementing theirmanagement institutions,many enterprises now concentrate on abolishing harm institutions and ignore promoting benefit institutions.制度化管理是企业管理的一项重要内容和方式 ,但目前许多企业在制定与实施管理制度时多注重除弊类制度 ,而忽视兴利制度制定与建设 ,这对于企业内部员工的积极性的发挥是远远不足的 。

3.Agricultural water expensesmanagement institution is an important component and key link of agricultural water resourcesmanagement institution,whether or not agricultural water expensesmanagement institution operates will certainly affect whether or not agricultural water resourcesmanagement institution operates normally.农业水费管理制度是农业水资源管理制度的重要组成部分和关键环节,农业水费管理制度能否正常运行必将最终影响到农业水资源管理制度能否正常运行。


