300字范文 > 回收聚丙烯(PP) recycled polypropylene(PP)英语短句 例句大全

回收聚丙烯(PP) recycled polypropylene(PP)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-03 16:55:39


回收聚丙烯(PP) recycled polypropylene(PP)英语短句 例句大全

回收聚丙烯(PP),recycled polypropylene(PP)

1)recycled polypropylene(PP)回收聚丙烯(PP)

1.The injection molding processing of recycled polypropylene(PP) was studied by orthogonal experiment.通过正交试验研究了回收聚丙烯(PP)的注塑成型工艺,并以经马来酸酐改性的乙烯-辛烯共聚物(POE)和改性POE+纳米CaCO3作为增韧剂对PP改性,研究了增韧剂加入量对回收PP的微观组织和力学性能的影响。


1.Based on the analysis of a great number of domestic and foreign information and the present status in China, the injection of wood-polypropylene composites has been studied in this paper.本文在分析了大量国内外资料并结合我国现状的基础上,采用木粉填充聚丙烯(PP)进行PP基木塑复合材料注射成型的实验研究,为实现PP基木塑复合材料注射成型工业化提供理论指导。

2.Blends of hyperbranched polyesteramide/polypropylene were prepared by melt blending with the incorporation of hyperbranched polyesteramide of 1 %(by weight), 3 %, 5 % and 7 %.将超支化聚酰胺酯(PS2550)和聚丙烯(PP)共混,其中PS2550分别为1%、3%、5%和7%,研究了PS2550/PP体系的结晶性能、流变行为和热稳定性能。


1.Polypropylene (PP) pipes-Tolerances on outside diameters and wall thicknessesGB/T13019-1991聚丙烯(PP)管材外径和壁厚极限偏差

2.Study of Crystallization, Morphology, Rheology and Mechanical Properties of Modification Polypropylene;改性聚丙烯(PP)的结晶、相态、流变和力学性能研究

3.Study of the Properties of PP/MH Composites Containing Three Types of Magnesium Hydroxide不同类型氢氧化镁阻燃剂填充聚丙烯(PP)复合材料力学性能研究

4.polypropylene (pp) pipes for hot and cold water installations冷、热水用聚丙烯(pp)管材

5.Research on Structural Foaming Injection Molding of Polpropylene (PP)聚丙烯(PP)结构发泡注射成型的研究

6.Effect of Polypropylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride on Properties of Flame Retarded Polypropylene CompositePP-g-MAH对膨胀阻燃聚丙烯性能的影响

7.Polypropylene (PP)pipes--Determination of longitudinal reversionGB/T6671.3-1986聚丙烯(pp)管材纵向回缩率的测定

8.Research on Reinforced Polypropylene (PP) Structural Foam Extrusion;聚丙烯(PP)挤出增强结构发泡成型的研究

9.The Study of Modified Polypropylene (PP) Composite for Auto Bumper;汽车保险杠用增韧聚丙烯(PP)复合材料的研究

10.Research on Injection Molding of Wood-Polypropylene (PP) Composites聚丙烯(PP)基木塑复合材料注射成型的研究

11.A Study on Material Propertities and the Application as Toughening Agent of Novel Propylene-Ethylene Copolymer;新型丙烯乙烯共聚物结构与性能及其增韧PP的研究

12.polypropylene(pp) fittings for pipes under pressure-sockets for fusion using heated tools-metric series-dimensions of sockets压力管聚丙烯(pp)共聚物配件-热熔接的管接口-米制系列-接口尺寸

13.Analysis of the quality of propylene random copolymer (PP-R)pipes and fittings for hot and cold waterinstallations冷热水用无规共聚聚丙烯(PP-R)管材管件质量分析

14.Study on Property Modification and Dyeing for Polypropylene Material by Plasma and Graft Treatment on the Larger Surface;大面积等离子体接枝处理用于聚丙烯(PP)材料改性及染色行为研究

15.A Novel Multi-monomer Grafting PP Preparation, Characterization and Application in PP/PVC Blends;多单体接枝聚丙烯的制备、表征及增容PP/PVC共混体系的研究

16.Influence of Screw Configurations of Tse on the Properties and Morphology of PP/PA6 Blends螺杆构型对聚丙烯(PP)/尼龙(PA6)共混体系影响的研究

17.Surface Modification of PP and Its Surface In-situ Initiating Alloying of St under the Action of Low Temperature Plasma聚丙烯(PP)低温等离子体表面改性及其原位引发苯乙烯聚合合金化研究

18.Polyacrylonitrile is insoluble in acrylonitrile.聚丙烯腈不溶于丙烯腈。



1.Based on the analysis of a great number of domestic and foreign information and the present status in China, the injection of wood-polypropylene composites has been studied in this paper.本文在分析了大量国内外资料并结合我国现状的基础上,采用木粉填充聚丙烯(PP)进行PP基木塑复合材料注射成型的实验研究,为实现PP基木塑复合材料注射成型工业化提供理论指导。

2.Blends of hyperbranched polyesteramide/polypropylene were prepared by melt blending with the incorporation of hyperbranched polyesteramide of 1 %(by weight), 3 %, 5 % and 7 %.将超支化聚酰胺酯(PS2550)和聚丙烯(PP)共混,其中PS2550分别为1%、3%、5%和7%,研究了PS2550/PP体系的结晶性能、流变行为和热稳定性能。


4)Polypropylene (PP)聚丙烯(PP)

5)recycled polypropylene回收聚丙烯

1.A kind ofrecycled polypropylene was selected as a raw material to make composite with wood fibers.利用回收聚丙烯和木纤维为原料制备木塑复合材料,分析聚丙烯加量、补强剂种类、产品密度和纤维形态等对材料性能的影响。

6)polypropylene fiber聚丙烯(PP)纤维


