300字范文 > 高效有机抗菌剂 high-efficient organic antibacterial agent英语短句 例句大全

高效有机抗菌剂 high-efficient organic antibacterial agent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-24 20:30:22


高效有机抗菌剂 high-efficient organic antibacterial agent英语短句 例句大全

高效有机抗菌剂,high-efficient organic antibacterial agent

1)high-efficient organic antibacterial agent高效有机抗菌剂

2)organic antibacterial agents有机抗菌剂

1.The qualitative antibacterial activities of two new inorganic antibacterial agents TiO2 and ZnO were studied to the typical Gram-negative bacteria,Gram-positive bacteria,bacillus,microzyme and mould by the experiments of vibrating flask and the disk diffusion.选择了革兰氏阴性细菌、革兰氏阳性细菌、芽孢杆菌、酵母菌和霉菌的代表菌株,采用三角瓶振荡法及纸片扩散法,对2种新型纳米无机抗菌剂:纳米TiO2和纳米ZnO进行了广谱抗菌性研究,并通过与日本的纳米无机抗菌剂及有机抗菌剂进行比较,结果表明2种新型纳米抗菌剂不仅对所有代表菌株表现出很好的广谱抗菌性能,而且其抑菌能力强于日本无机抗菌剂和有机抗菌剂;在此基础上对相关抗菌剂的抗菌机理进行了分析讨论。

3)organic guanidine antimicrobial有机胍类抗菌剂

1.Research advances inorganic guanidine antimicrobial有机胍类抗菌剂的研究进展

4)complex inocula高效菌剂

5)durative action germifuga长效抗菌剂


1.Clinical Observation of JUC Long-Acting Antimicrobial Material on Wound Surface Healing of Perianal Abscess洁悠神长效抗菌剂促进肛周脓肿术后创面愈合的观察

2.Application of Plant Growth Regulators in Controlling Verticillium Wilt and Interaction with Fungicides;植物生长调节剂诱导棉花抗黄萎病效应及与杀菌剂联合作用研究

3.Preliminary Study of Effect of Fungal Growth on Silicone Elastomer Containing Antifungal Agents;添加抗菌剂后赝复硅橡胶抗菌效果的初步研究

4.trimethoprim antibiotics-synergist三甲氧苄氨嘧啶抗菌增效剂

pound to add and oxidize silver antibacterial pharmaceutical and antibacterial pharmaceutical of mere cataloes in the floor, reach the result with potent and antibacterial wide table for 24 hours.在地板中复合添加氧化银抗菌剂和光触酶抗菌剂,达到24小时广谱强效抗菌的效果。

6.Antibacterial efficiency of extracts from experimental antibacterial adhesive on streptococcus mutants实验性抗菌粘接剂浸提液对变形链球菌的抗菌效率

7.Surfaces should be cleaned with broad spectrum disinfectants of proven antiviral activity.表面应用具抗病毒效用的广效杀菌剂清洁。

8.Control Effects of Five Bactericide on Powdery Mildew of Calabash Gourd5种杀菌剂对长瓜白粉病的防效研究

9.A substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of disease-causing microorganisms.抗菌剂抑制致病微生物生长和繁殖的物质

10.AM Fungi on the Growth and Drought Resistance of Cabernet Sauvignon Cuttings;AM菌剂对赤霞珠扦插苗生长和抗旱性的影响

11.Preliminary research on the suppression of the growing-ring in pipelines by using inorganic antibiotic materials无机抗菌剂抑制管道生长环的初步研究

12.Characteristic and Pharmacodynamic Studies of Chinese Herbal Compounds Gallnut;复方五倍子抗菌剂药物特性及药效学研究

13.The Effect of Biocontrol Agents Against Phytophora Capsici and the Research of Induced Resistence;辣椒疫病生防菌剂作用效果及其诱导抗性研究

14.Reserch on the relationship of streptococcal preparation antitumor effect and cytokines secretion;链球菌制剂抗瘤效应与细胞因子关系的研究

15.Effects of Inhibitors on Mushroom Tyrosinase and Their Antimicrobial Activity;抑制剂对蘑菇酪氨酸酶的抑制效应及抗菌活性

16.A trademark used for thimerosal.局部抗菌剂局部抗菌剂的商标名

17.Biological Characteristics and Preparation Making on Fungicide-resistance Strains of Trichoderma;抗药木霉菌高效生防菌株生物学及其制剂加工技术

18.The Investigation of Drug Resistance on E. Coli Compound Antibacterial Agents Screen and Drug Efficacy Study;猪致病性大肠杆菌耐药性调查复方抗菌制剂筛选及药效研究


organic antibacterial agents有机抗菌剂

1.The qualitative antibacterial activities of two new inorganic antibacterial agents TiO2 and ZnO were studied to the typical Gram-negative bacteria,Gram-positive bacteria,bacillus,microzyme and mould by the experiments of vibrating flask and the disk diffusion.选择了革兰氏阴性细菌、革兰氏阳性细菌、芽孢杆菌、酵母菌和霉菌的代表菌株,采用三角瓶振荡法及纸片扩散法,对2种新型纳米无机抗菌剂:纳米TiO2和纳米ZnO进行了广谱抗菌性研究,并通过与日本的纳米无机抗菌剂及有机抗菌剂进行比较,结果表明2种新型纳米抗菌剂不仅对所有代表菌株表现出很好的广谱抗菌性能,而且其抑菌能力强于日本无机抗菌剂和有机抗菌剂;在此基础上对相关抗菌剂的抗菌机理进行了分析讨论。

3)organic guanidine antimicrobial有机胍类抗菌剂

1.Research advances inorganic guanidine antimicrobial有机胍类抗菌剂的研究进展

4)complex inocula高效菌剂

5)durative action germifuga长效抗菌剂



