300字范文 > 学校健康教育 School health education英语短句 例句大全

学校健康教育 School health education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 11:00:02


学校健康教育 School health education英语短句 例句大全

学校健康教育,School health education

1)School health education学校健康教育

1.Perceptions of,Attitudes towards,and Needs for School Health Education among the Education Administrators in China;教育行政部门领导对学校健康教育的认识、态度和需求

2.The Perceptions, Attitudes and Needs Towards School Health Education of Health Education Teachers in China;中小学校健康教育课教师对学校健康教育的认识、态度和需求

parison of school health education of China, Japan and the United States;中日美学校健康教育的比较研究


1.School-based Health Education Ⅲ:Demand of Health Education for Primary and Secondary School Students;中小学校健康教育研究(3):学校健康教育需求

2.A Review on the Proposition of Health Educationas a Subject in Schools--Studying our Health Education in Schools viaJapanese Health Education in Schools;简论学校健康教育学科的构想——从日本学校健康教育看我国的学校健康教育

3.The Perceptions, Attitudes and Needs Towards School Health Education of Health Education Teachers in China;中小学校健康教育课教师对学校健康教育的认识、态度和需求

4.Teaching Approaches of Health Education for Students of Teachers Training School;高等师范学校健康教育课的教学方法

5.Establish the guiding principle of "health first"to boost the healt heducation;树立“健康第一”指导思想 推动学校健康教育

6.On Influence of Healthg Education on Mental Health for College Students;健康教育对高校学生心理健康的影响

7.Considerations of the Health Education in the School Sports Education;学校体育教育中渗透健康教育的思考

8.The Concept Renovation of Health Education and P·E·;健康教育与学校体育教学观念的变革

9.A Brief Discussion on Mental Health Education in Physical Teaching of Vocational Colleges;浅谈高校体育教学中的心理健康教育

10.The Research on Psychology Healthy Education in University Physical Education Teaching;高校体育教学中心理健康教育的思考

11.Mental Health Education and Physical Education Cooperation;高校心理健康教育与体育教学的融合

12.College Physical Teacher and Students Mental Health Education;高校体育教师与大学生心理健康教育

13.On the Mental Health Educatin in the Teaching Process in College Phycical Education;高校体育教学过程中的心理健康教育

14.Discussion on incorporating health education to university s P.E.;对高校体育教学融入健康教育的探讨

15.On Health Education and Teaching Reform of College and University;健康教育与高校体育教学改革的研究

16.A New Problem on School Education in Tibet --Psychological Education;西藏学校教育的新课题———心理健康教育

17.Health Education: Core of Reform in Physical Education for Higher Schools;健康教育:高校体育教学改革的核心

18.Health Promotion of Educating Students in School Sports;学校体育在促进学生健康中教书育人


schoolteachers in mental health education for students学校心理健康教育教师

1.What should we,theschoolteachers in mental health education for students,do to deal with such a l.可以说,我们是在一种缺乏人文关照的环境下成长,面对学校心理健康教育教师的素质养成中存在人文精神的缺失,我们应如何应对

3)school mental health education学校心理健康教育

1.In the past twenty years,theschool mental health education in the mainland of China approximately came through four developing periods: investigating and appealing phrase,experimenting and beginning phrase,exploring and developing phrase,promoting and flourishing phrase.20余年来,我国大陆学校心理健康教育大致经历了四个发展阶段:调查、呼吁期,尝试、起步期,探索、发展期,推进、繁荣期。

2.And it is closely associated withschool mental health education.后现代视野中的人文精神与学校心理健康教育有着密切的关系。

3.In order to let teaching staff and school governor have a basic cognition of family mental health education in the field ofschool mental health education, this text discuses the target, task, principle, content, strategy and approach of family mental health education from the angle ofschool mental health education.本文从学校心理健康教育的角度 ,对家庭心理健康教育的目标、任务、原则、内容、策略和途径等基本理论问题作了初步论述 ,以期教育者和管理者对学校心理健康教育视野中的家庭心理健康教育有一个基本的了解与认

4)Mental Health Education in Schools学校心理健康教育

1.On the livelihood of mental health education in schools;论学校心理健康教育的生活性

5)psychological health education in school学校心理健康教育

1.Thepsychological health education in school is both a subject and a service job,and an important symbol of modern schooling.学校心理健康教育,既是一门学科,又是一项服务工作,是现代学校教育的重要标志。

6)educators for school psychological health education学校心理健康教育者


国际健康教育联盟非政府的国际卫生组织。1951年在巴黎成立,现总部仍设于巴黎,目前成员来自80多个国家。宗旨是通过教育来促进健康,强调健康教育为健康生活所必不可少。联盟的标志见图。联盟在欧洲、拉丁美洲、北美洲、西太平洋地区北部和东南亚地区设有办事处。联盟与世界卫生组织、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会以及许多国家的政府和非政府组织有密切联系和广泛合作。联盟每三年举行一次健康教育国际会议,到1991年为止已历经14届。最近 5届分别在伦敦(1979)、霍巴特(1982)、东柏林(1985)、休斯敦(1988)、赫尔辛基(1991)召开。第15届大会将在日本举行。中国自第13届会议开始派代表参加。联盟的主要刊物为《国际健康教育杂志》(HYGIE),季刊,用英文、法文和西班牙文三种文字出版,公开发行。联盟拥有四类成员:联盟立法成员、国家立法成员、团体成员和个人成员,其成员数在1991年分别为22,11,113 和843。中国健康教育协会于1991年6月表示申请联盟立法成员。在这以前,福建省健康教育所已被接纳为团体成员。
