300字范文 > 新建海堤 newly-built sea dike英语短句 例句大全

新建海堤 newly-built sea dike英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-27 19:45:21


新建海堤 newly-built sea dike英语短句 例句大全

新建海堤,newly-built sea dike

1)newly-built sea dike新建海堤

1.Design of a shield tunnel underground crossingnewly-built sea dike and analysis of settlement observation盾构隧道穿越新建海堤时的设计与沉降观测分析


1.Design of a shield tunnel underground crossing newly-built sea dike and analysis of settlement observation盾构隧道穿越新建海堤时的设计与沉降观测分析

2.Design and analysis of northern breakwater of Xinbu island,Haikou city海口市新埠岛北部防浪海堤设计浅析

3.a barrier constructed to contain the flow or water or to keep out the sea.能够控制水泛滥或海水漫堤的建筑。

4.A wall built along a shore or bank to protect an area from floods.防洪堤沿海滨或岸边修建的保护某块区域免遭洪水的堤坝

5.Investigation on the Character of Tidal Wave and the New Type Stucture of Sea Wall in Tianjin Coast;天津海岸流浪潮特征与新型海堤结构探讨

6.An artificial embankment.人造堤人工建造的河堤

7.The dyke was built to defend the road from being washed away by the sea.建筑这座堤坝是为了保护公路不被海水冲垮。

8.Study on Optimization about Coffer-dyke Project Design Scheme of the New City Nearby Sea in Tianjin Seashore Holiday Resort天津海滨度假区临海新城围堤工程设计方案优选研究

9.They constructed 15km. of dykes[14 new reservoirs].他们修建15公里长的堤坝[十四座新水库]。

10.The Civil Engineering Department is responsible for planning, design, and construction of public marine facilities including piers, beacons, breakwaters, seawalls, navigation channels and anchorage areas.土木工程署负责策划、计和兴建公众海事设施,包括码头、标、波堤、堤、道和船只碇泊处等。

11.A structure, such as a pier, that projects into a body of water to influence the current or tide or to protect a harbor or shoreline from storms or erosion.防波堤一种突入水体用来影响水流或潮水或使港口、海岸免受暴雨和侵蚀的建筑结构(如突堤)

12.The sea wall sustained the shock of waves.海堤经得起海浪的冲击。

13.The sea wall sustains the shock of the waves.海堤能抵挡海浪的冲击。

14.Development of New Type of Erect Dike of Cast-in-situ Concrete Thin-wall Pipe Pile and Study on the Moment Resistance of the Dike;新型PCC桩结构直立式海堤技术开发及其抗弯性能研究

15.An embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing.堤岸,防洪堤防止河流泛滥而建造的堤岸

16.The storm has considerably weakened the seawall.风暴严重地损坏了海堤。

17.The pier jutted out from the shore into the sea.防波堤从岸边伸向海。

18.marine mole of iron or steel海上防波堤,铁或钢制


pitched slope seawall向海斜建的海堤

3)sea dike海堤

1.Analysis on wave run-up calculation and discussion on overtopping design criteria forsea dike;海堤波浪爬高计算分析与越浪设计准则探讨

2.Experimental study on treating the silty foundation ofsea dike in Wenzhou Penin sula construction project.;温州半岛工程海堤淤泥质地基加固试验研究

3.Probing into the Xishasea dike project construction and management;西沙海堤工程建设与管理的探讨

4)sea embankment海堤

1.Technical research on accelerating consolidation ofsea embankment closure earthwork;海堤闭气土方加速固结应用技术研究

2.Investigation on geotextile filter ofsea embankments;海堤土工织物滤层的探讨

3.Probing into the standardized construction problem of Guangxisea embankment;广西海堤标准化建设问题探讨

5)sea wall海堤

1.Field experiment and FEM back analysis ofsea walls on soft and thick foundation;深厚软基上海堤工程现场试验及有限元反分析

2.Model test ofsea wall under the wave action of coal transfer dock in Zhoushan;舟山煤炭中转码头工程海堤断面波浪模型实验研究

3.Through the study on the general layout for the reclamation project of northsea wall and the analysis on the axial line layout ofsea wall for the reclamation project of low beach,the general layout form for the reclamation project of low beach are researched and verified by the mathematical model.通过对北海堤围垦工程平面布置的研究,分析低滩围垦工程的堤轴线布置,研究低滩围垦平面布置形式,并通过数模试验进行验证。


1.Experiment on stability of revetment aboutseawall built on low beach;低滩上海堤护面结构的稳定性试验

2.Studies on the Relation of Salinized Soil Site Congdition and Crop Tree Growth in the Seawall in Lianyungang;连云港海堤盐渍土立地条件与林木生长关系的研究

3.Analysis on deformation and vibration ofseawall caused by pipe pile driving for construction of wind turbine foundation in Xiangshui Wind Farm响水风电场风机基础管桩沉桩引起的海堤变形及振动分析


海堤海堤sea wallhaidi海堤(s ea walD沿着潮汐河口和海岸边缘修建的挡潮、防浪的堤,亦称海塘。其作用是防御海潮和风浪的侵袭,保护农田和城镇的安全,有时也可用以围海造地。海堤的特点有:①海堤防暴潮,抗风浪,动力条件强劲;②地基多为软泥或粉沙,易沉陷和淘刷;③修筑时抢潮施工,工时很短。按结构型式海堤可分为斜坡式、陡墙式及混合式三种。确定选用型式时须考虑:堤身高度、风浪强度、地基地质、建材价格和施工条件等。海堤的结构斜坡式海堤,在中、强潮区临海坡面设抛石或污工护坡,背海坡面用植物保护,边坡1:2一1二3;在弱潮区,堤坡较缓,一般仅用植物保护。陡墙式海堤为重力污工墙或混凝土扶壁式结构,其背后填以土体;混合式海堤,由陡墙、平台和斜坡组成,在土石结合处均铺设砂石滤层。有些堤顶设有直立式或弧形的防浪墙。地基处理是筑堤成败的关键,如遇软基,一般采用砂石(或石碴)垫层或在堤的前后坡脚外设反压平台镇压层处理。在荷兰及日本也有采用挖基换土的办法。为保护堤基不受潮浪淘刷破坏,在淤积性及较稳定岸区,采用植树种草;在侵蚀性滩岸区,需用短丁坝促淤保滩护堤。海堤由于受风浪和暴潮的作用,其高程一般是设计潮位、风浪爬高及安全超高的总和。海堤施工如在高滩上筑堤,一般是先填上堤,然后用碴石抛护临水坡,防止风浪剥蚀;如在低滩筑堤,由于地基软、水深、浪高,天天上潮,需先抛石防浪,然后筑堤填土。中国修堤围垦滩涂的历史悠久,在汉代就有海堤。中华人民共和国建立后,在整修加固原有海堤的同时,还新建了大量海堤,采用了挖泥船或泥浆泵吸泥筑堤填塘;混凝土异形块保护临水坡;预制沉箱和浮运沉井保护堤脚与丁坝坝头,防止淘刷;并试用尼龙网坝促淤保滩等。中国钱塘江河口有世界闻名的涌潮,潮头壁立,波涛汹涌,其高度可达3.5米,最大潮差达8.9米,曾测到的流速12米/秒,海塘顶放置古时铸造的1.5吨重的“镇海铁牛”被涌潮推移十余米远。为抗御涌潮对海堤的强大破坏力,清代就修筑鱼鳞石塘(见中国海塘史),现在采用海堤、丁坝、盘头、沉井等工程,构成一套防潮浪的建筑群,在缩窄江道,稳定河槽,围垦滩涂的技术措施上有所发展。中国珠江三角洲水网地区,利用潮汐涨落,实施农田灌排,其海堤建设具有堤闸结合的特点。1960年以后,闸的设计和施工技术上,创造了轻型、整体结构型和浮运施工的新方法,解决了建闸的软基处理、潮期施工等困难,闸宽已达160米。(程致道)
