300字范文 > 档案信息资源 archives information resources英语短句 例句大全

档案信息资源 archives information resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-06 12:05:45


档案信息资源 archives information resources英语短句 例句大全

档案信息资源,archives information resources

1)archives information resources档案信息资源

1.Study on the Archives Information Resources Integration under the Network Environment;网络环境下档案信息资源整合研究

2.This paper analyzes on the problems faced by the development of thearchives information resources, and advances some effective measures for developing thearchives information resources.分析了档案信息资源开发面临的问题,提出了有效开发档案信息资源的措施。


1.Recognizing the Characteristics of Filing Information and Giving Energetic Development of the Resources of Filing Information;认识档案信息特性,大力开发档案信息资源

2.On the Development and Utilization of Archive Information Resources at Basic Archive Establishments;基层档案馆(室)档案信息资源的开发与利用

3.Developing and using the infomation resources of enterprise archives;浅谈企业档案信息资源的开发与利用

4.On the Formation and Effective Disposition of File Information Resources;论档案信息资源的形成及其有效配置

5.The Reconstruction of Modes for Developing and Using Information Resources in Higher Education Files;高校档案信息资源开发利用模式重构

6.Brief introduction on the exploitation and utilization of water conservancy archives information resource;浅谈水利档案信息资源的开发和利用

7.The exploitation of the archives information source of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education;论武汉体育学院档案信息资源的开发

8.Using News Media to Develop Archive Infor mation;浅议利用新闻媒体开发档案信息资源

9.Exploitation of Information Resources in Archives of Health Science and Technology;论卫生科技档案信息资源的开发利用

10.Characteristics of Archival Information Resources Development Under the Network Environment网络环境下档案信息资源开发的特点

11.On the Development and Utilization of College Archival Information Resources in the New Era新时期高校档案信息资源开发与利用

12.Simply analyzing on the personnel archives information resources and the talent development浅析人事档案信息资源与人才的开发

13.An Analysis on the Reasonable Utilization and Shares of the Information Resources of Personnel Files;试论人事档案信息资源的合理利用与资源共享

14.The Mutual Cooperation and Construction for the Files and Information Resource of Electronic Government Affairs;论电子政务信息资源与档案信息资源的合作共建

15.Development of Student Archives Information Resources and Improvement of Managerial People s Self Quality;开发学生档案信息资源 提高管理人员自身素质──学生档案管理刍议

16.Study on the Development Mode and Evaluation of Archive Resource;档案信息资源开发模式与开发评价研究

17.Study of Archives Information Resources Development on the Context of Cultural Construction of Colleges and Universities;高校文化建设背景下档案信息资源开发研究

18.On the Policies、Regulations and Laws of the Govermental Archival IRM among China and Other Countries;论中外政府档案信息资源管理的法规政策


archives information resource档案信息资源

1.Utilizingarchives information resource to serve as establishing economy enterprise;利用档案信息资源为创建节约型企业服务

2.This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the development and utilization ofarchives information resource,and advances some countermeasures for the development and utilization ofarchives information resource from six aspects.分析了档案信息资源开发与利用中存在的问题,从6个方面提出了档案信息资源开发利用的对策。

3.Developing thearchives information resource and implementing the value of the archives information is the new subject faced by the archives workers.开发档案信息资源,实现档案信息的价值,是档案工作者面临的新课题。

3)file information resources档案信息资源

1.Talking about the development and use of thefile information resources in police colleges;浅论公安院校档案信息资源的开发与利用

2.The integration offile information resources involves joint effort in order to have a coordinated development,such as introduction of market system, and make full use of the relevant researching and teaching resources on the issues of standard-making as well as file digitization and procession.档案信息资源整合工作,需要多方共同努力,协调发展,要引入市场机制,在研究开发、标准制定、档案数字化加工等工作上要充分利用高校、科研院所及相关企事业的研发和加工力量,通过社会参与市场行为,完善档案信息社会化服务体制。

4)Archival Information Resources档案信息资源

1.Cultural Tension in Development and Utilization ofArchival Information Resources;档案信息资源开发利用的文化张力

5)resources of file information档案信息资源

1.The file management of higher institutions is expatiated on some respects, including how to construct a new working environment, strengthen the qualities of the personnel, develop the systemic collecting and the network management and take use of theresources of file information.从营造新的档案工作环境、加强队伍建设、实施系统化征集和网络化管理、开发档案信息资源利用等方面对转型期的高校档案工作进行了思考。

2.Exploring theresources of file information and doing the work of compilation and research about college file play an essential role in colleage work .开发档案信息资源,做好高校档案的编研工作,才能更好地服务于高校事业,这是本文阐述的主要内容。

6)informationization of file resourses档案资源信息化


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
