300字范文 > 大肠疾病 large intestine disease英语短句 例句大全

大肠疾病 large intestine disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-29 13:48:00


大肠疾病 large intestine disease英语短句 例句大全

大肠疾病,large intestine disease

1)large intestine disease大肠疾病

1.Review of the application of colonoscopy to the diagnosis and treatment oflarge intestine diseases in children结肠镜技术用于儿科大肠疾病诊治的评介


1.Review of the application of colonoscopy to the diagnosis and treatment of large intestine diseases in children结肠镜技术用于儿科大肠疾病诊治的评介

2.A Valuation of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in the Diagnosis of Colorectal Diseases共聚焦激光显微内镜对大肠疾病诊断价值的研究

3.Infestation of the large intestine with whipworms of the genus Trichuris.鞭虫病由鞭虫属蠕虫引起的大肠感染疾病

4.Application of Theory "Treat Pre-disease" in Lung and Large Intestine Prone Diseases“治未病”理论在肺与大肠易发疾病防治中的应用

5.Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in natal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia.引起出生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病通常是大肠肝菌病和肠毒血

6.Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in neonatal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia.引起初生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病是大肠杆菌病和肠毒血

7.Other diseases that produce severe diarrhea in nonnatal pigs include colibacillosis and enterotoxemia.引起初生猪严重腹泄的其它疾病通常是大肠肝菌病和肠毒血

8.The Research of Pathogenetic Characteristics of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli and the Screening and Inhibitory Effect of Probiotic on Pathogenic Bacteria;产肠毒素性大肠杆菌致病特性及益生菌的筛选与疾病控制研究

9.Effect of ceftriaxone sodium on OmpA expression in E.coli K1头孢曲松钠治疗大肠杆菌所致疾病机制的研究

10.Epidemiology and Related Factors of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders among the University Students in Beijing;北京市大学生功能性胃肠疾病流行病学及其相关因素的调查

11.Escherichia coli septic arthritis is rare and usually occurs in patients with underlying systemic disorders.大肠杆菌感染细菌性关节炎是极少见的疾病,但常见于有系统性疾病的病人。

12.Long term follow-up of patients suffered from subtotal gastrectomy due to benign diseases of Gastroduodenal胃十二指肠良性疾病胃大部切除后远期随访观察

13.Disorders produce vitamin B12 deficiency and extensive diarrhea (since Bile salts in the large intestine interfere with water absorption).回肠的疾病可造成维生素B12缺乏症,并有剧烈腹泻(胆汁盐干扰了大肠吸收水过程的结果)。

14.The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus.直肠病学研究结肠、肛门和直肠疾病的诊断与治疗的医学分支

15.Age distribution of 2704 patients with colon diseases detected by sigmoidoscopy乙状肠镜检查结肠疾病2704例的年龄分布

16.The Diagnostic Value of Double-ballon Enteroscopy in Small Bowel Disease;双气囊电子小肠镜对小肠疾病的诊断价值

17.Selective intestinal segment excision in colorectal benign diseases结直肠良性疾病的选择性肠段切除治疗

18.Clinic value of CT signs of peri-bowels fat in diagnosing bowel diseases肠周脂肪CT征象在诊断肠疾病中的临床价值


gastrointestinal diseases胃肠疾病

1.Evidence of probiotics in curinggastrointestinal diseases in children;益生菌对小儿胃肠疾病治疗效果的循证评价

2.Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and its Related Gastrointestinal Diseases;非甾体抗炎药及其相关胃肠疾病

3)Intestinal disease肠道疾病

1.Study of correlation of constipation and other intestinal diseases with chronic prostatitis syndrome;便秘及肠道疾病与慢性前列腺炎综合征的相关性研究

4)Intestinal Diseases肠道疾病

1.Localization of intestinal diseases:added value of mesenteric CT angiography肠系膜CT血管成像在肠道疾病定位中的诊断价值

2.Pathogens of some lethal intestinal diseases in giant panda were reviewed.对致死大熊猫的各种疾病中最为严重的肠道疾病的主要致病菌及其危害进行了综

5)Intestinal diseases小肠疾病

1.Forty-four cases of intestinal diseases (31.目的评价无外套管推进式电子小肠镜对小肠疾病的诊断价值和安全性。

2.It is very difficult to diagnose intestinal diseases because of the limitation of traditional detection me-thods.小肠疾病的临床诊断非常困难,传统的检查方法往往无法明确病因。

3.Objective:To assess the diagnostic value and safety of push enteroscopy in intestinal diseases.目的:评价推进式电子小肠镜在小肠疾病诊治中的应用价值。

6)Colonic diseases结肠疾病


