300字范文 > 农村低压电网 rural low-voltage power grid英语短句 例句大全

农村低压电网 rural low-voltage power grid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 01:51:55


农村低压电网 rural low-voltage power grid英语短句 例句大全

农村低压电网,rural low-voltage power grid

1)rural low-voltage power grid农村低压电网

1.The factors were analyzed that caused line loss ofrural low-voltage power grids.针对目前农村低压电网线损的成因作了大量的分析,阐述了解决线损问题的两种降损措施——技术措施和管理措施,以期为农村低压电网的设计、改造和管理提供参考依据。


1.Software development of planning and designing for low-voltage network in rural area农村低压电网规划设计应用软件开发

2.On improvement of the protections against power leakage due to low voltage network in rural areas;关于改进农村低压电网漏电保护方式的探析

3.Study & Develop on Planning for Low-voltage Network of Rural Area;农村低压电网规划方法研究与软件开发

4.Design of Embedded Low Voltage Grid Monitoring System in Rural Areas Based on ARM7基于ARM7的嵌入式农村低压电网监测系统的设计

5.Adopting the Collection to Bind the Rural Area Low Pressure Electrical Network of Wire Transform Scheme and His Reality Application;采用集束导线的农村低压电网改造方案及其实际应用

6.Cause of the Undervoltage of 380 V Networks in Shanghai Rural Areas and Solving Measures上海农村380V电网电压偏低原因及解决措施

7.The Study on Method in Computing Theoretical Net Loss in Distribution Network;农村中低压配电网理论线损计算方法研究

8.The Study on Calculation Method of Theoretical Energy Loss in Low-voltage Distribution Network;农村低压配电网理论线损计算方法研究

9.To improve the power transmission capacity of rural power grids, 130,000 km of low-voltage transmission lines will be installed.以改善农村电网的输电能力为目标,建设低压输电线路13万公里。

10.Optimized selection of voltage level in rural medium – voltage power distribution network农村中压配电网电压等级的优化选择

11.Line loss analysis of electric network of the rural area with parallel capacitor并联电容器降低农村电网线损的分析

12.Optimization Study of Reactive Power Compensation for Rural Medium-voltage Distribution System;农村中压配电网无功补偿的优化研究

13.Application of On-load Capacity Regulating Transformer in Rural Power Network有载调容变压器在农村电网中的应用

14.Research of Power Supply Modes to Use Single-Phase Transformer in the Rural Electric Power Network;在农村电网中使用单相变压器供电的研究

15.Analyzing On-line Monitoring Technology of High Voltage Equipment of Rural Power Grid农村电网高压电气设备在线监测技术分析

16.Novel Method of Distribution Network Loss Computation for Inner Mongolia Pasturing Area;内蒙农牧区中低压电网线损理论计算新方法

17.The financial burden on farmers was reduced due to the upgrading of rural power grids and the readjustment of prices for electricity consumed in the countryside.通过加快农村电网改造和整顿电价,降低农村用电价格,减轻了农民负担。

18.Analysis on Parallel Capacitor Compensation of Low-voltage Agricultural Electrified Wire Netting and Economize on Electricity;农电网低压末端并联电容无功补偿与节电的分析


rural LV power distribution network农村低压配电网

3)rural LV system农村电网低压线路

4)Rural Medium-voltage Distribution System农村中压电网

1.Optimization Study of Reactive Power Compensation forRural Medium-voltage Distribution System;特别是农村中压电网,由于输电线路长、配电变压器多、负荷季节性和时变性较强,线路无功损耗更加明显,使得农村电网存在较大的降损空间。

5)rural power grids农村电网

1.In view of the problems arose from the line loss management of therural power grids,the paper discussed the loss reduction measures and the principles to be followed from the technical and management aspects.针对农村电网线损管理中存在的问题,从技术和管理两个方面提出具有实践意义的降损实施要点和原则。

2.This paper describes the technology and transferring ofrural power grids information network,analyses technology of communications network system of electric power grid in rural area,chooses a new develop direction of technique based on the business needs and trend ofrural power grids,gives a route for development.对农村电网信息业务和传输方式进行了描述,分析了农村电力专用通信网络现有的信息技术体制,并基于农村电网的业务需求和发展趋势,选择一种适合的新技术体制作为发展方向,在此基础上给出信息基础网络的发展思路。

6)rural power network农村电网

1.Research on Construction Cost Evaluation Index of Rural Power Network Transmission and Transforming Project in Bayannaoer;巴彦淖尔地区农村电网输变电项目工程造价评价指标研究

2.Aiming at the high rate of theft and destruction of electric power facilities at present,a new type of power outage alarm forrural power network has been developed upon analysis of the working principle and defects of the old-style multifunctional power outage alarm.针对当前盗窃、破坏电力设施的案件居高不下的情况,在分析了旧式多功能断电报警器的工作原理和缺陷的基础上,研制了新型的农村电网断电报警装置。

3.The realization of dispatching automation system ofrural power network is the key to ensuring operation stability ofrural power network.VSAT卫星通信组网比较适合于农村电网的现状。


农村低压配电网农村低压配电网rural low voltage distri-bution networks国,两户农民相距在15Om以内时合用1台变压器,相距大于150m时便各用l台变压器.②低压线路向绝缘化发展。法国等许多国家采用低压架空集束电缆线路。③配电装工为全户外式。④采用有多种保护功能和保护配合性能好的人工智能型低压开关设备。⑤配电变压器位于负荷中心。⑥美洲、澳洲国家采用单相配电方式,法国、俄罗斯等欧洲国家采用三相配电方式。中国县及县以下城镇、农村的农民户数多,但每户居民用电负荷及用电t很小,只能由公用低压配电网供电。所以中国农村低压配电网的规模较大,到1999年全国低压配电线路的长度已达664.47万km,约是10 kV中压配电线路长度的2.53倍。中国农村低压配电网将通过调整缩短过长的供电半径,合理布局,适当加大干线截面,采用性能先进、工作可靠、自动化水平高和经济适用的低压电器,以降低线损率,改善电压质t,提高安全性和供电可靠性。撅定电压低压配电网额定电压各国不尽相同。各国低压三相线路的额定电压有10多种,单相线路的倾定电压也有近10种。中国农村低压三相线路的额定电压为380V/220V,低压单相线路的额定电压为22oV。民电方式和接地系统农村低压配电网配电方式有三相配电方式和单相配电方式。三相配电方式见图1。图1(a)、(b)所示的三相四线制配电方式,可以6*1业V翻沁V┌──────┬──┐│-几二父飞. │(1. │├──────┼──┤│一气二公,11│曰 │├──────┼──┤│书;带二!).j.│))压│└──────┴──┘L1L2L3PEN 佃10kV 38OVLI一,产”汽-一---,.一LILZ一州l产竺,一-州宁一LZL3一~~一-什rLJN。)弹图1低压三相配电方式和接地型式(a)三相四线线路(TN一C系统);(b)三相四线线路(TT系统).(e)三相三线线路(IT系统)接三相受电器,为三相动力负荷供电,也可以在相线(火线)和中性线(零线)间接单相受电器,为单相生活照明负荷供电。中国农村低压配电网普遍采用这种配电方式。有时多设一条专为路灯供电的相线,也称为三相五线线路.图1(。
