300字范文 > 阻尼复合材料 damping composite英语短句 例句大全

阻尼复合材料 damping composite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-17 05:28:38


阻尼复合材料 damping composite英语短句 例句大全

阻尼复合材料,damping composite

1)damping composite阻尼复合材料


1.Study on Rubber-Based Piezoelectric Damping Composites;新型橡胶基压电阻尼复合材料的研究

2.Study on the Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramic/polymer Damping Composite Material;聚合物基压电阻尼复合材料的制备与性能研究

3.Study of Piezoelectric Damping Composites by Base with Chlorobutyl Rubber;氯化丁基橡胶基压电阻尼复合材料的研究

4.Study on Preparation and Properties of PMN/CB/CIIR Damping Composites;PMN/CB/CIIR阻尼复合材料的制备与性能研究

5.Study on Preparation and Property of Piezoelectric Ceramic/Metal Matrix Composites;压电陶瓷/金属阻尼复合材料的制备与性能研究

6.Damping characteristic analysis of co-cured composites with an embedded viscoelastic layer粘弹阻尼层共固化复合材料的阻尼特征分析

7.Structural Design and Damping Properties of Steel/Zn Composite;钢/锌复合材料的结构设计与阻尼性能

8.Preparation of Rubber Matrix Piezoelectric Damping Composite;橡胶基压电阻尼减振复合材料的制备

9.Multiplex Damping Materials of Metal Rubber-Silicone Rubber金属橡胶/硅橡胶复合阻尼材料的研究

10.Study on Piezoelectric Damping Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramic/Polymer Composites;压电陶瓷/聚合物复合材料压电阻尼性能研究

11.Research on the Damping of Three-dimensionally Sewed Sandwich Structural Composite Material三维缝合夹层结构复合材料的阻尼性能研究

12.Preparation and Study on the Damping Composites with a High Damping Performance and Broad Temperature Range;宽温域高阻尼减振复合材料的制备和研究

13.Structure and Properties of Flame Retardant PA6/OMMT Composites;尼龙6/有机蒙脱土阻燃复合材料的结构与性能

14.Study on the Halogen-free Flame Retarded Nylon66/OMMT/SiO_2 Nanocomposite;无卤阻燃尼龙66/OMMT/SiO_2纳米复合材料的研究

15.Study of Preparation Technology and Damping Property of NiTi SMA/PZT Composite;NiTi SMA/PZT复合材料的制备及阻尼特性研究

16.Study of Damping Capacities in Silicon Carbon Whisker Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composite;碳化硅晶须增强镁基复合材料阻尼性能研究

17.Preparation of the Laminated Composites with Damping Function and Study on Its Properties;叠层阻尼功能复合材料的制备和性能研究

18.Damping Property and Microstructure of the Interface of 16Mn Steel/Zn Composite;16Mn钢/锌复合材料的阻尼性能与界面微观组织


IPN piezoelectric damping materialIPN压电复合阻尼材料

3)metal matrix composite damping materials金属基复合阻尼材料

4)damping functional composite阻尼功能复合材料

5)piezoelectric damping composites压电阻尼复合材料

6)Polymer damping material聚合物阻尼材料


