300字范文 > 加工路径优化 machining path optimization英语短句 例句大全

加工路径优化 machining path optimization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 18:57:04


加工路径优化 machining path optimization英语短句 例句大全

加工路径优化,machining path optimization

1)machining path optimization加工路径优化

1.The problem ofmachining path optimization is a special Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP),to solve this problem,the machining paths are sorted into a series of machining elements such as point,line segment,curve and close curve,and an approach for it’s optimization based on variable-length genome genetic algorithm is presented.加工路径优化问题属于一类特殊的旅行商问题(TSP),针对此问题将加工路径细分为点、线段、曲线段及闭合曲线等加工要素,并提出一种基于变长度染色体遗传算法的优化方法。


1.Optimal Arithmetic of Punch Toolpath with Its I/O Interface of the System;冲压加工路径优化算法及系统I/O接口研究

2.Research on Parameter Optimization and Holes Machining Path Planning with GA and TSP;基于GA切削参数和TSP孔群加工路径优化的研究

3.Holes machining path optimization using the improved genetic algorithm基于改进遗传算法的孔群加工路径优化

4.Optimized Design of Cutting Path for Freeform Surface in Ultra-Precision Turning自由曲面超精密车削加工路径优化设计

5.The Realization of Path Optimization During Laser Cut NC Automatic Programming Process激光切割数控自动编程系统中加工路径优化的实现

6.Optimization Design of Tool Path for Point Seat Control in Manufacturing;点位控制加工中刀具路径的优化设计

7.The Optimization of Cutter Path in NC Milling Processes Based on Master CAM基于MasterCAM的数控铣削加工刀具路径优化

8.Approach for machining paths optimization based on variable-length genome genetic algorithm用变长度染色体遗传算法优化加工路径的方法

9.How to Optimize the Cutting Tool Path in Milling Mold Surface by Using Ball-tool浅谈球头铣刀加工曲面时刀具路径的优化

10.Tool path optimization of ball cutter in mold surface milling用球头铣刀加工模具曲面时刀具路径的优化

11.Abstract: When a NC milling toolpath is generated, in order to reduce machi ning errors and manufacuring cost, the optimization of NC toolpath have to b e paid attention to.文摘:在生成NC铣加工刀具的运动轨迹时,应注意优化加工路径,以减少加工误差、少加工成本。

12.When a NC milling toolpath is generated, in order to reduce machi ning errors and manufacuring cost, the optimization of NC toolpath have to b e paid attention to.在生成NC铣加工刀具的运动轨迹时,应注意优化加工路径,以减少加工误差、少加工成本。

13.A Study on the Route Optimization for Logistics Distribution of Grain Processing Enterprise Based on Ant Colony Algorithm基于蚁群算法的粮食加工企业物流配送路径优化研究

14.The Research on the Optimized Design of Manufacturing Flux Plan of FMS Based on ACO Algorithm;基于蚁群优化算法的柔性制造系统加工路径流量规划优化设计研究

15.The Optimization of the High-Filled Roadbed;应力路径法实现高填方软土的加固与优化

16.Fuzzy logical controlled loading path optimization for T-shaped tube hydroforming三通管液压成形加载路径模糊控制优化

17.A New Optimization Method for Determining Restoration Paths Based on Weighted Complex Network Model基于加权复杂网络模型的恢复路径优化方法

18.On the Change of the Industry Location and the Optimum Routing of It in West China;西部工业区位相对变化及优化路径分析


holes machining path optimization孔群加工路径优化

1.Theholes machining path optimization mathematic model whose objective is the minimum manufacturing cost is established.建立以最小化加工成本为目标的孔群加工路径优化数学模型,应用改进遗传算法对孔群加工路径优化模型进行求解,实例计算结果表明:改进遗传算法可节约71。

3)manufacturing sequence optimization加工路线优化

1.In this paper,amanufacturing sequence optimization model based on 3-D manufacturing features is set up.对现有的遗传算法进行改进,设计了满足加工路线优化的交叉、变异算子,实现了复杂箱体零件加工路线的优化。

4)path optimization路径优化

1.PCB drillingpath optimization based on ant-colony algorithm;基于蚁群算法的PCB孔加工路径优化

2.Research of new algorithm for drillingpath optimization;新的求解钻削路径优化问题算法研究

3.Study on Parallel Algorithms of Flow Prediction and Path Optimization for Traffic Flow Guidance System;交通诱导系统的流量预测和路径优化并行算法研究

5)route optimization路径优化

1.Study on multi-objectiveroute optimization for hazardous material road transportation;危险品道路运输多目标路径优化方法研究

2.Improvement of shortest path algorithm and its application toroute optimization;最小时间路径算法的改进及在路径优化中的应用

3.Research of Route Optimization Method on Road Network in Urban Based on GIS;基于GIS的城市路网中路径优化方法研究

6)Path optimize路径优化

1.The system implement the technology flow of Transmission line path optimize and optimizing on tower arrange,which provide scientific and accurate reference to the multi-scheme choose of Transmission line design in the aisle.应用海拉瓦洛斯达技术在线路规划设计阶段中进行辅助路径优化和优化杆塔排位,可以提高工作效率和实时性,降低线路建设的投资预算。


