300字范文 > 车工实习 lathe work practice英语短句 例句大全

车工实习 lathe work practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-16 14:14:37


车工实习 lathe work practice英语短句 例句大全

车工实习,lathe work practice

1)lathe work practice车工实习

1.Infiltrative teaching of professional knowledge in thelathe work practice;专业知识在车工实习中的渗透教学

2.This article discusses the teaching characteristics oflathe work practice elective course,pnts forward the focal points,the test its way and standards and probes into the teaching oflathe work practice elective course.本文通过对高职车工实习选修课教学特点的总结和分析,提出车工实习选修课教学的重点,改进了实习成绩考核办法和标准,对车工实习选修课教学进行了有益的探索。

3.This paper expounds the teaching methods,and puts forward some suggestions to improve the quality oflathe work practices.本文对车工实习的教学方法进行了探讨,提出了的改进实习质量的若干建议与设想。

2)Turning Production Practice车工生产实习

1.Introducing PDCA Cycle to Promote Teaching ofTurning Production Practice引入PDCA循环 提高车工生产实习教学质量


1.Introducing PDCA Cycle to Promote Teaching of Turning Production Practice引入PDCA循环 提高车工生产实习教学质量

2."Lathe worker craft"and"Productive practice"Integrated Teaching《车工工艺》与《生产实习》的一体化教学

3.The reform of fitter production practice in technician training school;技工学校钳工生产实习教学改革探讨

4.Exploring New Patterns of Factory Practice Cultivating Students, Practical Capability of Engineering;探索生产实习模式 培养工程实践能力

5.A study of problems and applications in production practice;工科院校生产实习问题的研究与实践

6.Practice and Thoughts about Productive Practice of Electrical Engineering电气工程专业生产实习的实践与思考

7.Initial Steps of Production Practice Innovation in Food Factories食品工厂生产实习教学改革初步实践

8.Existing state and methods exploring on production practical training for university engineering specialty;大学工科生产实习的现状和实习方法的探索

9.Trainee management, assist production manager control process and quality.管理实习生,生产线工艺和品质的跟踪。

10.Improvement of the Production Practice Effects of College Students in Engineering提高工科大学生生产实习效果的探讨

11.On students graduation practice of vehicle engineering discipline;论高校车辆工程专业学生毕业实习工作

12.The Reform of the Productive Practice for Civil Engineering Majors;土木工程专业生产实习教学改革初探

13.Reform Probe on the Productive Practice Teaching Course of Industrial Analysis Discipline;工业分析技术专业生产实习改革探讨

14.Investigation of the teaching for production practice of civil engineering specialty;土木工程专业生产实习教学改革探讨

15.Teaching Research on Production Practice Mobilization Meeting of Pharmaceutical Engineering制药工程生产实习动员会议教学研究

16.Exploration and Practice in Reform of the "Working Practice" Course for Industrial Engineering Major工业工程专业生产实习教学改革的探索与实践

17.Students Initiative in Production Practice for Industrial Engineering Specialty;工业工程专业生产实习中学生主动性的研究

18.The Connection Between the Production Fieldwork and Realization of the Object of Training the Undergraduates Who Major in Engineering;生产实习与实现工科大学生培养目标的关系


Turning Production Practice车工生产实习

1.Introducing PDCA Cycle to Promote Teaching ofTurning Production Practice引入PDCA循环 提高车工生产实习教学质量

3)field work of lather operator车工学习

4)metalworking practice金工实习

1.Elementary discussion on cultivating and training innovative thinking duringmetalworking practice;浅谈创新思维在金工实习中的培养与训练

2.Deepen the teaching reform ofmetalworking practice under the credit system;深化学分制下的金工实习教学改革

3.Application of "diversity teaching method" in teaching ofmetalworking practice;“差异教学法”在金工实习教学中的应用

5)Manufacturing engineering practice金工实习

1.The article stresses the importance and introduces content of manufacturing engineering practice.金工实习的重要性和内容简介,其中主要介绍钳工工艺特点和操作能力指标测评。

6)Metal working practice金工实习

1.In metal working practice, some students fail to take the key from the disk, which may cause hidden trouble.针对金工实习中有的学生未把卡盘钥匙从卡盘上取下,就起动车床而形成的安全隐患。

2.This paper explains that the safety education and awareness to ti must be strengthened for the college students in their metal working practice.阐述了在金工实习过程中 ,对学生加强安全教育 ,培养安全意识 ,提高操作技能 ,可减少设备的损坏 ,扩大知识面 ,保证金工实习教学质量的不断提高 ,并将此作为加强学生素质教育 ,提高工程素质的重要方

3.In metal working practice,some students fail to take off the chuch spanner,which may cause serious accident.针对金工实习中有的学生未把卡盘扳手从卡盘上取下就起动车床而形成的安全隐患,从阻止主电动机启动和阻止离合器结合入手,设计了安全装置,介绍了安全装置的结构和工作原理。


