300字范文 > 岩石锚杆基础 rock bolt foundation英语短句 例句大全

岩石锚杆基础 rock bolt foundation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-14 00:37:22


岩石锚杆基础 rock bolt foundation英语短句 例句大全

岩石锚杆基础,rock bolt foundation

1)rock bolt foundation岩石锚杆基础

1.Researches on pull-out capacity calculating method ofrock bolt foundation岩石锚杆基础抗拔承载力计算方法探究

2.The experiment and application studies ofrock bolt foundation in North China area in indicated that it is feasible to userock bolt foundation in North China s strong weathered rock foundations.在华北地区的岩石锚杆基础试验与应用研究表明,在华北地区典型的强风化岩石地基中,采用岩石锚杆基础是可行的。

3.Based on the experiment study project ofrock bolt foundation in North China and its application in Hun-BaLine and Shang-Chen Line construction, this paper discusses technique ofrock bolt foundation construction in strong and medium weathered rocks, such as granite, gneiss and limestone.岩石锚杆基础是以细石混凝土和锚杆灌注于钻凿成型的岩孔内的锚杆基础。


1.Researches on pull-out capacity calculating method of rock bolt foundation岩石锚杆基础抗拔承载力计算方法探究

2.Issues on Application of Rock Bolt Foundation in North China华北地区应用岩石锚杆基础的几个问题

3.Application of Compressive and Anti-daw Strength for Rock Anchorage Base岩石锚桩基础的承压力与抗拔力之应用

4.Experiment Study on Anchored Bolt Foundation of Large-Jointed Crevice Rock in Transmission Lines of Qingyuan Regions in Guangdong Province广东清远地区输电线路大节理裂隙岩体锚杆基础试验研究

5.The Reinforcement Mechanics of Fully Grouted Rock Bolt in Underground Engineering;地下工程中注浆岩石锚杆锚固机理研究

6.The Study and Application of "Planting-bar" Anti-floating Rock Bolt“植筋式”抗浮岩石锚杆研究与应用

7.The rock anchorage base can be applied on the transmit electricity engineering of middle and heavy weathering area.岩石锚桩基础可应用于中风化、风化的山区输电线路工程。

8.Modeling Experimental Study on Anchoring Capability of New Type of Anchorage Substance in Anti-floating Rock Bolts抗浮岩石锚杆新型锚固剂锚固性能的模型试验研究

9.Study on the Reinforcement Mechanism of Fully Grouted Rock Bolt Considering the Interaction between Bolt and Wallrock Mass全长注浆岩石锚杆与围岩体相互作用下的锚固机理研究

10.The application for injecting slurry anchor pile in rock dissolve foundation treatment注浆锚杆桩在岩溶地基处理中的应用

11.Analyzing and studying factors for determining neutral point position of fully grouted rock bolt全长注浆岩石锚杆中性点影响因素分析研究

12.Studies on the Effects of Rock Bolting and Rock Parameters on the Stress Distribution Around Tunnel;岩石锚杆和岩石参数对隧道周围应力分布的影响研究

13.Tension model test study on grouting bolts of fractured rock mass foundation for transmission lines输电线路裂隙岩体地基锚杆抗拔模型试验研究

14.Identification for bolt-surrounding rock structural system based on wavelet neural network基于小波神经网络的锚杆-围岩结构系统的识别

15.Identification of surrounding rock quality based on dynamic testing technology of integrated anchor基于完整锚杆动测技术的围岩质量识别研究

16.Application of Anchor Static Pressure Pile in Reinforcement of High-rise Building"s Foundation锚杆静压桩在高层建筑基础加固中的应用

17.Research into the Failure Modality and the Pulling Force Resistance of the Rock Anchorage岩锚基础破坏形态与承载力计算的探究

18.The anchor line fouled on a rock.锚索缠在一块岩石上


rockbed design锚岩(岩石锚杆)基础设计

3)rock anchored pile foundation岩石锚桩基础

4)anchored bolt foundation锚杆基础

1.Theanchored bolt foundation hasn\"t been studied and applied in this geological condition.大节理裂隙岩体是广东清远地区输电线路的主要地质条件,对这种地质条件下锚杆基础未有研究与应用先例。

5)rock anchor岩石锚杆

1.The horizontal stiffness coefficient values ofrock anchor under different conditions are obtained through using numerical method to simulate the pullout test of the fully-groutedrock anchor.采用数值方法,模拟全粘结岩石锚杆的拉拔试验,求得不同条件下的岩石锚杆水平刚度系数,最后经曲线拟合和参数分析,推导出岩石锚杆水平刚度系数的计算公式。

2.In the structure design of the people s Stadium of Dalian City, therock anchor foundation is adopted to solve the problem about permanent anti-floating stability in the big size underground construction according to the local conditions.大连市人民体育场结构设计中因地制宜采用岩石锚杆基础 ,较好地解决了大型地下工程永久使用中的抗浮整体稳定问题。

6)rock anchorage bar岩石锚杆

1.By discussing on the differeces of design forrock anchorage bar between in China and abroad,it is concluded that the different designing results from the dissimilarity of detecting means.通过对国内外学者在岩石锚杆设计上存在的差异的探讨 ,认为检测手段的差异是产生认识差异的主要原因 。


岩石锚桩基础岩石锚桩基础rock-anchor pile foundation翼鳝蒸巍揣骗廿瓢为直接建造在鞘上的土业广触下郭以脉受较蒙耀粼翼黝…黑篙蓄粼_一姚- 径。.二-一辉_
