300字范文 > 课堂教学模式 classroom teaching model英语短句 例句大全

课堂教学模式 classroom teaching model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 23:30:47


课堂教学模式 classroom teaching model英语短句 例句大全

课堂教学模式,classroom teaching model

1)classroom teaching model课堂教学模式

1.Based on an analysis of task-centered language teaching and experience-typed teaching concept,we try to set up a task-centered and experience-typed Chineseclassroom teaching model for foreign students so as to promote the reform of Chinese classroom teaching for foreign students.本文简要回顾了对外汉语教学法的发展历程以及国外语言教学思想和教学法对对外汉语教学的影响,在分析任务型语言教学和体验学习理念的基础上,尝试建立以任务为中心的体验式的对外汉语课堂教学模式,以促进对外汉语课堂教学的改革。

2.This paper is about a research onclassroom teaching model based on"integrated study".基于"综合性学习"的课堂教学模式研究,立足于课改和教学实际,以现代教育理论为基础,通过行动研究等方法,初步构建了以"一目标二行为三环节四板块"为形式的"综合性学习"课堂教学新模式,并形成了该模式较为系统的实施策略,取得了较为明显的实效。

3.Due to the limited objective conditions,classroom teaching model will remain the main approach of College English teaching in China at present.大学英语教学的客观条件决定了课堂教学模式仍然是当前主要的教学形式。


1.Mode of Extending Classroom Teaching--Exploration on Method of Classroom Teaching;延展式课堂教学模式——课堂教学法探索

2.The explore of the classroom teaching mode--The discuss of the classroom teaching mode of college;课堂教学模式之探索——论大学英语课堂教学模式

3.A Self-Regulated Model for English Teaching in Primary School;试论小学英语教学自律课堂教学模式

4.B-SLIM Teaching Model and Its Inspiration for College English TeachingB-SLIM课堂教学模式与大学英语教学

5.Research on "Open Classroom Teaching Pattern" of Junior Middle School Mathematics Education;初中数学“开放式”课堂教学模式的研究

6.A Discourse Approach to Senior High-School Classroom Reading Teaching;高中英语阅读课课堂教学模式的构建

7.Some Ideas about Models for Classroom Teaching of Politics for Senior Middle Schools against the Background of the New Curricula;新课程下高中政治课堂教学模式初探

8.New Exploration of Teaching Patterns in German Class--Project-based Class;德语课堂教学模式的新探索——项目课

9.Class Teaching Model Reform of High Vocational Management Courses;高职管理专业课课堂教学模式的改革

10.Improvement of EFL Efficiency by Reforming Classroom Teaching Mode改革课堂教学模式 提高英语教学效率

11.Improvement of EFL Efficiency by Reforming Classroom Teaching Mode;改革课堂教学模式 提高英语教学效率

12.Learning, Creating and Teaching: Probe into the Teaching Mode in DancingClass Task Group of Qiqihaer Infant Normal School;“学、创、教”:幼师舞蹈课堂教学模式探索

13.Web integrated Classroom Teaching --the Practice and Exploration of Hyper classroom Teaching Model;“课堂-网络”的整合——“超课堂教学模式”的实践与探索

14.Building Classroom Teaching Model of Learner Autonomy for Elementary School Language;构建小学语文自主学习课堂教学模式

15.A Study of Classroom Teaching Mode under the Guidance of Reading and Writing Schema;阅读与写作图式的课堂教学模式研究

16.On the Interactive Teaching Mode in College English Teaching;浅议高职英语的互动式课堂教学模式

17.Exploration on the Class-teaching Reformin Primary-based Normal School;“小教大专”课堂教学模式改革的探索

18.The Ordinary University Music Education Classroom Instruction Pattern Searches Analyzes普通高校音乐教育课堂教学模式探析


classroom teaching mode课堂教学模式

1.Reforming classroom teaching,establishing new-typeclassroom teaching mode;改革课堂教学,构建新型课堂教学模式——“主线-问题-渗透”课堂教学模式的研究和实践

2.A Study on Classroom Teaching Modes of Web-based CAI in Senior Middle School English Course;高中英语网络CAI课堂教学模式之研究

3.Inclassroom teaching mode of master’s degree students the cultivating objective is taken as a direction, the knowledge acquisition as a basis,the practical training as a method,the scientific research as a keystone,and the scientific research ability and innovative thinking of master’s degree students are developed on the solid basis of knowledge.硕士研究生课堂教学模式要以培养目标为方向、以知识获得为基础、以实践训练为手段、以科学研究为重点,在扎实的基础知识上培养硕士研究生的科研能力和创新性思维的教学行为范型。

3)classroom teaching pattern课堂教学模式

1.Based on the educational programs of civil engineering major as well as the characteristics of its students,this paper researches into the teaching of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology from the aspects of teaching content,classroom teaching pattern,and teaching practice methods.根据土木工程专业培养方案和学生特点,从教学内容、课堂教学模式、实践教学方式等方面对《工程地质及水文地质》课程的教学进行了探讨,并把探讨结果运用于教学实践。

2.The research of constructing the new-styleclassroom teaching patterns under the network environment has been the hot issue recent years.构建在网络环境下新型的课堂教学模式的研究一直是近几年的热点问题。

3.This paper talks about related problems withclassroom teaching pattern of goal teaching approach in vocational education.本文对职业教育目标教学法的课堂教学模式的相关问题加以论述。

4)teaching mode课堂教学模式

1.Geography Creative Teaching Mode in Middle School;中学地理创新型课堂教学模式

2.Theteaching mode of English writing class guided by the theory of constructivism includes four aspects: 1) emphasizing the study of students in actual situation can bring a certain meaning to new knowledge by combination of writing & translation, reading, reciting & imitated writing; 2) The initiative of study can be reflected by associating autonomous proposition with reading & writin.在建构主义理论指导下的英语写作课堂教学模式包括四个方面:(1)写译结合以及阅读、背诵和模仿写作相结合,强调学生在实际情境下学习,从而赋予新知识某种意义。

3.The paper expatiated the development, characteristic and cause of the university physicalteaching mode, and analysed the advantage and the shortcoming ofteaching mode in China and then the good thought should be kept ,the shortcoming should be changed.本文从中西大学物理课堂教学模式的演进、特点及成因等方面进行阐述,分析我国大学物理课堂教学模式的优势和不足,优势当然要继续保持,而不足则要改进。

5)class-teaching model课堂教学模式

6)Hyper classroom Teaching Model超课堂教学模式


