300字范文 > 中药专业 Traditional Chinese Medicine英语短句 例句大全

中药专业 Traditional Chinese Medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-08 22:40:45


中药专业 Traditional Chinese Medicine英语短句 例句大全

中药专业,Traditional Chinese Medicine

1)Traditional Chinese Medicine中药专业

1.Investigation of the Learning Demands of the Graduates ofTraditional Chinese Medicine;中药专业毕业生学习需求情况调查

2.The Application of Discussion and Opening Teaching Method inTraditional Chinese Medicine Teaching;讨论开放式教学法在中药专业教学中的应用

3.Reformation and Research of Practice Teaching forTraditional Chinese Medicine;中药专业实践教学改革与探索


1.Pharmaceutical Botany is a science of studying medicinal plants.药用植物学》是中药专业的专业基础课,是一门实践性较强的学科。

2.Exploration and Practice of Combination of Industry-Teaching-Research at Vacational Colleges高职高专中药专业产学研结合探索与实践

3.A discussion of medical microbiology teaching reform of Chinese pharmacy specialty;中药专业医学微生物学教学改革探讨

4.An analysis together with countermeasures to the job hunting investigation of the Chinese pharmacy graduates in the School of Chinese Pharmacy;药学院中药专业毕业生就业意向调查分析及对策

5.Investigation with analysis to employment obtaining situations among graduates of Chinese pharmacy program;本科中药专业就业情况用人单位调查分析

6.Disscussion on Teaching Methods of Drug Synthetic Reactions for Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutical Engineering Speciality;中药制药专业《药物合成反应》教学方法探讨

7.Marketing,Specialization and Industrial Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine;市场化、专业化与中药材产业的发展

8.Experiences and Measures of Promoting the Characteristic Construction of Professional Disciplines in Pharmacy Specialty药学专业在推进特色专业点项目建设中的举措

9.Quality Investigation of Chinese Crud Drugs in Special Markets in China中药材专业市场部分中药材质量状况研究

10.On Drug Advertisements in Pharmaceutical Journals;药学专业期刊中药品广告存在的问题及讨论

11.Opinion on pharmacokinetics teaching of pharmacology for different undergraduate majors不同本科专业药理学中“药代动力学”教学之我见

12.Probe into the Course Arrangement of Pharmaceutical Engineering among Chinese Medicine Universities中医药院校制药工程专业课程设置探讨

13.The Teaching of the Medicinal Chemsitry Course for Bio-pharmaceutical Specialty生物制药专业课程中的药物化学教学的探讨

14.SSL-PBL Teaching Method in the Practical Medicine Training of Chinese TechnologySSL-PBL教学法在中药制药技术专业实训的应用

15.Special Infiltration of Organic Chemistry Teaching in Medicine Subject;浅谈药学专业有机化学教学中的专题渗透

16.Implementing Project of Industrialization of Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine and enhancing Capabilities of TCM innovation so As to promote healthy development of TCM industry;实施现代中药产业化专项 提高中药创新能力 促进产业健康发展

17.Exploration and Practice of Establishing Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialty in Local Higher Agricultural College;高等农业院校增设中药学专业的探索与实践

18.Exploration and Experience of Establishing Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialty in He"nan Agricultural University河南农业大学开设中药学专业的探索与体会


Chinese pharmacy specialty中药专业

1.A discussion of medical microbiology teaching reform ofChinese pharmacy specialty;中药专业医学微生物学教学改革探讨

3)Chinese pharmacy中药专业

1.Investigation and analysis to employment obtaining situations of undergraduates ofChinese pharmacy;本科中药专业就业情况调查分析

4)Chinese pharmacy major中药专业

1.Strengthening the experiment course construction of natural medicinal chemistry forChinese pharmacy major in the agriculture colleges;加强农业院校中药专业天然药物化学实验课程建设

5)Chinese pharmacy program中药专业

1.Investigation with analysis to employment obtaining situations among graduates ofChinese pharmacy program;本科中药专业就业情况用人单位调查分析

6)Traditional Chinese Medicine中药学专业

1.Approaches to Reform the Course and Teaching Material System Construction inTraditional Chinese Medicine;中药学专业课程与教材体系建设的改革探讨


(二)Radix Platycodi 中药分子式:CAS号:性质:桔梗的干燥根。苦、辛,平。主要含皂苷(远志酸、桔梗皂苷原等),葡萄糖,菠菜甾醇,α-菠菜甾醇-β-D-葡萄糖苷,Δ7-豆甾烯醇,白桦酯醇,菊糖,桔梗聚糖,桔梗酸A、B、C等。具有宣肺,利咽,祛痰,排脓,溶血,降血糖,抑菌等作用。桔梗皂苷有溶血作用,不能用于注射。用于咳嗽痰多,胸闷不畅,咽痛,音哑,肺痈吐脓,疮疡脓成不溃。
